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Persona 4 Ultimate PS3 mini tourney

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    Persona 4 Ultimate PS3 mini tourney

    Going to set up a mini tournament later for Persona 4 Ultimate on PS3 as rooms and options for circulating players are pretty good.

    Depending on the number of participants we can do a best of 10 each for those involved. matches are fairly quick and I'll keep a spearate record of who wins what as we go.

    I'll set it up for 7:00pm this evening (unless there are any last minute changes) under the name of Honeyman House.

    Anyone interested, see you online at the above time.


    Quick update but this mini-tourney will get under way from 7:30pm tonight due to an unforeseeable task popping that I have to do first and will take me beyond the original start.

    SO its still happening, just a little later in the evening. As previously posted, look for the room named Honeyman House when you get to the list of online players.


      A little late but getting this going. Anyone interested, feel free to join and I'll throw an invite your way for some matches.

