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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    That was a nice run indeed rarehero, now that we know the long and short of it, i'm definately up for trying this again. It also left us with enough time to assemble a party and get some exp (not without some problems however)

    We entered Sanctuary of Zitah only to have our 56 WAR and Mahl killed by Aquarius (NM Crab) after a raise and a travel back from HP we got started, we had a bard so I had to be conservative with mp (pretty tough, considering the WAR had Enmity+4 AF as opposed to my Enmity+2) Worked out pretty well in the end, we gained quite some EXP when the war had to go and we ended up getting two replacements, our new BLM wasn't the best ever and it took a while to set up and get the freeze chain/mb working properly. In the end Tobal is not pretty close to 55 whilst myself and mahlory have about 5-6k left to go... then another 20k and we'll have Wedge ^^

    We won't be online tonight, we're going to see Shichiseikai ( a group of buddhist monks from japan (not kung fu, just chanting and ringing bells : ) hopefully hit 55 sometime this week then it's Farm time.


      Seeing as we are quite behind Tobal now, maybe it would be a good idea if me and Mihki joined another party just to gain 4-5k exp and then make up a **** excuse and leave? It would be good if we were closer together in terms of exp.

      On the other hand with such big chasms of exp to cross (ie 20k from 55-56) being 5-6k apart may not seem like such a big gap anymore as we will never be more than 1 level apart (assuming the gap doesn't widen).


        As a mark of respect at reaching the one year mark, I have decided to repost and analyze my first post in this thread.

        had mine on order from DVDBox Office for a while now, along with a mate of mine, and I really can't wait.
        It is true, me and Vanicent (the aforementioned mate) really were looking forward to this, and it still makes me laugh that despite him placing his order well before mine, my copy arrived first. Ain't life grand. However, on the whole DVDBO were, without doubt, quite ass as you will see I didn't get in game until about 2 weeks after the early adopters we have.

        I really look forward to see how Square's creation will fare when taken into the realm of online gameplay.
        What a bunch of pretentious cock! I apologise for that sentence >_<

        Should be massive.
        Hey, I got one thing correct at least ^_^.

        I know what name I want to use (just as long as someone doesn't beat me to it)
        I did get my name and to this day, no other Rarehero exists on any server.

        but haven't decided which character class to have. Possibly Red Mage is they are available.
        lmao, my RDM has never even been selected, let alone leveled. It hasn't even been used as a ghetto warp.

        Also, anyone know if you need to register an American Postal address when you sign up? Seem to remember that was an issue on the Japanese version.
        Says something when this was my biggest concern with the game

        Wasn't that fun? However, I will spare myself the embarassment of reposting the messages where I 'didn't need a subjob', was proud of my THF/BLM and was excited about leveling NIN/THF (man, was I a n00b or what?)


          Originally posted by Tobal
          Found the grave after all that sodding time spent dying the company of pissing goblins and grave bats inthe second cave AARGGGHHH!

          I did the cut scene and waited for a bat to respawn(spent 5 mins bowing,waving and dancing with a japanese player), killed it, got a batwing item and took it to the guard and he said it didn't want it now i have no clue what proof i need, maybe a bat fang???

          i'm gonna head back for abit at least to 2am as i got all day tomorrow off .

          hehe, my first post not relating to buying the game..... ahhhh so,so clueless back then.

          Mah after our next session when i hope all of us hopefully hit lvl 55, u can feel free to get that 5-6k margin closed i just want to be able to wear master gi and lighting bow and when i do get it my new R.K helmet.


            This game has totally made me lose interest in all other big releases, I just know there is no time for them - must level up more and more and more and more and more
            And it has maintained that for a year and quite possibly more so now than ever.


              Originally posted by Adam
              If anyone wants the game straight away I suggest you check your local cex. Got mine on Saturday for ?49.99. No probs signing up

              It's real cool, I like this game alot, been messing around on it for the whole weekend and I still feel like I know nothing. Only prob I've had is using the numpad to move about, I have big hands so it's a right git when you need to do something quick, gonna have to buy a PS2 joypad adapter thing. I got on Odin server with my Elvaan thief
              My first post^^

              I've since bought said joypad converter and haven't used any other method of control since. Most of you already know I played on another server, then switched over cause they were all nob heads

              Elvaan theif heh, I remember that. I had it in my mind that THF is my best class in all MMORPG, it just seemed that I enjoyed them over the other stereotypical classes. I chose Elvaan thinking I would be all agile and stuff like Legolas and that would help my theifing skills His name was Pesmerga and I think I deleted him at level 10 and started a hume which hit my highest level in any job to date


                Me and Wedge went into Oldton Movalpolos yesterday. Most of the moblins were Too Weak To Be Worthwhile so we weren't careful about where we were running so when we ran into the middle of 4 Easy Prey Moblins and got aggroed it caught us somewhat by surprise.

                Was rather hectic but the combination of me blink-tanking, and Wedge using Horde Lullaby wepulled through it although our health got dangerously low on occasion. We even got a Treasure Chest key out of it which fell to me.

                I went back into the mines this morning with the key and was able to find the Treasure Chest. popped it open and received a map of Oldton Movalpolos.

                Which was nice!

                Also, I was able to grab another Tonberry Rattle last night so hopefully we can do the NM battle again. I was thinking tommorrow night?


                  Since most of us have now had this game for a year, I'm curious to see who is the biggest fan of the game. So, could everyone please post either the total playtime of all of their characters, or just the playtime of your main character if the others are mules.

                  I'll start:

                  Vanicent (Main character): 26 days, 12 hours, 28 minutes.
                  Makosato (Secondary character): 7 hours, 36 minutes.

                  Feel free to post your playtime(s) even if you've not had the game for a year. I suspect most people will have at least 21 days playtime regardless of when they started playing.


                    52 days, a about 5 day's on my over 2 mules, i was really packing the hours in before i got a dayjob. I can't believe i spent 57/362 days in that game, im sure its even more for rare,wedge and bayan...


                      Originally posted by Tobal
                      52 days, a about 5 day's on my over 2 mules, i was really packing the hours in before i got a dayjob. I can't believe i spent 57/362 days in that game, im sure its even more for rare,wedge and bayan...
                      Just over 60 days for my main character, others are just mules.

                      It does seem a crazy amount of time, but like I say to people your not doing stuff all the time your on it, alot of the time i just have it on waiting for something to do.


                        Mah, mih we gonna try and all hit lvl 55 to night if not i stay in dunes and finish my ranger off.


                          Originally posted by Vanicent
                          I suspect most people will have at least 21 days playtime regardless of when they started playing.
                          20 days, 5 hours, 13 minutes and 19 seconds...

                          no wait - 32 seconds, lol


                            Not a bad guess with 21 days then.


                              Hi guys, I don't post here often as I play on Garuda but I do browse this thread everyday so I hope I'm not intruding by asking a question

                              I've ordered a new PC for Half Life2 so I'm going to switch from playing on my PS2 to the PC for the nice graphics, my question is can I install the European release of the game on the PC and access my character or do I need to order the US version?

                              I know all character information is stored online so I can switch from PS2 to PC no problem but I remember reading that you couldn't install a Euro CoP expansion on a US FFxi and I was wondering if a full Euro install would work

                              It would be great if it did because I could trade some old games into Game and not have to splash out any cash for the PC version. If anyone knows the answer that would be great as if I have to order the US version I'd like to do it soon so I have it when the PC arrives



                                Originally posted by Irons
                                Hi guys, I don't post here often as I play on Garuda but I do browse this thread everyday so I hope I'm not intruding by asking a question

                                I've ordered a new PC for Half Life2 so I'm going to switch from playing on my PS2 to the PC for the nice graphics, my question is can I install the European release of the game on the PC and access my character or do I need to order the US version?

                                I know all character information is stored online so I can switch from PS2 to PC no problem but I remember reading that you couldn't install a Euro CoP expansion on a US FFxi and I was wondering if a full Euro install would work

                                It would be great if it did because I could trade some old games into Game and not have to splash out any cash for the PC version. If anyone knows the answer that would be great as if I have to order the US version I'd like to do it soon so I have it when the PC arrives

                                Not a 100% helpful answer but I would imagine it will work just fine. The software doesn't seem to be related directly to the Playonline account so asuming all the software is from the same region I see no reason why you can't install and register the Euro components and then logon to your existing Playonline account...

