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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Only people I know of that have done the 1st (only?) mission in chapter 2 of CoP are talizker and wedgemoon. I still need it, as does Tsingtao and Hicory (come on hic, you know you want level 40!)


      new title noticed - "Dr. Shantotto's Flavour of the Month" - I take back everything I ever said about her..


        any of you guys you has a pearlsack managed to end up in Bastok this weekend please send me a /tell so i can get an LS pearl. my new char is called Akashi.



          Do indeed want level 40, but have had a lot on outside the game recently. Have also been levelling my RDM, have her close to being ready for the 20-25 stint but need more money for kit. Crafted 36 linen cloths recently hoping to make a few bob but variations in prices of raw materials (and probably not paying enough attention or being cautious enough/sufficiently financially astute) meant by the time I sold the first two stacks I only just made my money back, still waiting for the third one to sell. Will probably take rdm to 30 before I start raising whm or blm above 31, but this weekend have tonnes to do today while Tsing is at cricket, and even have work brought home with me.

          So as soon as I sort out the money thing I'll be levelling again and when that happens I will hopefully make 40 fairly soon. Think I need to shop around for better ways to use the clothcraft, or even raise it a bit more. All these things take a lot of time.


            Originally posted by vwilsonuk
            Do indeed want level 40, but have had a lot on outside the game recently. Have also been levelling my RDM, have her close to being ready for the 20-25 stint but need more money for kit. Crafted 36 linen cloths recently hoping to make a few bob but variations in prices of raw materials (and probably not paying enough attention or being cautious enough/sufficiently financially astute) meant by the time I sold the first two stacks I only just made my money back, still waiting for the third one to sell. Will probably take rdm to 30 before I start raising whm or blm above 31, but this weekend have tonnes to do today while Tsing is at cricket, and even have work brought home with me.

            So as soon as I sort out the money thing I'll be levelling again and when that happens I will hopefully make 40 fairly soon. Think I need to shop around for better ways to use the clothcraft, or even raise it a bit more. All these things take a lot of time.
            How about trying a BCNM30 to raise some funds? Our last BCNM40 run has nicely financed my levels 40-50 I would be happy to come along (BLM) even if I don't bring an orb (I only have enough for another BCNM40 run atm) - i'm not worried about taking a slice of the gil. BCNM30 Fun!


              Originally posted by C'
              Sounds cool. If Vanicent is still interested in doing Promyvion after his exams (last exam on May 31st I believe) then I think I will take part in them and get them complete. Perhaps having COP missions to complete will give me a motivation to play the game.

              Apa, I know you are reading messages here occasionally. Have you got COP/done Promy yet? If not any chance of being able to join us at end of May, early June?

              Also am I right in thinking a lot of the LS has yet to do missions beyond Promyvion. I think the level caps are higher on those missions and I do have gear in storage appropriate to those levels.
              Correct belief Rare, and the exam date's have now been confirmed.

              So, once those are done, and assuming I don't have to reinstall everything on my PC as a desperate attempt to fix this virus :S, I'll be up for the Promyvion tasks again.


                OMG ran into this guy on my new server...

                For you Chief
                Attached Files


                  Hey Peeps, long time no write. All is well in Casa Mihki 'n Mahlory We've defected, basically. We're now playing World of Warcraft, we're on servers Hellscream and Earthen Ring, in case anyone wants to know.
                  It was a bit of an awkward moment when we cancelled our subscriptions to FFXI...It's been emotional


                    >< all that stuff you worked for gone.... well its official that your not coming back at all which is a bummer, it was fun while it lasted and its shame you havn't experianced the change to ffxi since you've quit(well everything but the AH prices).

                    how is WoW at the moe? From reading AK and Blizz offical forum that Honor System has really ****ed everyone over.


                      Sorry to hear your not coming back, however if you leave your WoW character names I might see you on from time to time, I dont play it much at the moment but im on Earthenring named Wedge.

                      What are your character names on it?

                      On another note, I have maybe been on FFXI about 3 hours total this past week, I dont think im going to be on much for some time, starting my new contract for work soon and I dont think its a good time to be putting the hours into that game.

                      Jade Empire might have also had something to do with it im well enjoying that game.

                      The other thing is im buying an Arcade Cabinet, meeting a guy who imports them on Saturday to see his stock and I have big plans to modify it to run Saturn and DC as well, its going to take up alot of my time.

                      Also I think I really went all out on getting to lvl 67 and getting my equipment sorted, now all that is left for me is tons of exping and missions and they will be fun but im holding off untill I have the time to put into it.
                      Last edited by mikewl; 01-05-2005, 13:10.


                        Mihki and Mahlory,

                        Sorry to hear you're leaving the game. I guess we won't be seeing your in game wedding now.

                        On another note, what happens to the linkshell without the two of you available?


                          hi guys,

                          im looking for a purple belt for monk. im wondering if anyone can help me look at jeuno AH if theres any in there please. let me know if any of you fellas managed to find one.



                            Originally posted by Marvelon
                            Hey Peeps, long time no write. All is well in Casa Mihki 'n Mahlory We've defected, basically. We're now playing World of Warcraft, we're on servers Hellscream and Earthen Ring, in case anyone wants to know.
                            It was a bit of an awkward moment when we cancelled our subscriptions to FFXI...It's been emotional
                            What a genuine shame Did you actually delete your characters or just deactivate the content IDs? I ask this just incase you decide to come back after you complete World of Warcraft after playing it for about a month or 2. Seriously, the game is overhyped. During my european beta days, I got to about level 40 odd and I played it casually for about a couple of weeks. Updates for that game come along every couple of months or so (beta had a few updates, and since the game went live in feb it's had one content update)

                            Now that SOE have completely butchered star wars galaxies, I'll probably be coming back to FFXI at the end of the month


                              I just logged on to get this screen

                              I have been needing to update my credit card information for some time now.

                              I have not yet activated it, depending on in game needs I might hold off this month im not sure.

                              I do still have some borrowed equipment so I know for sure that I will be back on at some point.
                              Last edited by mikewl; 01-05-2005, 22:35.


                                That's a sahme to hear Mihki, I've already accepted that I'm going to be paying for Tsingtao until they turn the last server off. I've spent to long already to ever think of removing the account, and well hell I like the game. It's be like throwing out my old copies of Zelda etc that I still own for comfort value.

                                Well Good luck over on WoW hope it keeps you going as long as FFXI.

                                In other news what will happen to the LS with the shell holder gone? Do we need to do something before we lose the whole LS?

                                Wedge let us know when you're back mate, think I could be up for another run at Steamed Sprouts. I've spent most of my profits rasing Alchemy (24) and Goldsmithing (11). Good luck with the cabinet, I've always fancied one of those, one day I will own somewhere big enough to pop in a Mame cabinet, a couple of pinball decks and few othersntil then glad to see someones already living the dream. Still got a dreamcast I bought last year from eBay I need to test cluttering up the living room. Nearly got worse last wek while out shopping came very close to getting a NES and a N64.

                                My name is Tsing and I have a problem...

