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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    So much anger and waste time

    invited to 2 plays which came to nothing, then got in on a Promey-MEA.

    Seemed ok, i went as War/nin due to there being no tanks....Rng,Rng,Whm,Blm,Smn,War

    Starts of fine, floor 1 clear, floor2.. rng and smn kept dropping, smn drops next to the that tall legged mea only mob, rng has to use a 2hr to save me as blm and whm run out mp ><. MR was 3 fakes in a row, 4th takes us up..

    Floor 3, goes ok, untill 1st fake MR, we have make a trip around the corner tothe next but the whm(the only raiser) gets agro x2, big problems we manage to take them both with another rng 2hr gone, but it leaves inthe middle of badness so i UST up and run agro away from us to die...

    tractor's later we fight MR, win but whm d/c everyone jumps on telelporter, we have to then teleport back down.... 30 mins later we make it back to whm having to fight 4/5 mobs onthe way with 5 people. MR wasn't fake thank god, and floor 4 here we come.

    Floor some how goes without a hitch, we have to kill 2 mobs in our way, done so easily compared to earlier(god knows how), and into spire..

    I explain the plan of rebound hate being the rngs and me and when to use 2hr's, but it turns im the only one with an anima and they don't want to wait 20 mins for the 2nd rng to get his 2hr back..... in we go, ces suggests Kiting so i did so, went quite well until half way not much MP used, not much damage taken and no 2hr's used, then it goes pair shaped. I lose hate after UST drop, 2 AoE's in 10 secs hurts us, rng panic's > eagle eyes so i can't get hate back, he dies, i manage to kite again using my 2hr to get hate but UST down, lose hate back to the Blm 2hr, mob runs back to AoE, knocks everyone down to red HP with just a slither of HP left onthe mob, and with astral flow and bendication still not used(gods knows AF did't go off, i told him to use it at 50%hp) the whm doesn't use bendication, incomes another AoE 10 secs later kills us all.
    Last edited by Tobal; 31-03-2005, 21:22.


      Originally posted by Tobal
      So much anger and waste time

      invited to 2 plays which came to nothing, then got in on a Promey-MEA.

      Seemed ok, i went as War/nin due to there being no tanks....Rng,Rng,Whm,Blm,Smn,War

      Starts of fine, floor 1 clear, floor2.. rng and smn kept dropping, smn drops next to the that tall legged mea only mob, rng has to use a 2hr to save me as blm and whm run out mp ><. MR was 3 fakes in a row, 4th takes us up..

      Floor 3, goes ok, untill 1st fake MR, we have make a trip around the corner tothe next but the whm(the only raiser) gets agro x2, big problems we manage to take them both with another rng 2hr gone, but it leaves inthe middle of badness so i UST up and run agro away from us to die...

      tractor's later we fight MR, win but whm d/c everyone jumps on telelporter, we have to then teleport back down.... 30 mins later we make it back to whm having to fight 4/5 mobs onthe way with 5 people. MR wasn't fake thank god, and floor 4 here we come.

      Floor some how goes without a hitch, we have to kill 2 mobs in our way, done so easily compared to earlier(god knows how), and into spire..

      I explain the plan of rebound hate being the rngs and me and when to use 2hr's, but it turns im the only one with an anima and they don't want to wait 20 mins for the 2nd rng to get his 2hr back..... in we go, ces suggests Kiting so i did so, went quite well until half way not much MP used, not much damage taken and no 2hr's used, then it goes pair shaped. I lose hate after UST drop, 2 AoE's in 10 secs hurts us, rng panic's > eagle eyes so i can't get hate back, he dies, i manage to kite again using my 2hr to get hate but UST down, lose hate back to the Blm 2hr, mob runs back to AoE, knocks everyone down to red HP with just a slither of HP left onthe mob, and with astral flow and bendication still not used(gods knows AF did't go off, i told him to use it at 50%hp) the whm doesn't use bendication, incomes another AoE 10 secs later kills us all.
      Did everyone go prepared.

      I find the days of base equip and stats are no longer enough for these bosses.

      Going in as whm I found you simply must have a drink active for mp refresh, food for extra mp, two hi ethers, I basically always take into Promy:

      3 Yagudo Drinks
      1 Apple Pie (better alternatives available)
      Poison Potions
      Echo Drops
      2 Hi Ethers
      Holy Water

      And usually an Anima.

      Everyone has to be fully prepared for a tough battle that will be very close.

      One person not fully prepared can mean failure.


        I brought 1 hi-potion and an anima to the party as the MEA boss doesn't have nasty status effects fromits AoE, i really should have ask before had about the anima's.

        We'll at least i got another to use for another Holla/Mea


          Man that's really light on gear for a mellee, as PLD I went in with

          4 Hi-Potions
          4 X-Potions
          4 Hi-Ether
          3 Panamas Au-Lait
          2 Schallops Tropicalle
          1 Psycho Anima
          1 Hystero Anmia

          For mea I had a stack on antidote for holla a stack of holly water.

          Everyone else was packing the same except most had hystero and psycho animas and the mages had yag drinks rather than Au-lait.

          Quick one for the SMN 2 hour, if you want to get the whole thing off you need to start as soon as you engage. Darwock got off 3 tidal waves the last one being what killed the boss in mea. In Holla he started at 60% and only got 1 off.


            Ping-pong/Kiting the boss is kind of at odds with having a summoner in the party. From your description I'd say there's a strong chance he did use his astral flow and the attacks missed because the boss was running around.


              Another one to add to that, you can't use terro animas when the you have a SMN sending the thing running around screws up the astrral flow as well. Basically if you want to use a SMN the rangers and the BLM during manafont have to be in melee range. WHM shouldn't have to many issues, well not with a PLD but may with a WAR/NIN. The WHM mostly just casts Regen and the moment they grab hate I use invincible which pretty much ties it for the reaminder of the fight into melee.


                Well i know he didn't use astral flow because SMN used reaise scroll, and procided to try to finish what little life the boss had with AF on his own, but ifrit got panned while it was readying it up.

                As for having no backup items(specially everyone else in the party) things went pretty well with only my use of the anima(psycho), things just goes nasty near the end with lots of AoE's going off and trying to pull hate from mutliple 2hrs with out a tank friendly 'invincible' makes it very hard, we could easily of have won had WHM used bendication or we had wait another 10 mins for the 2nd rng to get his eagle eye.


                  That's odd, giving the order to attack only draws hate onto the summoner himself, the avatar shouldn't have gotten any hate until the attack landed.


                    Don't ask about Smn tactics all i did was watch from the my postion lying on the floor

                    Summoned ifrit, sends it in to start, he followed behind, he starts using AF, wacks on ifirit later finishes him of before AF hits.


                      Well it's time, tonight I'm going to take on rank 5 and just for fun going to do it solo bar the 2 NMs. Be off to buy a lot of prism poweder and sneak oil as well as the obligatory instant warp and reraise scrolls...

                      Reckon I should be cool then I think it's back to some levelling before the phomonia aquaducts mission. Unless someone organises one mind, in which case I'm there!

                      After rank 5 I think the next target has to be PLD to 50 and Genkai 1, taken an age levelling subs and doing all the ground work . Looking forward to actually getting a bit more of the story now...


                        I'm envious Tsingtao! Best of luck with it... /salute

                        When I saw the first Beadeaux NM checked as even match, my first thought was that you, me and tal could have done the whole thing together without needing to seek anyone else. Pity we didn't arrange it that way.

                        I'm still keen to participate in any Aqueduct attempt you arrange, I don't think I'll be doing another level push for it though - I'll just go as black mage since I'm already at the required level with that job.


                          Originally posted by Darwock
                          I'm still keen to participate in any Aqueduct attempt you arrange, I don't think I'll be doing another level push for it though - I'll just go as black mage since I'm already at the required level with that job.
                          Have a feeling I'm going to slip behind a little with the Aqueduct quest. I'm having much too much fun with RDM and am keen to return to my own pace for levelling etc now the Promyvions are done. Boy, were they intense.

                          Video still on the way, I've not forgotten.



                            I feel much the same Hic. I've been badly wanting to do some harvesting/gardening for a while now.. having done my last supply mission (to Li'Telor - successful delivery, died on way back) there's nothing pressing on me that I feel needs to be achieved ASAP, so I just want to clear some inventory space and go in search of herb seeds!

                            Much like Tsing said, next CoP is on the cards but I won't be making any effort to do it unless something is arranged and I'm invited.

                            At lunchtime I was thinking about the video, glad to hear it's still on the way
                            For the record I would be happy to download it even at 1.5 gig, lol.

                            P.S. This sounds strange but I honestly spent about five minutes last night trying REALLY HARD to remember what i actually did with my time in this game before Promyvion, lol.
                            Last edited by Darwock; 01-04-2005, 13:23.


                              Over the last few days I've been trying my hand at mining, I have to say not very impressed but then I was in Zeruhn. I tried Palborough but gave up after nearly 2 hours and not finding a single mining point. I'll give it another go in pure UK gaming time to see if that helps but I have a feeling it's bot central out there.

                              My next thought for rasing cash is maybe doing the Utsusemi and tonko scroll quests with my mules. Just have to farm up a lot of yag necklaces, even buying the airpass and prism powder etc expect to make around 600k per mule minumum. That should pay for the Brigadine +1 I want!


                                My mate Claude tried his hand at mining and in his 1st half an hour in Zeruhn he had obtained a darksteel ore. Lucky git! I only ever did any mining in Gusgen, for a quest, but you can forget having much fun in that place because of all the -cialang family hogging the mining points 24-7.

                                i've always been into the harvesting but there's not really money to be made in it, it just helps me get stuff for my other craft skills. Never done logging or excavation.

