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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I think the game was telling me not to play tonight.

    Crappy connection, ****ty farming then finally getting disconnected whilst on the airship.

    Time for bed


      Just like to say a big thanks to everyone that helped in the 2-3 mission. It went mostly to plan and I look forward to getting the rank tomorrow. Special thanks to Bayan who helped with the Giddeus Chest Key after we finished

      Here's a quick pic of the happy party celebrating victory!


        Originally posted by Adam
        aye, cheers to Bayan and Vanicent!

        I think I'm gonna try get rank 5 ASAP, I can invis/sneak through castle oztroja and davoi in about 10 minutes, only prob is killing the 2 NM in beadaux which I can't do on my own at the moment but if anyone wants to tag along with me just say

        Mmmmm Airshiiiiip

        This was ages ago now but did Vanicent and/or Adam ever make the planned Rank 4 expedition? I've only just sussed out that the mission is handed out in Jeuno, not the home town.. (so I could probably have done it ages ago and without handing over all my crystals for rank points) meaning I've only just accepted it.


          Yeah I done it, I think Vani got some of it done too. I helped him through Oztroja and Davoi but I haven't played since then so not sure if he completed the Beadaux section.


            sigh... never mind then


              Unfortunately, I don't know when I'll be able to play the game again, due to having three university deadlines in the next two weeks . The earliest I can see myself being able to play again is about the 15th December. If you don't mind waiting that long Darwock, I'll help you with Rank 5 anytime after that.

              Also, and I can't speak for Adam here, but I don't mind going through Davoi and Castle Oztroja again, so I'll help you with those if you like, then we can get the Beadaux section done and, with it, Rank 5 will be ours.

              Adam, would you mind helping me, and Darwock, get Rank 5 before Christmas?
              Last edited by Vanicent; 04-12-2004, 14:39.


                In related news, I am on the verge of completing rank 4, having obtained both Oztroja and Beadeux Magicites.

                As a result of this, the event planned for Upper Delkfutt's Tower will no longer be taking place. However, level permitting (40 atm), I would be interested in a rank 5 mission or two. Let me know


                  Mission 5-1 Is A Level 50 Cap And You Really Need 6 Level 50s For It
                  And Mission 5-2 Is 55+ But A Level 60 Party Is Advised

                  On Another Note I Am Free Sunday, Monday, Late Thursday and Friday Night
                  For A Katana Run! Incase That Tonberry Forgot Who Used To Kick Its Ass
                  Every Week


                    No katana run until I can get back online unfortunately


                      Am I going mad?

                      I thought that the magicites were to get Rank 5... not Rank 4.

                      And that Delkfut's Tower was for Rank 4..

                      Surely you can't go from Rank 3 straight to Rank 5??

                      Am I losing it?


                        He Has Already Completed Rank 4

                        "In related news, I am on the verge of completing rank 4, having obtained both Oztroja and Beadeux Magicites"

                        Is Worded Incorrectly Yes But He Would Have To Get Rank 4 To Be
                        Able To Actually Get The Seals To Access The Magicite


                          Hi all, I am back ^^

                          I am going to be back on the game soon, right now though I am recovering from Jet Lag, After changing time zones three times in two days its quite bad ><.

                          I will be on this evening though, I need to catch up on whats happened, alot can happen in a week in FFXI.
                          Last edited by mikewl; 06-12-2004, 06:17.


                            I would wouldn't say alot, i went back to dunes to get very pissed off, part from the final party to get 2kexp which was quite fun after i suggested we take gobs just before the tunnel to secret beach, which result often in fun 6 vs 2 fights, apart from that we helped nyo in SMN af fight ^^, to bad he died and the panic tactics of 'hit stuff very hard' won the day.


                              Called Dell this morning and 45 minutes of playing along with ?technical support? highlighted that it was the video card that is at fault. Technician due tomorrow with a replacement so all being well, I?ll be back in game then.

                              My first weekend without the game in a long time and in a way it did me good. Saturday I was out into town early in the morning and got some Christmas shopping sorted and yesterday, what started as a quick move round in my room turned into almost gutting the entire layout and chucking out a load of useless crap.

                              Felt good ^_^

                              See you soon.


                                There's always the customer service to deal with, and they can be really annoying if you already know what the problem is. anyway, nice to hear you should be back in business tomorrow night.

