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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Yeah, I'm getting that as well now.

    Can anyone, who isn't already, log in to the game?


      I am really f**king annoyed with this sh1t now. God damn it ><


        Originally posted by talizker
        I am really f**king annoyed with this sh1t now. God damn it ><
        Ditto. It kicked me out of the char selection screen and now I can't log in either. They've known about the problem for an hour and they've still not fixed it. WTF is wrong with these imbeciles, its only technology - I work with this sh!t every day and its just not that f***ing difficult.
        Last edited by vwilsonuk; 21-10-2005, 21:16.


          looks like i left the game tonight at the right time,just i was in a pt.


            A weekend of contrasting droprates

            Friday morning, soloed a Blubbereyes in Sea Serpent Grotto (more by chance than design). Won much easier than expected and remarkably it dropped the Hakutaku Eye I needed. 2 down.

            Friday evening we headed to Beaudeax to get Mosley and Wedgemoon. First drop was pretty quick but then we got no more. Even got Tox to show up bringing us a TH2 and still nothing. Think we went to about 1am before giving up (and we started about 8:30pm). We had to stop as I feel people were getting annoyed and probably a little tired. Certainly I got incredibly pissed off fighting the THF type quadavs who were incredibly difficult to beat due to their crazy Evasion Bonus traits. Not fun.

            Saturday I recruited Wedge to go for my 3rd Hakutaku eye, this time off of Mindgazer in Sea Serpent Grotto. Decent Challenge BLM type mob was too risky to solo so needed a bit of support and Wedge was a natural choice (plus he seemed a little bored). Got there and the mob wasn?t up so we passed time killing Sahagins until it spawned and we went to work. Unfortunately Wedge couldn?t land Silence but other than that a really straightforward fight and again I got the Hakutaku Eye to drop first kill.

            3 down.

            Whilst we were in Elshimo region we got together for Unlit Lantern farming for ZM4. However whilst waiting for Tsing to arrive (he was questing) me, Wedge and Mosley decided to pop over to Beryl-Footed Molberry to try for Hototogisu again.

            No drop

            Lantern farming was not much better. We managed to get 2 coffer keys so me and Tsing can hunt Temple of Uggalepih map but no lanterns dropped and again it was gone midnight and I was struggling to stay awake and not fully concentrating.

            2 ENM runs on the Sunday again without any vision drops (and we really deserved a reward from our taxing Mea run). Still the EXP got my WAR to 35.

            On my way to ENM Dem I saw a BLM Taru standing In La Theine with a bazaar icon. Looked inside and there was a solitary Hakutaku Eye that I needed. Asked the seller if it was from Ifrit?s Cauldron or Den of Rancor . Den of Rancor came the reply and I paid the 150k he wanted for it. This eye is perhaps the most difficult to farm due to the difficulty in getting to the spawns so the plan was always to buy it. That just leaves me needing the eye from Ifrit?s Cauldron which I want to farm for. I?ve spoken to Nyoneme and Apathye both of who have offered to help so I will have to do this at some time soon.

            Which brings me on to tonight.

            The plan is for the Promyvion-Mea run to go ahead tonight and hopefully get 4 more of the LS Tavnazia access. We had a (far too long) anima farming session yesterday and I think the group is now ready. Apathye, Moot, Vanicent and myself all have 3 anima, I think Wedgemoon has at least 1 and I?m uncertain about Tobal, but what we have should be plenty. However yesterdays Mea ENM run has made me realise that this is going to be difficult. I know the general feeling is that Holla harder than the others but Mea is definitely not a piece of cake. The 3rd floor seems really awkward to traverse (we had 3 deaths there yesterday) and the boss battle again is nasty (some wicked AOE attacks). Holla has proven to me the effectiveness of anima (which I forgot to use in both ENMs yesterday when it was needed >_<) so hopefully our overabundance will help negate the boss? effectiveness.

            Today is definitely a good time to attempt it as I believe Apa, Moot and Van are all off college/school/work/whatever the hell it is they do when not playing FFXI so they should be ready in plenty of time. I think Wedge has confirmed he will be good to go and I can be online at about 6pm too. Just leaves our RNG so hoping you can make it big guy . We?d like to gather together in Jeuno to be able to get going between 7pm ? 7:30pm.

            We can do this!

            Once this is done I need to reflect on what I need to get done and focus better than I have been. I feel like I?ve got so much ongoing at the moment and the result is that I am achieving little. Just off the top of my head I?ve got the following things requiring my attention now or soon:

            San d?Oria rank missions
            Rise of Zilart missions
            Chains of Promathia missions
            Optical Hat
            WAR subjob levelling (and the required farming to fund equipment for job)
            Avatar Battles

            I think I need to prioritise the stuff I need to do in order to get things done as at the moment I?m constantly concerned that my lack of focus is hindering my ability to achieve things (and is also incredibly inefficient in terms of managing gil).


              Weekend I did pretty much nothing, Friday I came on, through about exping on my sam or even my nin and then gave up straight away to play Pes5. Saturday I was out all day and night in brum, and by the time I got home on Sunday the enm had all been finished and I though about exping on my sam again, looked at the seeking list and there was to many people so I logged off and went back to Pes and new anime shows?

              The sad things is I need exp on my sam to by safe from dying but I can?t be bothered grind for it so I can go do the things I want without deleveling ><

              As for Mea, I have 1 anima to use so I?ll be on later 7.00-7.30pm all my gear is the send box so I can get it back straight away.


                Yesterday we weren?t able to do Holla ENM as enough time hadn?t passed from our previous failure. It became available at 10pm last night which means it can now be done again. There was talk of attempting it this week and if so I know there will be a spot free as I will not be taking part. Another successful ENM would level my WAR to 36 and my weapon skills will be a couple levels behind which I don?t want to occur.

                Could be a way of getting 3k EXP on your SAM.


                  If we do Holla ENM this week it would be best sooner rather than later so it will be available for the weekend again.


                    Hmmm good point Wedge, and I just worked it out, in order to do Holla again now and it be ready in time for the weekend it needs to be completed tonight as there is a 5 day wait before you can try again.

                    Obviously that would clash with the planned Promyvion-Mea so I guess it needs to be agreed which is going ahead.

                    I suppose there is a possibility of completing both tonight?


                      Do MEA tonight, ENM's are not anywhere near as important.


                        Hello folks, I'm back, so obviously I survived - got a **** load of photos, need to get them organised and decide what goes where - some for the F1 thread, some for the spider thread, some (errr.. lots) for the 'fairer sex' thread, and loads of the trip itself which I'll probably need to make a new thread for.

                        Anyway, here's a small FFXI related taster - some of the items I picked up in Akihabara! (I had to fight off some rabid spanish women for that goblin). Tal, I got your CD.

                        edit - one question... why is Rarehero still here?


                          Lvl 20 pld at last!!! Spent 5hrs solid going from 17 to 20,just had to get out of valkrum dunes!! Thanks hicory for the help yesterday!


                            Mea is cancelled. Had a phonecall from Vanicent (well a message he never spoke to me personally) saying he is ill. I don't know when everyone will be free again on the same night so cannot say when it will go ahead.

                            I wish it was as simple as replacing him with another damage dealing job but the fact is he has 3 anima and in all likelihood a replacement would not.

                            Tobal I apologise for messing you around 2 nights in a row regarding this. I would understand completely should you wish to pull out helping us.

                            Wedge, I also offer you an apology. I know yesterday you said that your gameplay is suffering due to a lack of storage space because you are carrying around extra WHM equipment that you need to get rid off. Again I would completely understand if you decide to move on and lose that equipment.

                            It is unfair for us to continually mess you guys around.


                              1 ENM then lads?


                                Some cool stuff there darwock,would love the gob.Not to keep mind but to burn in some mad ritual for all the deaths they've caused me in the game,lol!!

