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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by Darwock
    Tal is that a heavy metal/prog rock album cover or a painting of Bahamut in front of the gates of paradise, lol
    The cover of the forthcoming Blind Guardian album.


      So are they big FFXI fans or what? I could have sworn I saw that pic in the Sacrarium


        Nice one mate, I can solo the first 2 bits np. I may get that out of the way either tonight or tomorrow so I'll gather men for the dragon in the meantime. Whilst I'm in Ghelsba and Giddeus I may find more ppl that way.

        I don't have a clue about the Promethia missions, Darwock. I'll print out some info on that right now as well.

        I just have a weird urge to get my jobs to 40 so that I'm on a level footing with my old character from Hydra.


          You can do the Rank 3 Dragon with 3 people (Tank, DD and Healer) but the more the merrier I say. I have fond memories of my Rank 3 mission as it was the first all LS thing i'd done. It was over in no time but it was the beginning of something special /smile and here is a picture to prove how happy I was!

          Last edited by talizker; 10-07-2006, 14:55.


            Spot the only one with no linkpearl attached, that was in my 'I hate Rargh' days. (I still have them from time to time).

            I can help too but it'll be as a nekkid summoner, I'd be pretty much chucking out an astral flow and then running away. 25 is a real pain in the ass cap, who keeps gear for level 25?!? In fact yeah, it'll be a great chance to try out ruinous omen, I'd love to do it
            Last edited by Darwock; 10-07-2006, 15:04.


              lol - I don't have any lvl.25 gear either.

              I'll let you all know when I'm rdy with the first bits out of the way.

              I can't even bloody delete my screenshots that I don't want anymore so I can't take new ones. I've searched everywhere.


                If im not forced into camping tiggers for AnD i'll come do the dragon.


                  Originally posted by Tobal
                  If im not forced into camping tiggers for AnD i'll come do the dragon.
                  They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy,
                  Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!
                  But the most wonderful thing about tiggers is I'm the only one!


                    dam tigger Nm's, way to much EVA and it's Super Jump hurts. Would that make him a DRG/THF?


                      PM 1-3 'The Mothercrystals' sounds like a right bastard.

                      It's just a matter of a repeat of saturday afternoon x3, only with the key item.

                      Then I can enter the new areas!

                      It's a good job it didn't work out on saturday as I'd only have to do it again for this mission anyway.

                      This sounds decent...

                      Promyvion - Mea - Wow, you thought Holla sucked? This guys is ridiculous. Single Target Throat Slash WS (Drops you to 1/10 of your HP), AE Gravity, AE Medium-High Damage Physical Attack that also has a Knock-Back. You are guaranteed to poop your pants atleast once when you see your War/Nin drop to 10HP from the Throat Slash attack. Suggested strategy: Kite the mo-fo as best you can, RNG and Mages stay waay back. Burn 2Hrs as you see nessecary, as this fight can go from good, to on the verge of wipe in mere seconds. Mages burn Juices back to back, Meelee, burn Au Lauts back to back. Be smart, stay calm, and you will win.
                      Last edited by dataDave; 10-07-2006, 15:45.


                        Anyone up for beating the uncapped NM in CoP 6-2 tonight, should only take 30mins (including travelling) I also need to finish of periqu assault (the escort one) to gain access to level 2 assaults.


                          Originally posted by Tobal
                          Anyone up for beating the uncapped NM in CoP 6-2 tonight, should only take 30mins (including travelling) I also need to finish of periqu assault (the escort one) to gain access to level 2 assaults.
                          Yeah, i'll be up for the NM and either/both of the 2 Assaults I have not done.


                            Ditto, although I think I'll be using one ID tag for a return to Lebros.

                            Last night sucked, Rabs was doing an uncapped Lebros run when I got in from work, and I'm still desperate for Lebros points for those 72 rare/ex boots, so I asked if I could join. Party leader insisted we had to fight qiqirns instead of walls. The other blm had never done it before, but we took the first wall down in about 5 mins as per usual (splitting the enfeebs between us).. then we wiped when someone linked two qiqirn and fought both at the same time, no healers in the group (so we fight the qiqirn, makes sense!). Party leader disbanded us the moment he died which f*&ked up the rest of us /fume.

                            Me & Rabs just waited until we got booted out in hope of a raise, loads of people ran past our dead bodies but nobody had a whm it seemed. Also got stood on by Rare & Apa coming out from their attempt, turned out they were putting into action what I've been wanting to try, a trio.

                            Daragon & Meric were up for it as well, that gave us the exact party set up Apa was using (although I was at 70 rather than 75, the fact the wall in the previous party came down OK in the previous party makes me think that doesn't really matter). While waiting for them I spent an hour or two mucking about with Diabolos trying to find out his skillchain options, I can get him free on BLM and his blood pacts do nice damage even when subbed (need to test on high level mobs though). His Nightmare is total pish though, the damage dealt is miniscule, nothing like the 20-30 per tick he whacked us with at level 40.

                            So back into Lebros - we failed though, Daragon wasn't familiar with the process and began by spamming burn over and over, that cost him a lot of his MP and he never regained it, had to spend quite a bit of time resting.

                            We only got 4 walls down before the time expired ; ;

                            Rest of the night was spent skilling up staff in Castle Oz, painful as usual as the place is always crawling with people, competition for normal mobs is insane. I got up to staff 184, called it a day when a scroll of tornado dropped and I lost the lot.
                            Last edited by Darwock; 11-07-2006, 09:26.


                              Well I don?t mind to much repeating the wall one over and over, most of it items sell for 1-2m which would boost my income(trying to get 8m for the shura togi).

                              I think we should all group together and get everyone into the lvl2 assaults so we?re not stuck doing the same one over and over.


                                Does anyone know if there is an online resource which details the items that can be bought through doing Assault. I always mean to check through them in game but I never end up with enough time (and its a bit on the long winded side checking each ones stats...).

