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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by djtickle
    Are the others who came along last time up for it again? Tobal, Wedge, kupo, Bev?
    Bevan is, but it was only possible on a thursday last time cos he had the week off work, for him it may have to be the weekend. I'm fairly certain kuponut is too, and you already know Daragon is...


      Originally posted by Darwock
      There shouldn't be any change in tactic required, we've won dozens of level 5 besieged before, people just need to bother their arse about doing it. If people care enough about the benefits I'm sure they'll start to understand they need to make an effort.
      I do care about the benefits. Last Friday when me and Tobal merited for hours I nearly didn?t join up as we didn?t have the Astral Candesence so I couldn?t get the increased meal duration bonus. It was only because a minute later it was recovered that I EXPed. So I do appreciate the benefit it has.

      But at the same time, the thought of struggling through another Besieged where I spend more time chasing targets that are constantly running around than actually hitting stuff in amongst struggling with the lag, isn't appealing. Last Besieged I did (wasn?t even a level 5) I used 1 weapon skill (so 100%tp) then the victory came when I was at 80% TP. This is a pathetic amount of hits for a 20-30 minute battle for a supposed melee. Despite this I got max reward for my pathetic contribution.

      I guess mages have it more interesting as they have more to do.

      This leads to my current boredom. I want to love Besieged again.

      And I disagree that a change of strategy isn?t needed. Clearly, numbers are down but there is a 20-30 minute warning when the mobs start moving through Bhaflau. That means we need as much time as possible to reduce their numbers to help with the win, which means battling them as they travel.


        I didn't say it isn't needed, I said it shouldn't be

        When we've won many times without intercepting we should be able to keep doing so... but we're apparently not able to. Personally I wouldn't fancy taking on those mobs outside the safety of Al Zhabi.. most of them seem to floor me in a single hit. Maybe it's different at 75.


          Lack of numbers is why we're losing. Now whilst you argue that people need to be bothered about doing it, if people don't find the entire process fun then they are not obligated to take part. This is a game after all, with the aim being enjoyment. I get enough "you must do this now" at work thank you very much

          Then again, I actually don't see anything wrong with losing the Astral Candesence on a regular basis. That was probably the intention anyway.

          If I'm able to get on the 'big' TV next time Besieged occurs I will try and play it on360 see if that makes the provcess any more enjoyable.


            Originally posted by Darwock
            Bevan is, but it was only possible on a thursday last time cos he had the week off work, for him it may have to be the weekend. I'm fairly certain kuponut is too, and you already know Daragon is...
            Cool so that just leaves Tobal and Wedge. Will have to have a word with Bevan see when hes available and get a date sorted out. (Can anyone have a quick word with him next time u see him?)

            I know im good for next weekend sat or sun. Hows that suit everyone else? I take it we have to be looking at a evening run again?

            On another note Besieged has never really been great for me and im on 360. Put i only ever played it at the beginning when the addon first started and thre was over 1k of people in the same area so the lag was really bad and people poping up here there and everywhere. :/ Although i found taking off players names etc helped.



              i have 5 seals to my name, so count me out. Wasted them on a crappy bcnm30 and bcnm20 which i still have yet to sell the manniqunn body.


                Originally posted by Tobal
                i have 5 seals to my name, so count me out. Wasted them on a crappy bcnm30 and bcnm20 which i still have yet to sell the manniqunn body.
                Have you tried leaving it logged in overnight in Rolanberry Fields? I sold mine the 1st night there for 1M.

                Righty - CoP. Are we (Tobal, Wedge, D, Tsing) good to make a first try at this on Sunday evening? If so we need to stick a LSMES up to ask Mos and hopefully we get moving on this again.


                  I am in for Sunday, do I need to get the CCB thing bought for the 1st attempt? I got a hi ether tank and a hi potion tank out of a recent assault so I'm going to have ****loads of supplies for this, still got that vile elixir too. I'm happy to try for the win on Sunday if we feel confident enough.
                  Last edited by Darwock; 21-07-2006, 11:05.


                    Good point. I have got one already but it would certainly appear from other peoples experiences, that we are likely to fail the first attempt so not sure on CCB use. One thing for sure if it take us 29 attempts its going to be seriously expensive!


                      The plan for Sunday is dry runs, this will give you a chance to watch the cut scenes in your own time, as well as set up a good strategy for the mammets, and take on the 1st weapon and maybe 2nd if we beat it with out CCB, but if we?re good on time and looking in good shape we should look to have the CCB on our selfs just incase. Realistically we?ll get 1 or 2 dry run off Sunday night and plan for the proper attempt during the week, so get yourself RR2 item otherwise it?s going to hurt you exp if as we can?t rely on wasting mosely MP on raises.

                      Sam/nin, Bst/nin or Bst/whm, Pld/War, Rdm/Nin or Rdm/blm, Whm/Blm, Blm/Rdm.

                      Basically tsing will have to hold of 2 mammets, me 1, wedge 1, tali 1 with no kiting as there just no way to do it in the small battle area with that many mobs. Mos healing the members and Darwock provide nukes and debuffs for mine or wedge mammets. No 2hrs to be used at all and few meds.

                      Wedge still hasn?t been online to finish the cs in mines -> bastok -> 3 in jeuno -> 1+nm in tav -> 2 in jeuno ->1 selbina and finally 1 in bastok.

                      I?ll change the message tonight, mos should know from last Sunday that we can next attempt CoP this Sunday so hopefully he?ll be clued in.


                        Well they've spanered the game at the moment, been another account purge and now I can't log in. Basically this time they've taken out those identified using speed and warp hacks and sounds like they've suspended a lot of windower users for 72 hours.

                        Nice work I'd have to say now fix the update server chaps.

                        As for CoP I say we carry all the gear and if we look good on any of the dry runs just go for it.


                          Sorry to interrupt all the banter, but I was wondering whether this is one of those things that people can still 'get into' even though the game has been out a while? I've seen it dirt cheap on and so I fancied a go with this, unless of course people tell me it's not worth it now as everyone is so 'advanced' or whatever. Hope I'm making sense!


                            The simple answer is yes, absolutely you can get into it - unlike certain other MMO's FFXI has always got players of all experience leveling other jobs around whatever level you are, when you add to this level capped areas/missions/quests.... I haven't got time to go through it any more now (again-again ^^) but trust me, go buy, play for a while for free and see how you get on.


                              Originally posted by talizker
                              The simple answer is yes, absolutely you can get into it - unlike certain other MMO's FFXI has always got players of all experience leveling other jobs around whatever level you are, when you add to this level capped areas/missions/quests.... I haven't got time to go through it any more now (again-again ^^) but trust me, go buy, play for a while for free and see how you get on.
                              Yeppers its a super game but has some real arrogant higher players, I guess like any game, but find your niche and be happy, theres some truly wonderful sights to see in Vana Diel!


                                Buddah as everyone says its a fine time to join FFXI, a new expansion was release a few months ago and with it came a whole wave of new players. At any time FFXI has people at all levels doing pretty much everything.

                                If you decided to play post here and someone can get you a world pass to join us on Seraph ^^

