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Unreal Tournament III [PLAYSTATION 3]

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    Originally posted by Malc View Post
    My brother recently got this on PS3 and i'm amazed at the amount of cool mods there are for it; i'll try and get him to download some later tonight.
    Any where you can do offline multiplayer?


      No splitscreen available yet mate, still local LAN or Internet only.


        I've been working on a map for the PC version, and can cook a PS3 version if someone can test it first. I don't want to release it withit getting it tested, as it's a bit intensive on my 8800GTS, so not sure what it'll do to a poor PS3

        PM me if you can help, thanks


          Anyone having problem connecting to UT3 tonight? everytime i try and start multiplayer it says please make sure connected to PSN network, well i know im signed in as i can connect to star wars lego online with no problems and i can access PSN store? Anyone know what the problem could be?


            Here's my map, for PS3 and PC

            DOWNLOAD HERE

            Thanks to John Parry who was great in testing on the PS3, surprising me when he said it actually worked

            Hope you like it. I'm working on a few variants of this with different weather conditions and possibly different item placements.
            Last edited by Matt; 09-04-2008, 16:41.


              Anyone other than John actually play my map?

              Here's the next in the series, HOT:

              DOWNLOAD HOT FOR PS3


                that looks great chain-well done.
                I've been getting into this again so I'll give it a go.


                  Cool, let me know what you think

                  I've been assured both maps run very well on the PS3, which is surprising as they give my PC's 8800GTS a good run.


                    Good map chain!
                    Been having a good mosh around it and I think it's great.I must stress that am by no means a pro at unreal tournament but have had some monstrous wars of attrition on this map!
                    I love the messed up corpse in the tube at the spawn too
                    Had to get the jeep and bez down to their flag up over the ramps and then met that hump at the bottom of the stairs! flipped over jumped out of the car straight up the stairs,grabbed the flag got mullered-good times
                    Found it a bit difficult staying up high kept getting shot to ****,never really worked out for me up there.
                    Where the vehicles spawn the is some boxes and a metal shutter I thought it might be good if that was alternate route up to the flag but it may unbalance the map too much?
                    Anyway fantastic work,it really does look the business and palys really well.
                    well done make some more please.


                      Not sure about more mapping, takes way too much time! Got some cool ideas though, so we'll see Warfare interests me the most right now.

                      The metal shutter area, I know where you mean. I was toying with the idea of letting you get through there, but it would be kind of a side route and a bit too easy to cap. The action is pretty focused, it gets hectic in the centre, and I think it's best to keep people funnelled in that direction.

                      You can definitely get a cap from going up high, though as you say it is tough going. I like to hoverboard jump on the ramp on the half-broken building on the left up the other building, doing a nice 720 while airborne If only you got some kind of speed boost for doing Tony Hawks style tricks! (That may be an interesting mutator...)

                      But my favourite move is taking a Scorpion up the center of the map just as a tank appears at the enemy base. Hit the boost, activate self destruct and ejector seat out of it - as the Scorpion Bulls Eyes the tank, you land in the enemy base on the top level through the windows. That makes me smile everytime

                      Glad you're enjoying the map mate. Thinking of doing a few final tweaks and entering the MSU contest with it.


                        Gonna try that trick with the scorpion hadn't thought of that


                          I once ejected, took out a tank, spun and rocketed the turret on the building to the right, spun back and landed up high. Was very cool

