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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I agree, the Linkshell really has taken off. Vana'diel can be a hrash place if you don't have any friends... especially at the higher level you just want to have a solid group that can play together to level as opposed to having to random group... (sorry for keeping everyone else waiting while me and Akasha/Mahlory catch up with everyone again)


      Don't worry Marvelon, you guys are only about 3 levels behind me now and the way I level you'll catch up to me in no time.

      Last night was my first time back in a party experience for about a week (last week I was soloing my Ninja and questing) and it reminded me how bad the Dunes can be. I suppose the 'highlight' of the night was being told how to play the game by a lvl13 THF (no sub-job). I mean I don't mean to sound elitist or arrogant, but he must have been playing all of one week whereas I've levelled a THF to 30 (not easy in of itself) unlocked NIN (admittedly with some help ) and spent a good deal of time building up Tenshodo fame (which recquires some real dedication and patience) to unlock the Ninjitsu scrolls Tonko: Ichi and Utsusemi: Ichi.

      Perhaps the funniest moment was when was when he said he should be the puller because he 'seriously never gets hit'. Took some degree of pleasure in informing him that with Blink I can absorb 3 hits guaranteed.

      Maybe I am getting arrogant, but I know for a fact that when I was lvl13, and partied with someone who had an advanced job, I gave them some credit that they knew what they were doing


        Don't worry im going no-where fast , day and nights jobs suck ass, which means i can't play on tues/fridays unless i clock off early.

        Also im loving my new Galka War and Giant Axe, and i even got in to party with Cheif was pretty good until i met my first complete twat of game a Dragoon called Dreko, who's first words where 'Make Tobal leave, he 1 lvl to high' he proceeds to keep asking to sign up a blm mage instead, the guy had a point about the whm being lvl 13 and i was 16, but i left anyway i couldn't be bothered with the guys whining. The next time i come back with a new group i see cheif lying dead on the floor and then watch him die a 2nd time 5 minutes later.

        Also more stupidness, from a group getting 100+exp chains, to group bickering over a magic skull, with the newby leader who didn't understand he needed it and booted the only other play who needed it after he lotted for it, saying 'no lotting', while i was trying to explain to fool that he needs it, we bring the kicked guy back to the fold and then he and the leader proceed to shout at each other, while i try to tell the others to pass on it and them to lot for it. In the end the Skull went to someone that didn't need it and i end up dying in the next fight due to our whm and mnk shouting at each other.



          its nice to hear about all these adventures u guys have. it seems that there are more fun to be had from the game from early stages or otherwise.

          i have to admit i am getting a bit grassed up by this game. i couldn't unlock the level 50 cap and couldn't proceed to level 51. the quest that is supposed to unlock it is so difficult to complete not because of the difficulty of killing the mobs, its the drop that is difficult to get. a lot of people are getting frustrated witht his quest and seems that there will be some protest in regards to this matter. i hope it materialised or i really hope that SE will fix the drop rate as most are still looking for it without any success.

          i hope i get better luck next time..


          BTW, Tobal, u should try lveling your monk all the way. hehe, they are so cool at high lvls. Chi Blast is like seeing Goku in Dragonball Z, and charka is neat when recoverring HP. i have pt with monks at my lvl and damn they rock, but i always outdamage them..hehe . nontheless a cool class though.


            I think I'm getting as addicted to reading this thread as you lot are playing it!

            Loving the pics, looks totally stunning. Strange thing is I have never played a FF game as they really don't appeal to me in anyway but the online element of this (and other mmorpg's) just intrigues me. Gonna give the Ryzom beta a whirl and see how it goes.

            I just feel after all these quick fix arcade experiences (I'm generalising) of late that I'm looking for something a bit different. Oh well only time will tell, hopefully gonna be getting a new setup shortly and I'm sorely tempted to come dip my toes into yr world...


              hi guys,

              glad your all enjoying your FF experience.

              got a quick question, who do i hand the adventurer coupon to in windurst? I forgot to do this in the early stages and now i'm back in wind to lvl my sub, i have no idea who to give it to and where they are.

              wish i could join your linkshell but i'm on the ragnarok server.

              ooo one more thing RDM (red mages) rock!


                Allday, sorry I can't help with your query specifically (I started in San Doria, but even then can't remember who I handed my coupon to).

                However, isn't the quest listed on under Current Quests menu? Press - to bring up your menu, then press right cursor to bring up the second set of options. Select Quests > Windurst Quests > Current and hopfeully it will be listed there with details of who you need to hand it to.


                  thanks C' for the hint but its not listed there

                  oh well i was only looking for a quick 50gil but i wanna get rid of it so i have an extra space in my storage box.


                    You go main menu -> map -> markers then scroll through until it shows the name of the person you're supposed to give it to, and their location


                      First of all, I am also chuffed about the Linkshell, I almost can't believe that it is the same one I bought and carried around with me on my own for weeks (because there was no-one else near enough for me to give a pearl to lol) it was lonely back then with only myself to talk to hahaha
                      Now it is such a hive of activity

                      Funny about u saying about the THF with no subjob telling u how to play C' because that is exactly what me and Mihki are doing now! We are lvl 10 (no sub) and last night we played in a team for the first time (with other people) they must have been thinking the same thing lol (there was a DRK and SAM at one point)

                      Lastly, the person you need to give the Adventurers Coupon to is called Jack. He is by the Residential section in Windurst Woods


                        The next time i come back with a new group i see cheif lying dead on the floor and then watch him die a 2nd time 5 minutes later.
                        Haha, I'd take a photo each time I died but I only get 15 or 20MB of server space with my ISP...

                        The sad thing was the rest of the party was real safe. You'd think that guy'd think "ooh, I'm the newest member, maybe I ought to leave if I dont' like the party?" sheesh . Needless to say, he didnt' exactly bring a great deal to the party and our lack of 'real ultimate power' or a stronger healer meant we soon took a pasting from IT snippers. And the other mithra warrior suggested the third provoker to "not voke until Chief and I are dead" Haha, I soon quashed that idea!


                          I'm sure I had more linkshell peeps on camera... guess not. Anyway, next batch:
                          Tobal and myself in the above mentioned squad (pre-wanker)

                          Tobal and me trying to psyche up together (and failing)

                          Same squad, minus Tobal, plus tosser (you can just about see him on the left edge - didn't think he deserved a space in the photo. also, our main healer had just left, so this was probably the best form of healing we experienced for the rest of the night :/ haha, just kidding:
                          (also, spotter's badge to anyone who knows what the symbol beside my name in this screenshot means)

                          Me and my clone when I log off on Monday night

                          and when I log back on on Tuesday night... (this boy shows commitment to standing watch here!)

                          Chief runs into the NBKs on his first ever trip to San D'Oria

                          And just as I reach San D'Oria, I realise I really had nothing to worry about when I thought I looked gay:


                            Some funny posts. That dedicated watch guy is hilarious...

                            Forget that level 50 cap. I think we should rally to complain about the intolerable gayness of Subligars.. those things are a serious offence to anyone with any grasp of aesthetics.

                            And sorry to hear about peoples partying troubles... It can be The Suck out there.
                            Some people just don't get it / don't understand what people are supposed to do in a party / don't know how little exp you actually lose from being a level higher lower (I've never seen a loss bigger than 20 exp, and thats with 4 levels difference on the dunes) / don't research what has to be done where, how and why.
                            Things you can do is try to educate them or just leave the party and explain why before yo do so.

                            It's happened to me, got invited to a party. Turned out I was standing next to the lv 14 DRK and a lv 15 RDM in our party. The Red mage heals a random person whose getting hammered by a goblin (this just outside Selbina) and the red mage tells him off, saying that he should preserve his MP. So I say to the DRK (jokingly) I bet you make friends quickly. and he replies with 'I don't need dumb friends' I just said 'me neither' and left the party. Pisses me off just thinking about it... Such is the game sometimes.

                            I've also met people who give you advice/tips and just last night a jp lv 62 WHM started helping me and Mahlory, he would tank for us while we pummeled a gob, getting 200 exp per kill... he didn't even speak english, he just /pointed out which mobs we should go for. Well nice.


                              Here's one for the Subligar fans:


                                hehe here's one from me:

