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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by Bayan
    Me And My Traveling Building On The Ship In Carpenter's Landing
    Rather nice of him to provide a light for you to see what's around you.

    EDIT: My current appearance:

    For once, I look cool wearing WAR armour
    Last edited by Vanicent; 13-10-2004, 21:24.


      Ok, this is interesting. I've had a recent reply regarding CoP from VG+:

      When we marked your parcel shipped we received an email from you stating you didn't order the game and the address that it was being sent to wasn't yours. So we managed to stop the shipment of the item in time and refund the payment. We than cancelled the order that's why there is no record of it. I just don't understand why you are emailing me asking where your order is when you were the one that emailed me and said you never placed it. Anyway the credit card on file has been refunded and the order was cancelled. Thanks
      I sent no such email, so that's definately unexpected. Guess I need to reorder it. ft:


        Don't you think he'd get it that something screwy is going if you are chasing up an order that you supposedly 'cancelled' ?_?


          I'd be asking for a copy of that e-mail if I were you, it's either a lie or something you need to investigate.


            Was thinking exactly the same thing on the way to work this morning as was gonna post but Darwock beat me to it.


              This is exactly why I ordered from Gamestop, they are the most reliable place, you can track your order and you know if you contact them they wont mess you around.

              I have ordered from import madness - good most the time buut customer service was awful, they totally ignored my emails asking to cancel an order and sent it anyway about a week and a half after asking to cancel.

              I also ordered from DVDBO and an item was out of stock, a year later they still had not got it in stock, why list products if your not going to re-stock them.

              Alot of these online shops are really rubbish, poor customer service.


                I'll definately be investigating it.

                I would have emailled them this morning, asking for that email, but I didn't have time.

                So, once I know that the card is either not charged, or refunded, I'll order it from

                /em removes VG+ from (short) list of import sites.

                Originally posted by mikewl
                Alot of these online shops are really rubbish, poor customer service.
                I only seem to have problems with online shops when I use a foreign one. Anytime I've ordered from Amazon UK/ etc, I've never encountered bad customer service.

                EDIT: Ok, I've sent an email to VG+ now, asking to (a) see the email I supposedly sent to them asking to cancel the order, and (b) thank them for looking into it in the first place.

                Hopefully, I'll get a favourable response...
                Last edited by Vanicent; 14-10-2004, 14:06.


                  Got back to Bastok last night, now at Level 15. Will probably be hanging round there buying and selling at the AH and doing some more of the quests. It would be cool to have some fun in Korroloka Tunnel if Darwock, Siege or anyone else is interested. Will be online from 10pm ish so if anyone fancies it in the next day or two give me a shout...


                    I had a totally different party experience last night.

                    Me and another BST both lvl 25 went to Sauramugue (spelling ><) and fought Beetles.

                    It was quite good fun and partying with another BST showed me some new methods to using the job.

                    I got to say BST is a very hard job to level but its allowing me to go to areas I never really spent much time in before, areas that you only used to pass through on a chocobo etc.


                      I was having a right moan about that last night actually, in a party where they were discussing various jobs. Similar to my rant on here in fact - nobody is ever willing to try different combinations, it's like there's some stupid law that experimentation is not allowed - whether it's levelling in a new area or having a Beastmaster in the group. I had a very succesful party once with a BST - however when trying to get a new member to replace someone who left, two of the people that joined left immediately when they saw we had a BST!! FFS! The best option is not always available but parties can still work regardless. Only nobody ever gives it a try (not that nobody out there is open-minded, but one or two anal whingers in the mix and it all falls apart.)

                      Talizker, I've totally failed to get my summoner up to 15 (still at 11) but my rdm is just on the verge of 17. If Siege is around we can try Korroloka, even if it doesn't work it's right in town anyway so no big deal.


                        Originally posted by Darwock
                        I'd be asking for a copy of that e-mail if I were you, it's either a lie or something you need to investigate.
                        Ok, I emailled them, and asked for a copy of that email, and the reply doesn't look very encouraging to me:


                        I will see if the email has been stored in our sent folders or in our records and will email it to you if we staill have it Thanks.
                        Maybe it's just me being my (often) pessimistic self...


                          At a guess I'd say they sent your shipping confirmation to the wrong person, who then said they never ordered it and that wasn't their address, and they cancelled it without verifying anything.


                            Originally posted by Darwock
                            I was having a right moan about that last night actually, in a party where they were discussing various jobs. Similar to my rant on here in fact - nobody is ever willing to try different combinations, it's like there's some stupid law that experimentation is not allowed - whether it's levelling in a new area or having a Beastmaster in the group. I had a very succesful party once with a BST - however when trying to get a new member to replace someone who left, two of the people that joined left immediately when they saw we had a BST!! FFS! The best option is not always available but parties can still work regardless. Only nobody ever gives it a try (not that nobody out there is open-minded, but one or two anal whingers in the mix and it all falls apart.)

                            Talizker, I've totally failed to get my summoner up to 15 (still at 11) but my rdm is just on the verge of 17. If Siege is around we can try Korroloka, even if it doesn't work it's right in town anyway so no big deal.
                            Thats very true dude, to alot of players the main thing is the exp not the fun of playing.

                            For me trying out new party combinations can be fun, I dont really care if it pulls in less exp per hour as long as im enjoying it.

                            I would really want to try some new party combinations.

                            How great would it be to all start a new job, say DRK and party with all of us being the same job, it might not work too well but it could be fun to try.

                            Also with BST I dont think its a bad job compared to say WAR in a party, its not as good sure but its not that bad, I know I can do more damage than at my lvl with BST than alot of other WAR who have lower combat skills and worse equip/armour.


                              Originally posted by Darwock
                              At a guess I'd say they sent your shipping confirmation to the wrong person, who then said they never ordered it and that wasn't their address, and they cancelled it without verifying anything.
                              Very possibly.

                              Although, I did get a shipping confirmation, and it was my order number...

                              Maybe they sent my confirmation out to two people, me and someone else, and the someone else did as you suggested?

                              If that's the case, and they did cancel without verifying it, then they're a bit stupid, imho.
                              Last edited by Vanicent; 14-10-2004, 15:36.


                                Darwock I agree completely about what you say regarding the BST class. This problem especially has come about due to the godawful 'official' strategy guide that practically every player seems to treat as the Vana'Diel bible when it actually is a piece of ****.

                                Basically the guide mentions something about how having a BST in your PT will reduce the amount of EXP that you receive per kill. This is plain INCORRECT information. Only the BST player themselves will suffer any EXP loss and again the level of the fiend that is charmed will influence this to some degree to.

                                However, try to explain this to the majority of players the response will often be along the lines of:

                                "STfU u gay, its in the book, BST r teh suck. u r such a noob u fag"

                                It is a problem with the game somewhat that people are so unprepared to think outside of the accepted norms, and the problem of this in many cases is that people have such narrow concepts of what is and isn't possible and many of this comes from then being unwilling to stray from the ****ty guide.

                                Did you know that (according to the guide) the WAR sub is only suitable as a subjob? What a sack of crap

