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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    lmao at that list! I'm sure a few xbox achievements will be just the encouragement people needed to start levelling every job to 75.


      I'd love to see the gamerscorewhores picking this one up to get some easy points!

      Christ, it'd take years to get the full 1000...


        I'm out on the road most of today. How are things looking for CoP? Any news from True? Are we still looking to go tonight?


          Hmm, that list is definately incomplete. Only lists 23 for 710 points whereas the dashboard on 360 says there are 32 (secret until you unlock them) totaling 1000 points.

          When I activated mine yesterday I got 3 achievements:

          Ninja 75
          San d'Oria Rank 10
          100 Synthesis Skill (this one is not on 1up's list).


            CoP for tonight looks like a go, the message is up on the LS and I spoke to Ceridwen who was playing on Theanu last night. Upshot should be that...

            1) Mosley has seen the message and will join us
            2) Theanu is aware and will join us on True if he's interested
            3) Ceridwen has already reached sea and offered to help us if we need him, he's on the final battle for CoP
            4) If none of the above is around by 21:00 we will should up a healer

            As for the discussions on promyvions last night guys here's where we left it...

            We are going to do Mea and Holla on the same night next week, those invovled are

            PLD/WAR - Tsingtao
            WAR/NIN - Saerik
            WAR/THF - Djtickle
            WHM/BLM - Kuponut
            BLM/WHM - Daviravi

            Leaving us one spot spare for anyone else who wants to help, I think the plan would be to go on the Tuesday night. To do both we all need all 3 anima as well as all 3 recollections on hand so we can go to each crag with full anima.

            We'll go back to old style promy approach for these ones, one leader to take us up, no one moves without the lead and no one engages without clearing with the lead. Agro is to be avoided at all times!

            Basicly what you will need
            4 x poison potions
            4 x Holy Water

            4 x Antidote

            Magic Users (per fight)
            3 x Yagudo Drinks

            All (pr fight)
            3 x Regen Drinks
            3 x hi-potion

            1 x pyscho
            1 x hystero
            1 x tereo
            recollection of guilt
            recollection of fear
            recollection of pain


              Originally posted by C'
              Was about to give up and go to bed but I must stay awake until 1am to hopefully log on and claim Bright-handed Kunberry (assuming he's spawned straight after maint).
              After maintenance I logged in as soon as the server?s became available again at around 0:45am. Was the only person in the zone and no NM around the entire spawn area and I was certain no one else had killed him beforehand.

              I now that the NM is on a 21 hour spawn area guaranteed so my next assumption was that he would spawn 21 hours after server?s came back on so I was expecting him at 9:45pm last night.

              Luckily I went a bit earlier and sure enough Bright-handed Kunberry was already there.

              Always got to be careful with a Tonberry (even though this is ?only? a THF-type) so I summoned Fhig set to Soothing Healer for backup. I have heard that this NM has the ability to ?charm? other Tonberry in the area that it passes creating a mini-party but luckily he was solo when I found him so I hit him with Blind and ran him to a safe spot free of links.

              Finished off my debuffs and went to work and he was easy. Only move he used was Light of Penance (Bind, Blind and TP to 0) which was a minor annoyance and far less troublesome than Throat Stab could have been.

              Sadly the kill rewarded me with no drop so I still lack the Rare/EX Resentment Cape. Good news is that I have a ToD as I know he will now be due 21 hours after kill (give or take a few minutes) and no one else was there to witness the kill. Ony annoyance will be that if I can kill close to spawn time this evening and it doesn?t drop it will put his next spawn when I?m at work on Thursday


                So I guess the next important question is - has Wedge seen the message?


                  Originally posted by Tsingtao
                  1 x pyscho
                  1 x hystero
                  1 x tereo
                  recollection of guilt
                  recollection of fear
                  recollection of pain
                  Where the hell can I find those? I'm not expected to single-handedly farm empty mobs am I? lol. Won't we be fine without all that? Or did Darwock+Co. use all that when they took the Holla ENM with just 5 of them?

                  I have the Psychoanima and that's it... I got that from giving a recollection of fear to the Alchemist woman in Ru'Lude Gardens.

                  Cheers for arranging this anyway Tsing.

                  If anyone can be arsed helping me with my Promathia missions at the same time as these ENMs that would be greatly appreciated. I know those are substantially more difficult than the ENMs.


                    No we didn't use any for the ENM I don't think, DJ had one but it wasn't used. You can get each recollection off the easy prey mobs on the first floor of each promyvion, but as you only have mage jobs available I'd recommend getting one other person to help out for safety.


                      Originally posted by Darwock
                      ....but as you only have mage jobs available I'd recommend getting one other person to help out for safety.
                      Is the initial mob area capped? I can't remember.

                      If it isn't I'll get lvl.40 this weekend and give some farming a bash on my own - it'l be fun!


                        Yes it's all level 30, the only Promyvion that isn't is Promyvion-Vahzl and you won't be encountering that any time soon. You can farm them up solo even at 30, it's just more risky and more time consuming for a mage because of all the resting for mp. When you're only farming why make it more painful than it already is.


                          All the initial 3 Promyvion zones where you can fight Empty are capped at 30.

                          The Hall of Transference (the zone between the outworld and Promyvion, and between Promyvion and Spire) are uncapped but there is nothing to fight there.


                            Davi we are not fighting the ENMs you need to forget those, they are increadibly easy fights these are the toughest 30 caps in the game. If we go without enough anima we will lose and I am only going through this run once so we either win or we don't.

                            Given I don't need these its up to you guys how prepared you want to be. I'd recommend what I said up there its what we used and how we won.
                            Last edited by Tsingtao; 26-07-2006, 09:15.


                              I would bring my summoner along but next week is when my mum's here, so I can't I'm afraid.


                                I mentioned to everyone after most said they could not make tuesday that Wednesday was our next attempt before most people logged off sunday night, i left PM for wedge which is about the best way to reach him, hopefully he'll be on tonight.

