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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    As whm you would have had access to reraise spell or use of a CP500 point scroll. I think the main downfall was you being to close to the battle which didn't make sense to any of us at the time, as a whm always as far as i understand(from exping and being lvl 15whm) stands back outside of AoE's, especially on Bosses.

    The loss was just more annoying than normal due to the late start and the time wasted on the run up due to many MR being dead before we got to them.


      I think wanting to kill you may be somewhat steep...

      What I think it is improtant is to learn from what went wrong, the set up we know to be sound as we've used it on 20+ runs and never lost before last nght. Also alliances are alowed in the ENM BC but we don't use them as it lowers xp.

      You said you were avoiding death in the ENM, the question is why there is no xp loss for death in ENMs and the only possible way to save the run was benediction. The no money for a reraise item seems odd as well as the reraise scrolls are via conquest points from any guard so basically free, heck I could have even lent you an earing had you said. The key though is probably what lead to needing benediction, I fought the whole battle buffless after the first trinary tap, that means every subsequent trinary tap took around 200hp from me to the mob, hence why it didn't go down. Also for MP efficiency regen needs to be up, on none of the levels did I have it or in the BC. In addition I've never seen a WHM hit by AoE sleep from the boss before, you should be out of range same as on BLM.

      The real anoyance though came from the lateness of the run, we had arranged over an hour in advance to set off at 20:00 from jeuno. Everyone was online and everyone knew, everyone gathered together to go and then we were stuck waiting for nearly 45 minutes for you to leave an xp party in Garaige (they can't have been none to pleased either given you weren't in it when we set up the run), get to us and get geared up. Then we head to the crag and you can't get in so another 25 minutes wait, thats what drove me round the twist. If you'd geared up checked your access and met us on time we'd have been there much earlier, probably nearly 90 mins in the end and would have had time to chill and organise instead we were running against the clock and it all went to cack.


        Oh well, whats done is done. Maybe next time I'll be allowed to go as a job I'm not only used to, but a job I'm actually proficiant at.


          I'm all set now, I'm in a rent-a-room in Jeuno.

          So, I'll log into FFXI at about 1850, and wait for everyone else in Port Jeuno.

          See you all there.


            I'll be on around 19:00 as well, I'm still geared from last night so I'm set, only pain is I have no teleports at 27 so we'll all have to choc. Suggest we have a couple of fights on the way up for me to clean my macroes out.

            Actually scratch that I'm in PLD gear I'll need to get my WHM kit, all level 20 as I've not reached sears yet. Will check my xp to may be able to ding 28 on the third floor.


              Originally posted by Tsingtao
              I think wanting to kill you may be somewhat steep...

              The real anoyance though came from the lateness of the run, we had arranged over an hour in advance to set off at 20:00 from jeuno. Everyone was online and everyone knew, everyone gathered together to go and then we were stuck waiting for nearly 45 minutes for you to leave an xp party in Garaige (they can't have been none to pleased either given you weren't in it when we set up the run), get to us and get geared up. Then we head to the crag and you can't get in so another 25 minutes wait, thats what drove me round the twist. If you'd geared up checked your access and met us on time we'd have been there much earlier, probably nearly 90 mins in the end and would have had time to chill and organise instead we were running against the clock and it all went to cack.

              I'm sorry I missed this earlier, my last post might have been slightly less forgiving. I was actually in that Garlaige Citadel party for about 10 minutes, NOT 45 - throughout, I kept saying "Let me know when you're ready and I'll leave" once I saw that message, after the 10 minutes I was in the party for I left. It took me 5 minutes to run back to Jeuno from Garlaige (time was just after 8 - the same time that seemed to have been agreed on, so where 7:30 came from I have no idea). Once we get to Holla, yes I can't get in - it happens, my last promy was months ago SUE ME! I was fortunate enough to get a teleport to mea and back again in alot less than 25 minutes as well.
              Last edited by Daragon; 19-10-2005, 13:34.


                Before you get toasted.

                1# rare's fisherman gear is infact the nabun(sp?) lvl30 Nin JSE with +attack
                2# wedge used Hares on the trip and a tiger in the boss fight, perfectly fine.


                  Well don't worry, I won't be tackling another Promvion as a whitemage. I know where my strength lies and it isn't with group healing evidently.


                    Originally posted by Daragon
                    Please don't lay our disasterous run soley on my shoulders - I wasn't the one who showed up in fisherman's gear or brought along a rabbitfamiliar to fight with <_<
                    Daragon the problem is the ENMs are not as difficult as the Promyvions but all the same they're demanding battles. Small mistakes can escalate, as you saw last night. With regards to "being allowed to take a job your used to or proficient with", you shouldn't be putting yourself forward for or entering a battle like that unless you know you can hold your own. Its just not fair on the other people there. I don't want to speak for Mosley or Wedge, but as far as I know they both have WHM. They might not have chosen to get some xp on their WHM as their first choice but had they known they had someone who was neither "used to" nor "proficient with" WHM the chances are one of them would've just taken the xp on a different job.

                    I didn't see the whole run (although I did see most of it, as in the end it didn't start until just before I got back from my Japanese lesson at 9pm) and I'm sure nobody is 100% perfect, but just in terms of the difficulties once you guys were in the main battle its really difficult to understand your response. You don't spend an hour or so fighting your way up a spire to do a battle you can only do once every five days to "lol run" when things start going wrong. Wasting that much time, effort and gil for five people is not a "lol" matter.

                    As a mage you don't stand close to a mob that uses AoE attacks, especially sleep - if you're not familiar with Promyvion bosses I can accept that as a genuine mistake. But thereafter, you get the f*** out of dodge so it doesn't get you again. If you pick up aggro you hold it as best you can (stoneskin and blink are ideal for this and are very effective) so the tanks can pull it off of you while doing your job as best you can in the meantime.

                    If you're about to die, you don't hold off using Benediction when it might guarantee the safety of the rest of the party - even if it is at the expense of yourself. I've gone in to one of these battles without reraise a few weeks ago, as we'd never had enough difficulty for it to occur to me that it was a good idea. Things went sour and I think I did either a big cure or a bene (its a while back - maybe Mosley will remember) and took the hit. The rest of the party all survived to get their 3k experience, which made it worth it. You certainly don't try to leave the battle unless the whole group has agreed that is the only remaining course of action and everybody is making for the door. As a WHM you are their healer - you can't just leave them there to die.

                    I don't know how clear you made it to the other guys that this was a job you were quite rusty or unfamiliar with, but it sounds like it basically just wasn't clear enough for them to make the sensible choice. ENMs are key linkshell events at the moment and take a number of hours and some preparation to do seriously. While everyone makes mistakes there is also an understandable expectation that everyone will do their best given the time and effort that has been invested by all involved. In that context, the frustration of five people who find their WHM running away while they try to contain a disintegrating battle is perhaps more understandable than you imply.
                    Last edited by vwilsonuk; 19-10-2005, 13:54.


                      Originally posted by Tsingtao
                      I'll be on around 19:00 as well, I'm still geared from last night so I'm set, only pain is I have no teleports at 27 so we'll all have to choc. Suggest we have a couple of fights on the way up for me to clean my macroes out.

                      Actually scratch that I'm in PLD gear I'll need to get my WHM kit, all level 20 as I've not reached sears yet. Will check my xp to may be able to ding 28 on the third floor.
                      I can teleport you all later if you like. Think I have one anima and a recollection that hasn't been converted yet - but I think its the same as the anima I already have >.<. I also have a head cold which is clouding my judgement quite a bit and I'm not sure how tired I will be later. If Tsing isn't comfortable WHM-ing I will give you a hand with it, but it sounds like you're all pretty much set up so its up to him/rare whether you want a reaction-impaired WHM38 or a sharp and enthusiastic WHM27.

                      Two things that helped on our holla promy - 1) everyone using poison potions (even the mages) 2) setting up macros in advance for a coordinator to remind people when they should use their 2hr and anima - we had a macro for every 25% of the boss hp, and at each one 2 people would use their anima (matched to compliment) and at least one would 2 hour. SMN 2hrs have to be coordinated with animas, because if you send the boss hurtling around with a psyhoanima or something it'll get out of range of astral flow.

                      Good luck, see you in Port Jeuno at 19:00


                        Benediction and invincible should have their jobs switched. Benediction in a combat situation basically means your prepared to sacrifice yourself to save others - the very ideal of a Paladin I believe. Blink and stoneskin would have been useless if a powerful NM focuses his efforts on a whitemage.

                        I'm sorry it was a bad run, its all I can say. They do happen and the only reason as to why most of the attacks were affecting me, was because standing at the end of the arena near the zone, I was out of healing range.


                          Originally posted by Daragon
                          Benediction in a combat situation basically means your prepared to sacrifice yourself to save others

                          and this is exactly the role of the White Mage. In RL if you die saving others they give you a medal. If you run away like a coward they used to shoot you...


                            Isee I've missed quite something here this afternoon (including a personal dig at my choice of equipment it seems which luckily Hicory has quoted prior to an edit so I can see what was said).

                            You truly are a complete tool trying to shift blame onto other people and making statements that are not only completely false but once again show your lack of knowledge in any areas.

                            Do you really I, of all people (someone who spends 75% of his game time farming to enusre he has a set of equipment to be proud of) would turn up to an ENM run (a battle I have completed before but am aware of the potential dangers of) in such shoddy equipment as Fisherman Tunic and Fisherman Hose. Hell, the only reason I came on this run as NIN (which needs no EXP at this time) and not WAR (which does) is because I didn't have a set of WAR equipment I was happy with.

                            Just so you know my body armour was this:

                            and my leg armour was:

                            Both of which are the best choices of equipment for these slots at the level 30 cap for our setup at the time. With Tsing in the PT he takes the lead in tanking responsibility leaving me to take on a damage dealing role hence why I use the above items. At times I will take hate when necessary and I also have the tanking equivalents to these equipment slots (offering Evasion and VIT) with me on every ENM run should the need arise.

                            Of course if you did have concerns about my choice of equipment why not raise it at the time? You could have asked me via tell or in party chat why I was wearing fishing gear (and I could have corrected your mistaken assumption) or you could have used the check command and seen for yourself the stat bonuses. Personally I don't give a **** who checks me in this game so check away. I often find it's the people with more suspect equipment choices are the ones who are averse to being checked.

                            Wait a sec, didn't you use an emote last night "/em checks you again." Was the checks of your equipment by someone concerning?


                              You disappoint me rare, I expected to see at least one reference to the word "prick" or "****" in there somewhere.

                              Heck, I've heard worse for alot less from you in the past, I think I might just chalk this one down to catching you on a good day


                                I'll think you'll find if there any swearing in an argument it would be me that starts it!

                                COS I'M EMOTIONAL and a ****!

