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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    lvl 30 war(close to 31) and lvl 25 thf, so i don't think i can.

    But i wanna get get my rng to 30(17) and ninja to 20(14) so i can use the ninja sub to get my war/thf/rng to lv37 ^^; big plans.....


      anyways, who's picking up EQ2 on friday? I'm gonna give it a go so might be out of game for a bit depending on how good it is.


        I'm going to be giving EQ2 a go I think. Not sure if I should go for the collector's edition tho,as that would probably involve a customs tax like the last time I ordered a collector's edition


          the CE is available on for an extra ?5, but I'm hoping to pick it up from the shops, maybe GAME will have it. Runnyeye is designated as a UK prefered server so maybe we can get together on there

          Chocobo's are yellow.


            Something made me smile this morning.

            Another Bat Cape appeared on the AH yesterday and once again trying to pay 600k (as per the price history) wasn?t working meaning that the seller, noticing that his was the only one for sale, was obviously trying to push up the price further. I had enough money to go up to 650k but decided to wait it out and not buy just yet.

            This can be a risky decision. I?ve attempted it in the past, and always find other players willing to pay the increased price, and I end up paying the increased price anyway >_<

            This time was different ^_^

            A check the AH this morning and another Bat Cape is for sale. I try various increments between 550k ? 590k and don?t get the item. I try 600k and cross my fingers.

            ?You buy the Bat Cape for 600000 gil?

            I was so happy, the 2 weeks of farming have paid off, and the seller who tried to get extra gil for his item and missed out on a sale. I truly hope that other players boycott this player?s Bat Cape and wait for the ability to buy one for 600k.

            Did a check and with the Bat Cape my evasion is now at +31 (+41 at nighttime). However, will lose +3 at level 58 when I swap my Shinobi Gi +1 for the Ninja Chainmail and I also plan to get a Lifebelt to replace my Survival Belt which will cost me a further +5. Hard decisions.


              It would probably only cost the seller about 300g to relist the Bat Cape if it doesn't sell, there's not much to loose really except for time and anyone who needs the gil quickly would most likely not price it too much higher than the going rate^^

              I'm selling most of Listers mage gear in an attempt to gather 600k for the silly emperors hairpin, I've lost interest in camping NMs anymore. So far gathered 315k with a few pieces of equip left to list on AH. I've undercut everything in the price history for most items /evil. Rare item prices are proper out of proportion with everything else, it's mental. The things we do for 1 item >.<


                Originally posted by Daragon
                I'm going to be giving EQ2 a go I think. Not sure if I should go for the collector's edition tho,as that would probably involve a customs tax like the last time I ordered a collector's edition
                Seriously I do think EQ2 would be awsome with a high end system, better than FFXI, who knows, it didnt seem it early on but most of what I played was real early stuff introducing you to things in the game.

                I did get to try out a party in the game and the battle system takes some adjusting to.

                If it wasnt for the poor frame rates in the citys I would have put more time into it, you gotta like the theme tune for it, awsome stuff.


                  Thought I would give an update for Mihki, Mahl and Tobal for the static party.

                  I just have a few requirements to complete before im ready to go.

                  I really need to do some BCNM 40 before I start lvling again, this should fund my new Sword and Dagger and also +1 Corsette and +1 Jester Cape's then if I do say so myself I will have rather excellent Bard equipment.

                  I check other Bards around my lvl quite alot and compare equipment and I must say its rare for anyone to have better than what I have, only the few that have tons of gil and can afford two 400k earrings etc have better.

                  Having had a month or so of not lvling I have had time to get my equip quite upto date, also im only about 4.8k into the lvl and my Singing, String and Wind magic skills are all capped, this is from the amount of skill ups for coffer keys I have been doing lately.


                    Hehe, Wedge I tell you man, once you hit that point where you feel your gear is exactly what you want to be, it feels good.

                    I hit this stage just this morning when I bought my Royal Knight?s Belt+2 to complete my equipment set.

                    I know feel I have everything that I said I wanted (and more actually) 3-4 months ago when I hit level 50 and did a massive overhaul of my equipment needs (looking back, some of my equipment was truly awful). I felt good to make that final purchase and know that (for a while at least) I no longer have to spend a week or more making gil before I can level again.

                    There are still some things that I may like to purchase but these are ?alternate? equips that will be used for special situations. A Melody Earring to swap for my Dodge Earring for when I PT with a BRD, a Lifebelt (I plan to have 3 belts, Lifebelt, Survival Belt and Royal Knight?s Belt+2, and swap between them depending on the situation) and maybe the Ochiudo?s Kote for when I need to dish out more damage.

                    Just need to get back to levelling now. Got a PT last night but the EXP wasn?t that fast so with about 1.5 ? 2 hours levelling I only picked up 4k towards 57. Hopefully will get more EXP tonight and maybe (maybe ^^) 58 by the weekend.

                    Ninja Chainmail baby!!!11!!11!


                      the only must have gear for the next 5 lvls is spike earrings(lucky very cheap at 35k a pop), but in a perfect world i would get the emp.hairpin and Leaping boots to perfect it. but sod that that could million towards the haubie ^^

                      i would like to bcnm to i have 238 seal dying to be used but im not sure if i should hold on to them untill bcnm60 where i've bee told the better money is.. if i can get 1million from that, crafting and farm, i'll selling both snipers and slowly get the money back to buy them, or plan B is shogun riceballs + af kotes, in exchange for my O.kotes + Kabobmeat and master gi and very other peice of low lvl equipment i have (bone,beetle,chain and cent.armor).....

                      doing that will give

                      Rice Ball + AF Kote

                      Tonosama Rice Ball
                      +45 attack +32 defense, +15 hp, +3 DEX, +3VIT, +3CHR, +1 double attack, +2 healing hp,30 minutes

                      Shogun Rice Balls for the special occasions
                      +45 attack +32 defense, +30 hp, +4 DEX, +4VIT, +4CHR, +8 double attack
                      +9 healing hp

                      Naval Rice Ball for crabs..
                      12 hp, DEX+3, VIT+3, +45 attack, +31Def, healing hp+1, Aquan Killer
                      1 1/2hour


                        Hopefully my Auctions have sold today.

                        There is a new Sword I really wanna pick up, cant remember its name but its got some nice stats, costs about 55k, not too bad.

                        Oh and I was reading on another Forum about BCNM 60, how some managed to make over 2 million gil doing it.

                        We need to find out more about it, we are only a few lvls away, I am willing to save my seals to give it a go.


                          I'm Not Strapped For Gil Atm But I Sense I Will Be After A Few More Levels
                          And My Next Purchase Is 890k [Amemit Mantle +1] Then I Am Equip Purchase
                          Free Untill Level 70. Ammo Is Gonna Use All My Gil But I Have 120 Seals Rdy!
                          So Lemme Know I'm Game For Either ^^


                            Help Please!

                            Sorry to post this in here but no body has replied in Q&A. I really need some help. I was running FFXI on my USA PS2 when someone knocked it off the side. Now it's broken. I need to get back on FFXI. Can I just stick the HDD in a PAL PS2 or is it all region coded?

                            NEED TO GET BACK TO WINDHURST!!!!!!!!!!

                            If you have an answer please PM me rather than add to this thread with my problem.
                            Last edited by connect; 12-11-2004, 00:25.


                              Well that was annoying.

                              Headed to Davoi to get two Coffer Keys and do my Brd AF3, had an alliance and all seemed like it was going to go well.

                              We right near where my NM was and it was decided that we would finish getting the last coffer key first, at this point I just knew what was going to happen, an hour or so goes by without the key drop, now we get the "I got to go guys" suddenly a strong alliance is now a few members short.

                              We finally get the second key drop and its agreed its time for my AF3, then its decided its too hard to do with the current alliance.

                              So still no luck, but if we had done my AF3 first when we had an alliance strong enough it probably would have been ok, always happens I knew some would end up dropping out and we would not be able to do it.

                              Saying this some of the people in the party were nice about it saying they would help another time when we are more prepared.

                              Also I died once and am now only about 2.4k into lvl 56, at one point I was over 8k into the lvl /sigh.

                              I guess at least I know where to go.

                              The main prob was this Orc Warlord HNM that spawns right near where I fight my AF3 NM, I think its harder than my NM fight, its around lvl 72 I think.


                                Back from my weeks holiday and ready to get back to FFXI. I'll be making my first trip to Jeuno either tonight or tomorrow night and I believe there are two ways to get there (via Jugner Forest or Pashhow Marshlands?). I'm hoping to get my RDM up to 20 before I go (currently 19) which will give me Sneak (no idea if it's any use for this journey!).

                                Is one route easier / safer than the other or does it not really matter? Any advise for a first time traveller?

                                Glad to hear everyone has had a good week after last weekend fun... Mihki, Mahl - hope you had a great time in Barcelona. Probably a little dryer / warmer than the Lake District

                                Catch you later.

