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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by talizker
    Back from my weeks holiday and ready to get back to FFXI. I'll be making my first trip to Jeuno either tonight or tomorrow night and I believe there are two ways to get there (via Jugner Forest or Pashhow Marshlands?). I'm hoping to get my RDM up to 20 before I go (currently 19) which will give me Sneak (no idea if it's any use for this journey!).

    Is one route easier / safer than the other or does it not really matter? Any advise for a first time traveller?

    Glad to hear everyone has had a good week after last weekend fun... Mihki, Mahl - hope you had a great time in Barcelona. Probably a little dryer / warmer than the Lake District

    Catch you later.
    I went this route

    Tahrongi>Meriphataud Mountains>Sauromgne Campaign

    Not that bad at all, watch for the blue dinos though


      I went through La Theine and on to Jugner Forest, then Battalia Downs. I only made it through Battalia thanks to a lvl 30 Galka who sacrificed himself to keep a goblin smithy off our backs. I think it's tough whichever way you go - just give every monster a wide berth and take your time.


        Thanks. Sounds like it should be fun... Forgot to mention that I will be travelling from the Bastok / San d'Oria direction so will probably be following the same path as Darwock.

        Is it worth trying to run through as a Level 1 something, meaning I won't loose Exp if I die (asuming I want to avoid all mobs anyway)?


          Right, first post from me in a while.

          Server change went smooth, quite a different place to Seraph with a lot of high levels initially. I haven't levelled WHM in a while, instead been focussing on BLM. My WHM is at 74, and BLM is at 63. I was in a static for a while with Eskeran, Zaknafien and Mantus getting this kind of exp, but we have stopped levelling together now because Zak got a job (he is NA, which means he can't PT with us unless we stay up until 3 am)

          I'll hope to join HiddenPower HNM LS when I get BLM to 70+, I have made friends with a few people from that LS and they said I would probably be able to join. I also finished my Zilart missions up to 14, which means I now have sky access. Probably the best looking area in the game, it is proper beautiful. Won't post any pics because they'll be spoilers, probably ^^.

          FFXI getting kinda boring now. In a sense I've gotten what I wanted out of the game, as Rarehero posted many pages back. I've gotten to the highest level possible (well, almost. 74 is good enough for me ) and playing through on another job is not very appealing. Similarly, sitting for hours on end waiting for HNM to spawn is not too enjoyable either. I guess FFXI end-game is slightly.. how can I put this.. disappointing.

          And also, the 'new' Aegen logged on a few nights ago. We nicknamed him Aegen2 and let him rejoin our LS. He's a nice guy, and had a 68 RNG on Midgardsomr so he knows how to play his job, at least. I came dangerously close to selling my account the other night, but after getting a reply from IGE with a quote of only $150 (rofl at that) I thought I'd be better off hanging on to it. You never know, I might come back in a year's time and pick it up again (though I don't fancy paying a year's subscription fees to keep it going ).

          I might have a look at Everquest 2. Maybe.


            Well its 6am and yet again so much time wasted on my AF3.

            Its so annoying, it takes ages to get an alliance sorted and then getting to Davoi.

            We got all the way to the Orc Warlord and one person stopped right by it, the orc agros and were not even all there yet, by the time everyone is there we have about 4 other orcs linked and everything going crazy.

            We finally got the Orc Warlord down but had lost a few doing so, then the extra links were just too much, gradually we all died.

            This was an alliance of 15 55+ with about 3 lvl 60+ and 2 lvl 70+ and we still all died.

            I have come to the conclusion its not worth trying again, there is better equipment on the AH as you will see from all other Bards, they dont use AF3 in battle.

            A total waste of time.


              Originally posted by ?pint
              Right, first post from me in a while.

              Server change went smooth, quite a different place to Seraph with a lot of high levels initially. I haven't levelled WHM in a while, instead been focussing on BLM. My WHM is at 74, and BLM is at 63. I was in a static for a while with Eskeran, Zaknafien and Mantus getting this kind of exp, but we have stopped levelling together now because Zak got a job (he is NA, which means he can't PT with us unless we stay up until 3 am)

              I'll hope to join HiddenPower HNM LS when I get BLM to 70+, I have made friends with a few people from that LS and they said I would probably be able to join. I also finished my Zilart missions up to 14, which means I now have sky access. Probably the best looking area in the game, it is proper beautiful. Won't post any pics because they'll be spoilers, probably ^^.

              FFXI getting kinda boring now. In a sense I've gotten what I wanted out of the game, as Rarehero posted many pages back. I've gotten to the highest level possible (well, almost. 74 is good enough for me ) and playing through on another job is not very appealing. Similarly, sitting for hours on end waiting for HNM to spawn is not too enjoyable either. I guess FFXI end-game is slightly.. how can I put this.. disappointing.

              And also, the 'new' Aegen logged on a few nights ago. We nicknamed him Aegen2 and let him rejoin our LS. He's a nice guy, and had a 68 RNG on Midgardsomr so he knows how to play his job, at least. I came dangerously close to selling my account the other night, but after getting a reply from IGE with a quote of only $150 (rofl at that) I thought I'd be better off hanging on to it. You never know, I might come back in a year's time and pick it up again (though I don't fancy paying a year's subscription fees to keep it going ).

              I might have a look at Everquest 2. Maybe.
              haha, so hes a bit of alright then huh? well, he seems kinda ok and was very excited in getting the account. i was abit reluctant to give the account number and the password earlier on until everything is verified. but hes so persistent, so i gave it to him just to keep him calm.

              but im happy with my $450...kaaaaaaacchhhhhenggggg!


                Out of interest, where did you sell your account?


                  Originally posted by ?pint
                  Out of interest, where did you sell your account?
                  i listed it in had at least about 3 people interested on the account 1 day after i listed it. make sure you put a price on "Buy it Now" option.


                    Just attempted to solo my AF3 battle for my Ninja Chainmail >_<

                    Spawned the 3 NM Sahagins and proceeded to hotfoot it over to the Den of Rancor zonepoint to shed aggro. Recast Utsusemi: Ni, popped down a Jack-o-Lantern (extra Evasion+10, nice ^^) and went back into the jungle. There was 1 Sahagin left in the tunnel so I pulled him and got to work. Even with Berserk and elemental ninjitsu spells the damage on him wasn't anything spectacular but thanks to having him Blind and Paralyzed I was able to Blink-Tank him effectively.

                    About 10 minutes of battling and and I had him down to half health.

                    Then he used Hundred Fists.

                    I couldn't keep up, the constant strikes shed my shadows in seconds and he criticalled me for 350 DMG. After that I was done for. If I had made it past that move I know I could have had him beat.

                    I will try again.

                    Also, is anyone still interested in trying for Hototogisu after last week's disaster. Obviously I still want the weapon and if people are still willing to help maybe we can try again today sometime. I'm thinking we could maybe keep it uncomplicated by having only a 6 person Party involved.

                    Myself (obviously)
                    Mahlory (healer and Barfira caster)
                    Toxicforce (damage and Treasure Hunter 2)
                    Wedgemoon (keep us all fresh and backup Barfira)
                    Mihki (first voke for SATA and damage)
                    Bayan (Damage and also holder of second Rattle so we can try twice)

                    I think that should do it and 5 of those people are able to cast invisible on themselves therefore reducing the likelihood of last week repeating itself.

                    Let me know what you think.


                      Just discovered that of the 3 NMs that spawn (MNK, WHM and BRD type I believe) I only need to kill the BRD type to complete the quest (which would be much easier).

                      Man, sucks to lose 1.5k EXP for nothing >_<


                        I should be able to help do your thing later on.

                        Its so annoying though, I need to do all my macros again since I got a new system, I had just adjusted them all to perfection the other day too. ft:


                          It was so annoying earlier.

                          When I was on FFXI I just got onto an airship and my new pc decided to break down, completely break down. no display or anything.

                          So back it goes tommorow, hopefully I can have a replacment but in the mean time I guess the old sturdy laptop will have to do.

                          Would anyone wanna go fight that big tree NM monday evening, you have to go through Battalia Downs then through Eldiemme.


                            Btw Rarehero I Noticed You Went Back And Solo'd The BRD Sahagin 8)
                            Congratulations But At 3 am When I Ported Out Of Yhoator Jungle,
                            The Other Two Sahagin Were Still On My Widescan lol!


                              Yeah Bayan mate, after I died on the MNK Sahagin I went back in the knowledge that I only need to kill the BRD one to complete the quest (which does seem kind of a cheat if I?m honest).

                              Had to use a Silent Oil prior to spawning the mobs which keeps me safe from aggro. I then used a Ranged Attack to pick off the BRD and pull him towards the Den of Rancor zone (incredibly the mobs don?t link). The fight took about 15 minutes (I used Berserk 3 times) but thanks to the incredibly strong Ninjitsu Blind and Paralyze the BRD really struggled to hit even my shadows. The BRD 2 hour is nowhere near as deadly as Hundred Fists (I?m still actually none the wiser as to what Soul Voice actually does).

                              Like I said it was a long fight but when he fell and I got 250EXP from the battle, I did feel rather good.

                              I just need to get a further 14k EXP to be able to wear my Ninja Chainmail. Will hopefully EXP tonight and make good progress towards level 58.

                              Had fun yesterday skilling up my Great Katana in Crawler?s Nest. Took it from 120 to 133 in the space of a couple of hours with Mihki and Tobal. It was incredible to watch Mihki take so little damage thanks to his incredible PLD defence and the Earth Staff and Tobal?s eye for a skill chain is impressive (a true SAM and no mistake). Had to laugh when the level 40 EXP party asked us to clear out the Water Elemental and thinking we were uber in our mid 50s went in all gungho, only to be knocked down good and proper (stupid Waterga II).

                              Will definitely be interested in more skill sessions. At my current level my Great Katana will cap at 175 so have another 42 levels left to gain. However, I get the feeling that the monsters we were fighting yesterday may only be good for skill up until about 140.


                                Good stuff all round then. Rare, I don't care if its a bit of a cheat or not, you're probably one of 2 people anywhere who solo'ed their AF3. Respect. Something that will, most guaranteedly NOT happen with my AF3 (2 NM Orcs in the heart of davoi, Anyone?)

                                I got the money together for my lv 55 equip and spells only to find that the Neckpiece I need is now in short supply (because it's a bastokan CP item, and bastok is hardly ever in first place) and the price has gone up severely (from 90k three weeks ago to about 200-250k) I've got about 200k on me atm but I'll need 50-80k more to be sure to be able to get it. It'll last me upto lv 75 so I might as well shell out for it.

                                I've got thursday off so I'll be farming then, that should net me the remaining cash for the IM Gorget. But even before I get that I'll be ready to level again. Tobal dunno if you are good to go or not, but we can try for some exping this week for sure.

                                Rare, I'll definately be up for doing another katana run soon (by the book this time) I'll bring some meat kabobs and sharpen the greatsword if damage is what your after ^^

                                Lastly, if we get around to do some levelling I'm coming up on lv 56 at which point I'll need to retrieve my Gallant Coronet from a Garlaige Coffer. Help for opening the gates would be greatly appreciated.
                                I think the best way to go about it is for me and mahl to go through the second banishing gate, me pop the coffer and then tele out.
                                I'll ask Nyoneme if he can come along as well, so that the other 4, who open the gates can tele/escape to safety after the gates are opened.
                                Thursday evening would be good for me, ill pop request forhelp on the LSmes as well.

