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Street Fighter Hyper Xbox live

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    Street Fighter Hyper Xbox live


    I'm new (lurked for a while), sorry if there was a thread already I didn't see it.

    I just got on live recently and I'm looking to play people at sf2 hyper in the UK so I can get better speeds.

    Haven't played it for a few years and theres no arcades where I live so I'm not very good right now.

    My live tag is Shazam7000

    I'd love to play anyone, no matter how good

    i'll play, send me a friend request if you like ... I really should get back into practice with this, cos I still have to get that last achievement..



      Thanks for replying, I'll try and message you later.

      I haven't been on live long so just getting used to everything.

      Thanks again (the fastest games I have had were against someone in Scotland)


        You can add me if you want dude, going to get back into this: Lordbarker BK
        Last edited by Escape-To-88; 27-01-2008, 19:14.
        3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


          Thank You for the swift response.

          I will add you most definitely.

          If anyone lives in the Birmingham area I've found an old hyper/turbo cab near me but I need to check it out, would be willing to play on that.


            Escape, it gave me problems trying to add you, with that spelling it said no such username existed.

            I'll try again. It wouldn't let me add peeveen either.

            If poss try and add me Shazam7000 (zeros) or I'll keep trying.

            BTW-some of the online players are dirty as hell, logging out after losing a round, resorting to the old cheap tactics, etc etc. I don't see the point in having a high ranking if you aren't really that good..........
            Last edited by monel; 28-01-2008, 03:27.

