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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Easy-peasy solo ENM tonight! Makes up for last time, not only did I win the dice roll 1st try but the moblin rolls in the battle were:

    1. puppet casts rasp
    2. puppet casts poison II
    3. Darwock gains defense boost

    and then I killed it

    Still no spirit lantern, but at least that gives me a reason to go back - I'm loving this fight.


      Off topic totally go look at this nearly wet myself in work, headpohnes required in any sort of sensitive environment


        Summary of the rest of tonight, beat up that NM in movalpolos to finish 'question of faith' so I'm ready for the final leg of the bowyer ring thingamy. Then joined a subligar party in the hope of killing mahisha, which after 90mins (and still no fights) we were close enough for the RNG to widescan and tell me mahisha wasn't there. I went to check anyway, and on my way back I got caught out when climbing a ladder by a stegotaur that turned, so I died and HP'd... they had 7 people already for the arduous task of standing around waiting, so didn't need me.


          A VERY pleasant evening's worth of stuff for me today, completely makes up for the previous two evening's worth of unbearably dull boredom.

          It began with the collection of the fire tuning fork from Kazham, before meeting up with Rare, Tobal, Tal and Akashi to tackle Ifrit. Made it too him reasonably problem-free with the fight going well and surprisingly I only healed him the once when I accidentally hit him with my fire II macro :/

          After, we decided to tackle another avatar, so while the others headed off to bastok for an earth fork, I trekked all the way back to kazham on foot to exchange my whisper for Ifrit's sword - a very impressive piece of kit which consisted of +3 str, +10 attack and additional fire damage, should be useful for my thf in 10 lvls or so.
          A teleport and an escape spell later I was back in bastok, to cash in my tremor whisper for the avatar pact, not realising I couldn't obtain another fork, I headed back to Quicksand caves with Akashi. What happened next REALLY shocked me - I knew that Rare, Tobal and Tal were waiting inside Quicksand caves for an NM to pop, and being genuinely uneducated on the majority of the NMs in the game didn't realise the one they had camped dropped amongst other things the Shaman's Cloak - an incredibly coveted piece of kit for black mages prior to 68. The antican NM popped right as I arrived at the spot and we took it down quickly, there in the list of drops sat the Shaman's Cloak - I couldn't believe it when I saw it drop, I was even more gobsmacked when I was told I was to have it

          Unfortunately, it went a bit downhill from there, didn't realise at the time I'd forgotten to pick up another tuning fork, and it turned out later I couldn't get another anway, so I had to sit out of the fight ;_;

          Still, VERY chuffed to be the proud owner of that Shaman's Cloak by the end of it all, can't believe my luck - I think its the very first drop I've had from a lottery NM and even though I wasn't sat there for 3 or so hours waiting for it, it still represents a massive achievement for me to own something like that - and to think, its only taken me about 2 and a half years of playing....

          HUUUUUUUUUGE thanks to Rare, Tobal, Talizker and Akashi, I think I'm probably indebted to you after this
          Last edited by Daragon; 08-06-2006, 23:56.


            Congratulation Dara, the shamans is a serious piece of kit and I know its drop rate is less than lovely. Hope its the first of many for you


              hello all

              n00b alert here

              brought the game second hand from a forumite
              insert the disc and when using the play online code from the back of the instruction manual it says invalid code
              any ideas and what can i do about it?

              cheers in advance


                You can't reuse the game, once the codes have been used thats it. Might be possible to transfer the POL ID with the codes on it to you.


                  Nothing but buy a new copy of the game.

                  Once the code has been used to create an account it cannot be used again (even if that account is cancelled). I'd get in touch with the seller for a refund as the game is useless to you.

                  As for last night, was nicely fulfilling.

                  Hit Alchemy 34 and got so close to 35.

                  Battled Ifrit with Akashi, Daragon, Talizker and Tobal and was probably my best avatar performance so far. Switched to Arhat's Gi+1 and Arhat's Hakama+1 and the emnity boost really helped. Clearly the Gi was a good purchase. Got the final whisper and trekked over to Windurst to speak with Leepe-Hoppe. Firstly she gave me a Cache-nez as a quest reward which was a pleasant, unexpected surprise then I handed over the whispers and received my Moon Bauble.

                  Really eager to try Fenrir now.

                  That left Tobal needing the Titan whisper for his own Bauble. As I needed to battle Ifrit, Titan, Ramuh, Garuda and Leviathan again to complete the Trial by... quests I was eager to beat Titan again.

                  As Dara said, a couple of us got to QSC quicker than others so we killed the Antican Signifier that is Centurio's placeholder. I'll be honest I never held out much hope as I presumed the reason no one was camping was because he recently been killed but he popped 16 minutes later. Congratulations to Daragon on his Shaman's Cloak. It's a lovely piece.

                  Titan was slightly rougher than Ifrit. Akashi got leveled in one hit from the Astral Flow as Barstone wore off seconds earlier. However, cool heads prevailed and he reraised, got Barstone up and we won, mostly thanks to Tobal's Meikyo-shisui.


                    Just been reading this on the Playonline site

                    Sounds pretty cool, might solve our problem on were to put stuff as well.


                      anyone else lost connection and not been able to log back into playonline?


                        *raises hand*

                        was meant to be doing another ifrit run as well ;_;


                          I was mid battle against Susuto HNM >_<


                            There's talk of another assault at 9pm for anyone who's interested, if not enough people it'll probably be cancelled.


                              After last night I can honestly say that Diaboos Prime is easier than Fenrir. Even with Evasion+64 and Evasion Skill+10 I really struggled at evading his attacks. At level 70 I never had as much trouble evading Diabolos and whilst our party went 0/3 on him that was only down to not being able to Stun his moves when he used Chainspell.

                              Sort that out and Diabolos is very doable at our current levels.



