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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Somre more update info:

    Experience Point Bonus Items

    These items are designed to help those who wish to earn a little extra experience from defeating easy opponents, rather than for use in extended party play.

    The bonus points provided by these new additions may not be noticeable at first, but taking advantage of the bonus every day will eventually make a substantial difference.

    The new items will be available through the exchange of conquest points, making them accessible to a wide range of players. Talk to your nearest conquest guard after the version update and see how this adventuring accessory can help you!
    Also apologies for last night and no showing. I'd been on for a couple of hours but was hanging around Jeuno bored waiting for the AF group to log on and get set up. I lie down on my bed and next thing I know it's 3am and the game has auto-disconnected me.

    Hope everything went alright.


      Originally posted by C'
      Also apologies for last night and no showing. I'd been on for a couple of hours but was hanging around Jeuno bored waiting for the AF group to log on and get set up. I lie down on my bed and next thing I know it's 3am and the game has auto-disconnected me.

      Hope everything went alright.
      Last night was superb - one of the best i've had! Tsing was busy until 10pm so Wedge, Tobal, Bevan and I went to tackle Dark Spark.

      After sucess! we headed back to Jeuno about 9.50pm to sort out the AF party. I asked Jibex (BLM75 who I have known since day one but hadn't partied with since Valkumn a year ago!) who joined us along with a WAR60 and Tsing and we headed of to Garliage. Guardian Statue was Too Weak - Red Mage AF Complete!

      We then headed back to Jeuno again and got a little more help for the PLD NM including another PLD who needed it and Volts (WHM). We defeated the PLD NM's twice with only one death (an annoying MNK who after Raise III and a sarcastic comment left....).

      So 6 x AF NM's in one night. Great LS co-operation, a hell of a lot of fun and a Pimp Hat

      WHM15 here I come...

      Thank you!


        Official Blue Mage job description:

        "Employing the legendary arts of Aht Urhgan, these formidable fighter-mages employ elegantly curved blades for close combat, while decimating their enemies from afar with fell magic mastered from their opponents."
        Some great new Treasures of Aht Urhgan screenshots here


          Can someone tell me why I am considering creating a level 1 Taru WHM in Windurst...
          I'd need a World ID though to end up on Seraph....


            Thinking of coming back eh? Good for you
            (never liked WoW personally, but thats just me)

            You want to make a new character because unlike WoW, this won't get stale after a month or so of playing. A fair bit has been added since the two of you left, and the new expansion looks sweet.

            I even think the old Rargh link pearl still exists too, I know I still have one at least.
            Last edited by Daragon; 30-09-2005, 22:59.


              *cough* *cough*


                Originally posted by Sdub
                Can someone tell me why I am considering creating a level 1 Taru WHM in Windurst...
                I'd need a World ID though to end up on Seraph....
                The original Rargh LS is still working, have you tried using your old account, it may still work.

                If not we can sort a world pass out for you.


                  Originally posted by Sdub
                  Can someone tell me why I am considering creating a level 1 Taru WHM in Windurst...
                  I'd need a World ID though to end up on Seraph....
                  Superb See you soon!


                    Downloading Updates...


                      One of my mates has bought this and he's finding it difficult enjoying his online experience as he's a total newbie. I've told him to post on here as he'll be looking for someone to show him the ropes.


                        Originally posted by DavidFallows
                        One of my mates has bought this and he's finding it difficult enjoying his online experience as he's a total newbie. I've told him to post on here as he'll be looking for someone to show him the ropes.
                        NP - plenty of people would be happy to do so


                          Originally posted by DavidFallows
                          One of my mates has bought this and he's finding it difficult enjoying his online experience as he's a total newbie. I've told him to post on here as he'll be looking for someone to show him the ropes.
                          Might be an idea for him to transfer onto Seraph while he's still new (before he invests too much time in the character).

                          Have just introduced a mate of mine to the game and he's just landed on Seraph, but I think he's having a similar experience ... its so easy to forget how much you've learned. Then one of your mates starts asking you about it and as their face starts to read "omg u r geek" you remember.


                            Originally posted by Sdub
                            Can someone tell me why I am considering creating a level 1 Taru WHM in Windurst...
                            As someone who purchased WOW on day of release but then sold it a month later without ever playing it I would be interested in your thoughts on it and what brings you back to FFXI after 6 months. Specifically - do you feel you've experienced everything WOW has to offer.


                              I'd had enough of WoW after the european beta. For me at least, I had seen all that I wanted to, and the game was basically a watered down version of some of the other MMORPGs I'd played in the past.

                              I can understand why so many people flock to it however - the majority of the players are probably those who spent their lives fighting one another on warcraft 3 or diablo 2, the same people who probably didn't have time for MMORPGs previously. WoW brings nothing new to the mix, I wouldn't recommend it in its current state.


                                I'd be pretty interested to hear what people have to say about both of these.

                                I've played WoW on and off since the beta and really enjoyed it, while I only played this for a month or so. I've picked this up again (having to by a new copy after 3 months is just plain wrong) after I had some pc problems and I'm still not sure which to dedicate my time too.

                                The only comments I can make are that the first 10 lvls or so are much more fun in WoW. The first 10 lvls here are a very repetative experience. On the other hand the fun does tale off a little towards the mid lvls on WoW, can't comment on FFXI. The main reasons for giving this another go are that I like FF universe alot, that it might be a more satisfying experience and I just plain like using a joypad. The only worry is that will this become a repetative case of just repeating the same tasks to get Exp, job skills etc.

                                Well I have finally arrived on Seraph with a Hume BLM called Akida in Bastok and would appriciate finding any other low lvl players.

