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Beat 'em up night Mancehster

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    Beat 'em up night Mancehster


    less of an online challenge and but physical not physical, if you catch my drift.

    Basically, I organize events/ competitions for the skatepark and we have a massive wall where we show Skate/BMX movie premieres and as I got brought a Neo-Geo X, recently, which made me think it would be sick as hell to put on a gaming night. So I thought about organizing a beat' em up night at work (I work at Central Skatepark) and was wondering if people would be interested in coming down and participating.

    My idea is to use maybe King Of Fighters, you can come as a team/ individual and battle other teams/ individuals to a friendly dual. I want to get away from the internet gaming experience and take it sort back to the 'old skool' where you'd meet at the arcades and battle people there...I lost loads of 50p as a kid, so I wanna try and make money back by opening a can of whoop-ass on someone. : ) I'm gonna sort out a cash prize, nothing massive and try and get some sponsorship so theres prizes to give out. Just try and make it a fun night.

    But before I take the leap, I just want to see if people are keen and up for it. If so and I get a good response, then I will start organizing and let you. It will be held at , Manchester, UK.

    Let me know what you think please, either leave a post of email the park.

    Take it easy y'all


    Sounds good. I'd defo try and make it, both for gaming and a skate, with my boy.


      Only just seen this but wondered if you are still going ahead with the idea? It sounds like a good plan but naturally you have to see if the interest is there first before you put the event on.

      Perhaps you should create a new thread for the event or update to bring people up to speed? I'd be interested for sure, if only to play on a big screen for an afternoon.

