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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Actually popped onto the game the other night (Tuesday) just to say hi. Sadly the LS was almost barren with only Apathye and a name I didn?t recognise being on. Was sad to see RARGH! so empty. It has been a ?home? to me of sorts for a long time and going onto it and not seeing names like Mihki, Mahlory, Tobal etc. was really strange.

    Did have a nice chat with Apathye though. Been keeping an eye on this thread and it seems like there is a lot of good stuff going on.

    Sometimes I do feel like just logging on again and getting back into it (maybe even leave NIN for a while and go back to THF) but I just get the feeling that I?d end up in the same situation that I am now.

    Still keep me entertained with this thread guys. Always enjoy reading about what you are getting up to


      I haven?t been at all this week, mainly due not having any commitments to this game anymore, so I?ll be only for short bursts from now on as I just can?t be motivated to do anything at all, mainly due to having picked the ?wrong? job to be my main from the start and I don?t want to ever do that again.


        Rare what lvl did you get Ninja to, heh you and Tobal could do a two person static maybe Apathye too and set aside an evening a week or something to lvl your main jobs.

        One of the reasons I chose bard as my main was due to party invites, I cant stand waiting for ages to get a party when I want exp, it was good that its a job I enjoy alot as well.

        I had an excellent party the other day which was Nin, Brd, Drk, War, Rdm, Smn we were doing as good as any Rng party I have been in at Bibiki Bay, it does show that every job is good when played well, I could care less if we have a Drk instead of a Rng.


          Originally posted by C'
          Actually popped onto the game the other night (Tuesday) just to say hi. Sadly the LS was almost barren with only Apathye and a name I didn?t recognise being on. Was sad to see RARGH! so empty. It has been a ?home? to me of sorts for a long time and going onto it and not seeing names like Mihki, Mahlory, Tobal etc. was really strange.

          Did have a nice chat with Apathye though. Been keeping an eye on this thread and it seems like there is a lot of good stuff going on.

          Sometimes I do feel like just logging on again and getting back into it (maybe even leave NIN for a while and go back to THF) but I just get the feeling that I?d end up in the same situation that I am now.

          Still keep me entertained with this thread guys. Always enjoy reading about what you are getting up to
          Rargh is just about alive still, I usually switch between MV and Rargh but lately I have been on MV more, its just that most the time Rargh is an empty LS, apart from the arranged events we have on here.

          It was nice to see Mahlory on the other day though, I think when you take a long break from a game like this it can seem to much to get back into, that must not be forced, you have to actually be looking forward to getting back into it.


            OK server is down, on my day off, this is very annoying >_<.


              Same here, I don't spend much time on Rargh as it's very quiet in there these days. Reverted back to my previous LS ArchAngelz for a lot of the time, got a teamspeak server running on that one as well now so it's quite good fun. I miss the busy rargh though, even if I was only there for the last few months...

              Wedge is right you have to want to play FFXI it's not something that's easy to dabble in. I'm starting to notice the effort required to lvel and I'm only 43, lord knows what it will be like at 60. The good thing though is I'm still enjoying it, got a list of stuff I want to do and I'm seeing things done on a farily regular basis.

              Hope that the break inspires some you to come back. Thought you were going to give BST a go Tobal?

              And as for the servers they gave up about 3 hours ago


                Originally posted by Tsingtao
                Same here, I don't spend much time on Rargh as it's very quiet in there these days. Reverted back to my previous LS ArchAngelz for a lot of the time, got a teamspeak server running on that one as well now so it's quite good fun. I miss the busy rargh though, even if I was only there for the last few months...

                Wedge is right you have to want to play FFXI it's not something that's easy to dabble in. I'm starting to notice the effort required to lvel and I'm only 43, lord knows what it will be like at 60. The good thing though is I'm still enjoying it, got a list of stuff I want to do and I'm seeing things done on a farily regular basis.

                Hope that the break inspires some you to come back. Thought you were going to give BST a go Tobal?

                And as for the servers they gave up about 3 hours ago
                Level 50-60 is tough and long and a pain, its a real challenge to get all your AF Equipment, Limit Breaks and stuff slow the lvling process down quite alot.

                What really drives me to continue now is the Missions, NM's and anything that feels like a real challenge, exping for me just opens up more 'other' stuff to do.


                  i'm still going bst, my Sam pretty much dead in the water at 62, im just not making any commitments to forcing myself online to lvl my new job for the sake of it.


                    I wanted to check my auctions at lunchtime but server was down then too.. I ended up reading past issues of the tribune.

                    Garrison was covered in issue 2, which gave an insight into what's involved. Protect NPCs from wave after wave of enemy attacks by the looks of it. It was a single party (no alliance) that did it, with a failure on Qufim and win at Valkurm (only 2 survivors however!)

                    They also showed the strategy used in the successful attempt - it involved one member staying back at the outpost to heal the NPCs while everybody else attempted to draw the monsters away from the NPCs.


                      The strategy I've seen is to use 1 kiter who pulls off one mob and runs around the zone with it. he melees engage up the remaining mobs with one WHM per party looking after their own melees. In addition the other spell casaters look after the NPCs you wet nurse. When all the mobs at the outpost are down the mages do a full heal everyone recharges and the kiter then brings the last mob back. When that goes down the next wave spawns, then it's a wash rinse repeat.

                      However the only time I've tried the melees let al the mages die.


                        Quick update for me: decided not to join Seraph because an IRC friend who quit let me use his account (75 BRD, Bismarck server). It's very very good because there is a strong EU HNM LS (originally a group of friends from barrysworld) which does a lot of fun stuff at the right times. It's all good .


                          Thought about getting this game as i've got into WoW ,but does it suffer from the annoying lag that sometimes happens when playing Wow?


                            Depends on the amount of power your machine has. FFXI itself is pretty lag free though right now it's suffering a few stability issues. My advice would always be come join us addicts, it's the ?25 I've ever spent and the logevity of the game is outstanding.

                            A word or warning though FFXI is not WoW. WoW is very much a simpler game then FFXI, as a comparison I've been playing FFXI for a year now with a fair amount of dedication. So far I've reached level 42 in my main and around 20 -30 in about 6 or 7 other jobs...

                            ...the max level in FFXI is 75 and 60 is about halfway there in terms of experience. The other major difference is the scale of the game FFXI is vast, and there in for me lies its beauty I've not once grown bored with it, there's always the next challenge, the next quest, the next armour etc.

                            The other major difference is soloing in FFXI is pretty much impossible except with 2 jobs, Beastmaster which must be unlocked after taking a basic job to 30 and Red Mage. All the others will require you to party, and again this is another reason I love the game. If I just wanted to run around solo I could play FFX on my playstation, this game has so much more. The story lines as well are epic.

                            Hope this is of some use to you, come join Seraph! The prices are high but the folks are friendly, wel mostly


                              I'l see you all soon then!


                                Drop me a message if you want a world pass for Seraph and I'll see what I can do. Hope to see you online soon, welcome to our addiction

