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1080 Avalanche: Online Scoreboads

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    Whoa there! Didn't see that coming. Got any helpful hints? Sweet times dude.


      Just the usual really - always ensure you get a fast start, try to opt for the smoothest line as little bumps will lose you considerable time, if you need to jump always hold down A to make as much air as possible, press L when you land as this helps keep up momentum, and basically keep L held down the whole time except when cornering. Also, when in deep snow it's important to jump as much as possible.

      You probably knew all that but there's no secret tactic to getting good times. Also, I'm happy to divulge what route I took on each track as this is easily the most crucial factor.


        Bah, lost one of my times did I? Not really been arsed playing this recently, so haven't posted. Maybe I'll go back to it today and attempt a few times.


          Great times Pikman. Will be fun trying to match some of them.


            So it begins.....

            Angel Light (Tree Top Trauma) - 1'03"94- Haywood/Freezero - Earl
            Ride Easy Railways (Trestle Trouble) - 1'24"87- Haywood/Freezero - Earl

            Easy Life (Revolution Cliff) - 1'08"40- Haywood/Freezero - Earl


              God damn!! I still haven't beaten some of Earl's original times yet, but now it's getting kerrazy


                Yeah I wasn't expecting these great times from Pikman out of the blue. Haven't played much in the past few days so it was nice going back to it. Although I have Majora's Mask coming next week so I'll be away for a while.

                I think you made a mistake with Revolution Cliff ,Marklar. The 1'08"40 is mine. All mine.

                Aspen Lake Dam (Rotted Ridge) - 1'04"23 - Haywood/Freezero - Earl
                Ride Easy Railways (Diesal Disaster) - 1'12"81- Haywood/Freezero - Earl
                Frozen Melee (Sick With It) - 1'29"98 - Haywood/Freezero - Earl


                Easy Life (Evolution Riff) - 1'08"80 - Haywood/Freezero - Earl
                Angel Light (Sid's Night Midi) - 1'33"42 - Haywood/Freezero - Earl


                  Bloody hell Earl , it didn't take you long to eclipse most of my times.

                  I'll put another couple of hours in tonight and see if I can step up to the challenge.


                    Come on you two (Earl & Pikmin) give the rest of us a chance


                      Ay up!

                      People still playing?

                      Enter The Cold (Ski School) - 0'49"26 - Cooky

                      Half-Pipe; 159300; Cooky
                      Terrain Park; 194572; Cooky




                          NOOoooo! I wasn't playing, but I might put some time in now I've been shot off the board


                            I looked at this forum a few weeks back when a mate told me about it. Thought you guys times were god-like then. Now I've unlocked the decent boards and my times are closing in. Just need to put in the time to learn every bump n turn now.... if only we had that much spare time

                            Oh yer, most people stick down the character they use to get a time, I forgot.

                            I used Akari to get that time (Who'd have guessed that ay)


                              Welcome to NTSC-uk then! Who told you about us? And don't forget to check out the website for reviews and features.


                                Originally posted by Cooky
                                I used Akari to get that time (Who'd have guessed that ay)
                                Actually, I reckon she can be faster overall than Haywood - her acceleration is second to none and with the proper board (Badcat, yeah?? Don't remember), her speed matches so.... gah, it's gonna take me a week of playing just to get back into it

