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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I gave it a good 15 or more hours before I gave up - just not for me. I struggled with the risk/reward system, which is just like one of SQEnix's offline titles, but even more of a vertical level-up curve.

    Plus, I found the method of chatting (and all communication) a real backwards step after PSO, which was geared for really good, instant communication, with tons of options, and the emphasis strongly on easy and innovative chat - it really made people want to talk. FFXI uses things like /say, which is pretty much a DOS switch!
    I thought PC gaming had moved on past that kind of archaic nonsense.

    Anyway, I'm sure the actual body of the game is great, as it really is packed with good features, but the difficulty in communication and the lack of a good, instantly friendly atmosphere (I blame the PC geeks ) made it a no-go for me.


      I'm sorry to hear that Treble..


        Originally posted by Sdub
        I'm sorry to hear that Treble..

        Strange choice of smiley, but hey-ho

        Don't worry about me. Glad you are still enjoying it. I'm sure one day we'll actually get to play an online RPG together, although Christ knows when


          Originally posted by Treble
          I gave it a good 15 or more hours before I gave up - just not for me. I struggled with the risk/reward system, which is just like one of SQEnix's offline titles, but even more of a vertical level-up curve.

          Plus, I found the method of chatting (and all communication) a real backwards step after PSO, which was geared for really good, instant communication, with tons of options, and the emphasis strongly on easy and innovative chat - it really made people want to talk. FFXI uses things like /say, which is pretty much a DOS switch!
          I thought PC gaming had moved on past that kind of archaic nonsense.

          Anyway, I'm sure the actual body of the game is great, as it really is packed with good features, but the difficulty in communication and the lack of a good, instantly friendly atmosphere (I blame the PC geeks ) made it a no-go for me.
          Erm, in PSO I was not able to speak to people in the zone, people near me, people directly in front of me, and people half way across the game world. I can communicate with my entire linkshell, and whoever is near me at once. Tell me, did PSO do that? not quite...

          Anyway, check out for some of the most amazing pieces of exhibirionary I have ever seen from a Japanese player.

          He is a Dark Knight/Ninja (people dont use this subjob as it's not useful for 2hand users) and he just goes crazy. Undoubtedly he is using the rare weapon which allows u to hit 7 times but....OMFG he goes crazy. I rate this the same as Saur's psyvariar trips. This is just genius, especially from a dark knight. Japanese players - amazing.


            It's ok Treble (/reverb) If it's not your thing, it's not your thing.

            Concerning Warchief Vatgit... I finally managed to kill him last night. I found a group who we're doing the Dragon on Ghelsba fort, they led me to him and I killed him. Which was great. But I had indeed been going way too far up the mountain. ft:

            Anyways, I've done it now, so i'm gonna head back to San'd and see whether that actually completed the first part of the mission. If it did i'm going to go to bastok (check my auctions/look at my plants etc.) then head for windurst and kill the dragon there

            I'm making it a late one tonight 0500 at least. See you!


              Originally posted by Razz
              Erm, in PSO I was not able to speak to people in the zone, people near me, people directly in front of me, and people half way across the game world. I can communicate with my entire linkshell, and whoever is near me at once. Tell me, did PSO do that? not quite...

              Typed-out a big argument about this, but just CBA these days. You got off light, Mr. 10/10


                Lets lighten the mood with a Monkey (or 5)


                  Originally posted by Tobal
                  Lets lighten the mood with a Monkey (or 5)
                  What are they for? I saw 5 in Ronfaure a few days ago and followed them for a short while before getting bored.


                    Part of the New year event. Trade them items for something back. Can't be arsed. I need level 70 :/


                      I, too, felt compelled to follow them across sarutabaruta


                        I'm still loving this even though no parties want to know my lv8 thief.

                        Just let them wait, when I get lv15 they will come begging for me to join.


                          Originally posted by eghamninja
                          I'm still loving this even though no parties want to know my lv8 thief.

                          Just let them wait, when I get lv15 they will come begging for me to join.
                          Trust me, they do.


                            I'm on server Asura (though if Razz gets me a world pass, I'll be on Bahamut) and I started out Bastokan. If there's anybody else the same as this, PM me and we can join a party or something .

                            I'm currently a level 9 warrior, by the way.


                              Well like Treble I'm seriously contemplating cancelling my subscription. I've not been playing at all until recently with a non-playing period of about 3 weeks in the run up to Christmas due to work and other commitments.

                              I've started playing again now I've got some free time but I'm really finding it a struggle to get back into it. For some reason it just doesn't feel the same as it did when I started out. Maybe its because I'm stuck in a lull in the mid teen levels or something but I'm just not enjoying it at all. I'm going to play some more this weekend but if things don't improve I think that'll be it for me too.


                                Fei, I'll keep a look out for you this weekend, and give you a Linkpearl. Maybe when you are plugged into the rest of the forum you might feel like staying?

