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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I think the conversation degraded to those levels a while back, I'm ashamed for all of us...


      Last Garrison Drop list:

      Last Garrisons we did we got the following drops:

      Military Pick (1,000,000g~) which went to Rare to sell.
      Military Spear (90/100,000g) which went to Daragon to sell.
      Mannequin Feet x3 (100k each) Of which one went to Rare and got given to Mait, one went to me and has been in my bazaar all week, and another went to Tobal.
      Mannequin Legs x1 (100kish) which went to Tobal

      Hopefully this clears up any qualms(is that a word?), have only skim read the arguements about it so sorry if i'm trying to clear up something thats over.

      If you guys are doing Diabolos this evening and need a 6th i am happy to join as either Nin, Bst, Rng, Thf or Drg.

      All of which can have a Stun Weaponskill. However if your full then thats alright. ^_^d

      As for another garrison i'll happily take part if theres one going on.


        Quartermaster would be good, and I suggest it goes to someone who respects the time invested by other LS members to obtain items. Its not about life outsude or any other matter its about how you choose to treat your friends, online or not.

        For reference it was a Military Spear and it was sold on the AH on the 16/3 for 100k. Suprised you didn't spot the gil coming in given how skint you are

        Hardly a huge drop mind, seens a lot of fuss over somethign that size. Thought it was one of the million plus jobs.
        Last edited by Tsingtao; 17-03-2006, 15:31.


          Welcome to the forum Saerik ^^


            Originally posted by Tsingtao
            Hardly a huge drop mind.
            Principles dear boy, principles.

            Couldn't have someone moaning about having to give up 10K when they were holding similar amounts back from everyone else.



              You know - I also hugely enjoyed Garrison as it was probably the best attended LS event that I have ever done. More of that - yes please!


                Anyway enough of the distraction back to business...

                What time are we going to go for the BC tonight, bearing in mind Talizker is already there we need to get to the shrowded Maw at his log on time. Any suggestions people?


                  Originally posted by Darwock
                  Principles dear boy, principles.

                  Couldn't have someone moaning about having to give up 10K when they were holding similar amounts back from everyone else.
                  You say that as if I intended to hold it back...

                  Regardless of what a select few may think of me, I'm not a bad person - I appreciate effort and believe that it should be rewarded no matter how trivial the amount.

                  Not once did I actually say that I wasn't going to share out the proceed from whatever item I ended up with, infact I've already sent off the first 10k share of the MILITARY LANCE that I have just been online to confirm that I possessed. Unfortunately for my current real life situation, when I come home from my current location of "work," I don't find myself in a position where I can just switch off and forget what I did during the day. I can appreciate howmany of you have careers, but how many of you bring your work home with you every evening? With perhaps the most important deadline of my life to date approaching faster than a rolling ****, there are certain things that are undoubtedly going to be overlooked.

                  I do apologise for this mess, now can we please draw a line under it?


                    I be here... now!!

                    Right if people want to do cop3.5 im happy to, Garrison can still Happen as Cop3.5 shouldn't take all night. but we'll still need to farm items, if we can get a team of 6+ that want to do garrsion i'll be good to go.

                    As for Future Garrison Quatar master will be set, manniqunn part free lots for anyone building a manniquinn, if not one wants then it to be sold, along with weapon drops, exp scroll to the dead.


                      Originally posted by Tsingtao
                      Anyway enough of the distraction back to business...

                      What time are we going to go for the BC tonight, bearing in mind Talizker is already there we need to get to the shrowded Maw at his log on time. Any suggestions people?
                      Going to have to say 9pm ish again i'm afraid but at leasr its not too bad as I am already at the BC. Will probably be up for a spot of Garrison after as well.
                      Last edited by talizker; 17-03-2006, 16:25.


                        I'd like to do another garrison too, unless anyone is strongly against me participating.


                          An awesome night... Diabolos was beaten with clinical efficiency by the same group of us who lost last night, followed by a trip to the sanctuary of zi'tah for garrison. No particularly nice drops on the first attempt (with 8 people?) but it was great fun and a 100% effort, didn't lose any wise wizards at all. Then hic/tsing left and we tried again with 6. For the people complaining how long it took, the 6-man fight is the way forward - only 3 wizards to protect and the first wave was only three goblins. That was our downfall though as we worked through it too quick and forgot to kite... started round three with no HP or MP and it ended with some dead wizards (including myself). Was a totally different experience though and much more fun in my opinion.


                            ..then I had to spoil it all by doing something stupid like breaking my fishing rod :-(


                              Trailer for ToAU on the official site, looks very cool.


                                Eh up, we're a featured community site!

