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Mario Kart Wii Time Trial Competition. Round Two. NOW CLOSED

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    My mistake, I musn't have added you correctly, just rectified it.

    2.18 is amazingly fast.


      ive added you r3z just now but ur still a question mark? also added MikeF, Dazzyman (which i sent you my ghost data for both rounds so far) and DavidHollis. Dont kno if you guys have added me coz ur still question marks.

      note:if someone has added me please let me know your code and i will add you too, heres my number again.



        Heh, had three goes on this and just crept under three minutes, not a big bike fan. Yet. Halfhearts, you're just showing properly on my friends list now, can you send me the ghost for the Mario Circuit and this one when you get the chance please. Thanks - Mii name is David, teh ginger with the glasses.

        I added you days ago r3z, though you're still not showing up properly, same with you Alastair
        Last edited by VR46; 18-04-2008, 18:13. Reason: Mii name would help


          Could you kindly send me the 2 ghosts too please halfhearts once I show up properly on your list (Mike is the mii name)


            Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
            Heh, had three goes on this and just crept under three minutes, not a big bike fan.
            I was the same for the first few goes until I got used to the handling of the bike. Slowly started getting the drifts down but there is major room for improvement according to the times so far


              ok sent you the two ghosts David, so hope they get to you let me know if they do MikeF just waiting for you to appear on my wii just added you so soon hopefully then i will send you the ghosts.

              I was trying to break under 1:20 never thought id get it to 1:18 but i think its beatable.

              Im trying to get better with the wheel also :S

              .. think i sent them twice coz didnt think you got them, why on rankings does your time not show up? or anyones for that matter. do i need the ghost data for it to register?
              Last edited by halfhearts; 18-04-2008, 18:47.


                Went back in and deleted all my question marks and just added all the guys who took part in the previous TT thread for now.. looks like halfhearts and DavidHolliss are now confirmed

                Could I get your ghosts too please mate?

                .. Got them, Thanks!
                Last edited by r3z; 18-04-2008, 18:38.


                  Strange, according to my ranking r3z hasn't set a time on either of the 2 tracks so far, suspect it's just taking it's time updating my list

                  I just want to score some points on this round


                    Got both ghosts thanks HH, Mario Circuit one is near perfection, Delfino Square isn't too far off either, well played.

                    Think rankings are as slow updating as the friends lists, pfft.


                      Damn straight they take there time updating. I want to see these ghosts to see where I can improve my times


                        I readded you again R3z as you been down as inactive on mine still so hopefully it should work also added you as well Halfhearts and will check for TT stuff tommorow.


                          2.18 !! 1.18 would just be too good, I can only get under 2:30 at the moment, not really sure how you are managing to get such a good time where do you use the mushrooms and which shortcut do you use?


                            2.34.485 for me, love for the bike isn't growing

                            Hope he doesn't mind me saying, HH goes straight on at the first choice junction (of either left or straight on), doesn't use the jetty shortcut, and 'shrooms down the dirt track cut-through. He is great with every drift, wheelie though. Very very consistent player.


                              Ah I always go left at the junction and use the jetty shortcut lol best change my tactics but as with you I hate the bike more each time I use it!


                                Originally posted by MikeF View Post
                                Strange, according to my ranking r3z hasn't set a time on either of the 2 tracks so far, suspect it's just taking it's time updating my list
                                Am I confirmed on your friend list now? You're still a [?] on mine! The rankings system does seem a bit dodgy.. halfhearts' times came up straight away on mine, but DavidHolliss' are not showing.

                                I had a go against halfhearts' ghost - my route was the same except for turning left at the junction.. however he is much much tighter on the turns and has great timing. Gonna be very hard to beat.

