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Fifa 09 Be a Pro - Teams

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    Fifa 09 Be a Pro - Teams

    Does anyone still play this?

    Myself (AdCook), MadWindy, Jimtendo and BigSeany1979 still play this regularly but none of us have the "play a be a pro match with a full team of 10" achievement.

    We play it for fun, we all love playing, does anyone else still play and want to join our team?

    Gamertags are listed above for the four of us, we play as Man Utd (we experimented but found their natural formation suited us best), I play as any (mainly the defence) with Windy as Left Striker (Rooney), Jim as Ronaldo (Right Winger) and Seany as Giggs (left winger) we've plenty of open slots to play!

    Anyone want in? Chuck me a message on LIVE and I'll send you an invite to the club!

    Here's hoping more people still play it as it's just fantastic online in be a pro

    I'd love to play regular be a pro games so count me in.

    I like playing the middle of the park, Scholesy maybe.


      We tend to use Carrick and Anderson as our midfield as Scholes seems slow, but can change that.

      I think you are already in our team aren't you Myth? If not, I'll send an invite to your hub later tonight!


        I'll give this a go. Not played it as much as you boys having only picked it up a couple of months ago, but im getting more used to ti now after coming from Pro Evo.

        Probably up for playing in midfield or up front. Maybe as Tevez or Berbatov.


          We need a Berbatov/Tevez! But you can play midfield if you want as well. I create a lot of chances but I either score outrageous screamers or miss easy chances, so a good striker to partner Windy would be ace to save my embarrassments when my "any" is up top

          I'll chuck you a friend request and an invite, you need to go to "My Fifa 09" to find the invite, then we just party up, join "Club dressing room" and go nuts

          Had some sickening games last night, Ibrahimovic is broken, 3 players can't tackle him.


            I'd give this a go as i'm getting a bit sick of CoD. Played the 08 version but have recently bought the 09 but haven't played it yet. Assuming the be a pro mode is the same in both versions.

            I'd play anywhere really but found i was better in attack/midfield in Fifa 08.

            Like Marmite tho, i'm from Pro Evo, but since the latest interation is so shocking and Fifa is now pretty damn good i wouldn't mind playing this online.

            ID: Patelvis


              is this like the 10v 10 online mode? i would play too


                Yeah it's the "pick a position" online mode mate, we play it regularly. I think you are also in the club already but will check. Yesteryears, in your profile it says your tag is "SILENT MOUNTIAN" that a typo or is it actually that?

                NemesiS will chuck you a friend request in mo!


                  im silent mountain yeh,

                  i play best in mid or the wings, but im a team player not a ball hog who doesnt pass,so it doesnt matter, im ok up front too


                    I'll play.

                    Eeurgh. FIFA manc fest... second thoughts, jib that


                      I'm a Bolton fan yet I can play as United. We tried out numerous different teams and found that with a formation and jig of the teamsheet we get the best out of United.

                      Anyway...sent an invite to Marmite, will add Silent Moutain and send an invite, Nemisis, it says "cannot find gamertag" when I send you an in-game team invite.


                      Patevlis :
                      FIFA 09
                      Last Played Online: Never

                      Unless you've been online with it, I won't be able to send you a club invite.
                      Last edited by Jebus; 25-05-2009, 16:33.


                        Dude if your ever looking the 10v10 achievement?

                        I can get 10 guys on a team, if you can get 10 guys on your team? and then we see if we can find each other in a search.

                        It's a horrible achievement to get, you need dedicated people who really want the achievement, not people who give up to easy.


                          Ok mate, when we've actually got 10 regulars I'll chuck you a PM or something? A lot people in our club haven't played the game for ages, like most XBOX LIVE games, people move on after a month of playing it.


                            Ok mate. I'm in a proper rllmuk team at the moment, so maybe could arrange a forum duel, Wouldn't have to be 10v10 for that, just whoever turns up.

                            Also I'm in another team that are only really trying for the 10v10 achievement rather than playing - Not much of an achievement whore myself, but I only need this 1 achieve for the orignal Fifa 09 1000g, so might as well get it and stuff.


                              Count me in if you need a reserve please .

