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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I won't need any equipment really, just a hi-ether but I'll get that myself. See you lads later then, eh Hic ^^


      Originally posted by Darwock
      I won't need any equipment really, just a hi-ether but I'll get that myself. See you lads later then, eh Hic ^^
      Damn right. o.O

      So was I coming as BLM, WHM or RDM?


        Originally posted by Darwock
        I won't need any equipment really, just a hi-ether but I'll get that myself.
        Ah, what a fool lol.. so maybe if I'd had some armour on that dragon's body slam wouldn't have done <200 damage to me and I wouldnt have died... I just wasn't focused and stood too close - too much crap going on in the lead up to the fight. That's my excuse anyway!

        Congrats on adventurer status akashi.

        Pretty chuffed to have broken the record by over 60 seconds regardless of the cockup.


          Doh, saw it as it happened D not a most triumphant of moments ^^

          Now given you undoubted passion for quests is there anyone out there interested in helping me with PLD AF2. I have to head into crawlers next and kill dreadbugs to get myself a giant shell bug. Have a feeling there's more to follow...

          Will go find a mob tomorrow and get in conned to work out what level it is, assuming 4 - 6 50s should do it.

          Talizker are you still alive?


            Yeah I'll help out with that Tsing, my AF2 seems to involve the nest as well (although I don't know exactly how... need to explore it a bit to find out if I'm on the right track).

            Maybe this could also be my opportunity to get the Exoray mould

            I spoke to talizker the other day, he's starting a new business and is mega-busy at the moment - doubt we'll see him in game for the next wee while.


              Darwock, Hicory...

              Thanks lads for your help on mission 2.3. Sorry about the death as well.

              anyways, i am now able to forward ahead in missions. i really didnt like doin that dragon thing as it requires a pt to do it. but since its out of the way i can now concentrate on getting rank 5. hopefully b4 i reach 29 mnk atm, while my sub war is at 25. wen i reach 32 mnk, i will stop and level war until 32. this way i dont have to worry about lvling subjob wen i reach 60...hehe. look at me looking way far ahead already. genkai 1 + 2, AFs etc are just around the corner...hehe


                Don't want to shatter your illusions there mate but you will never get to rank 5 before level 30 in a month of sundays (getting rank 4 before 30 isn't going to be easy either!).. not without getting somebody else to do all the work for you anyway.


                  Originally posted by Darwock
                  Don't want to shatter your illusions there mate but you will never get to rank 5 before level 30 in a month of sundays (getting rank 4 before 30 isn't going to be easy either!).. not without getting somebody else to do all the work for you anyway.
                  The Rank 4 NM in Delkfutt's Tower is going to be the problem, then the Quadav parts for Rank 5. You can probably do most of the rest of it when you reach 30 if you use sneak and invis tools - Castle Oztroja is painful but possible.

                  UPDATE - Porphryion is down as level 36 on Alla ( And ... lads? .... o.O

                  Last edited by vwilsonuk; 18-05-2005, 12:32.


                    Rank 4 is doable as long as you have someone else kill the mob for you and sneak invis you up the tower. 5 can be done again as long as someones kills the 2 NMs for you the rest is just down to skill with sneak and invisible or oils and powders.

                    One word though don't be to keen to rush through the game or you'll miss it.


                      Originally posted by Tsingtao
                      Rank 4 is doable as long as you have someone else kill the mob for you and sneak invis you up the tower. 5 can be done again as long as someones kills the 2 NMs for you the rest is just down to skill with sneak and invisible or oils and powders.

                      One word though don't be to keen to rush through the game or you'll miss it.
                      The tower is not easy to navigate. If the mob really is level 36 you might be able to take it on with a party of level 30 or just higher (check this, I don't usually look at the level of mobs in numeric terms so its hard to judge) - I would be more keen to seek a guide to help finding my way around the tower than the mob itself!

                      Tsing - I think the reason Akashi is keen to progress is that he has already done all these missions before? Or am I getting confused?


                        Originally posted by Darwock
                        Don't want to shatter your illusions there mate but you will never get to rank 5 before level 30 in a month of sundays (getting rank 4 before 30 isn't going to be easy either!).. not without getting somebody else to do all the work for you anyway.
                        sorry to dissappoint you, but i am already rank 5

                        the delkfutt tower one is easy all you need to get is a high level to guide up there and you can just use oils and powders to get past the bats, giants and goblin.

                        as for the majicite, well that was an easy part too hehe. after me, Darwock and Hicory finished the dragon mission, i went straight ahead to Beaudeux(for bastok 3.1) to kill some copper quadav. a high level(70 blm) asked me what i was doing. i said doing bastok mission. then he asked me, do you want me to kill the NMs for the majicite mission? though it was not actually what i wanted, but i couldnt resist saying [Yes, Please] . and so he went there to kill them and i was very grateful to him. got the items and finished off mission 3.1. on the same night i did 3.2 which can be skippable, but i still did it(kill a NM pug in Gusgen) with ease, again using oils to get to the ??? and kill the pugil with ease at lvl 29.

                        then i went to delkfutt to get to the giant NM at the top. hoping some1 would take me there and kill the giant, my request was granted by a 62 PLD. in middle delkfutt, a RNG 72 asked us what we doing, and i said mission 3.3. and he asked us, do you need my help? well whooa, of course i said yes. so we went up there and kill the NM and got my elevator key then warped out after the ambassador run off ft: . so i got my rank 4 then.

                        after that, i donated some crystals to activate majicite mission. i knew from the beginning i can solo it. all i need are oils and powders and alot of patience. davoi part is easy. beaudeux was easy after i got those items previously. finally to castle ostroja, i knew this one is hard as i would need oils and powders to get it. went there and on my way i saw a 61 MNK, and i thought i would ask him to escort me. rather enthusiastically, he accepted. so we went to the altar room and when i light the torches, i got agro, but the monk easily dispatch the yagudos guarding the door. and so i finished off the mission, leaving the monk with a lot of Thanks You's.

                        i know for the fact i didnt do it myself and without those high level helps, i wouldnt be able to get rank 5. but it just shows that if you ask someone for help in a good way, they will help you out. 8) 8)


                          i got rank 10 @ lvl 63 or 64 =x


                            Congratulations mate, welcome to the world of airship travel.



                              Oh well, whatever floats your boat!


                                Thinking of trying the shadow lord soon, waht do you reckon. I want to do it before I get past 55 ideally. Made 51 last night in a slow going party but at least they were nice folks to party with. At least till we got our replacement BLM pipe, increadibly rude and obnoxious. Seemed unable to not spen the entire time maoning at everyone else about their job. In the end the red mage warped out mid battle and I followed her out afterwards. I really do hate it when you get whingers in parties, just do your job and feel free to help others but a constant barrage of moaning only ever gets /blist.

