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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Assaults offer multiple caps. Although when you accept each one it offers a suggested level (50, 60 or 70) when it comes to starting the Assault you choose whether to play the mission at level 50, 60, 70 or uncapped.

    However the Assault in question is a rank 3 (Superior Private) mission.


      Rargh on YouTube

      Hi guys,

      Just to let you know, I've dug out the old video of our Promyvion Mea battle from back in April 2005 and posted it on YouTube as I now have an account there.

      Its really cool watching it after all this time. Nice that the shell is still going strong, too.

      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

      Time from when mob was engaged to death - 2m 29s.

      Last edited by vwilsonuk; 06-02-2007, 16:53. Reason: NTSC won't let me embed YouTube vid code.


        That is so spooky. In my final half hour at work I was rereading this thread from a couple of years ago and one of the posts I found was your video of this fight. Said to myself I'd watch it when I got home and then I see this

        I still have the video Wedge took of our battle against the Shadow Lord. It's massive (as it includes about 15 mins of prep beforehand) but it's a great watch for nostalgia's sake. Wish I took vids of other stuff.


          Didn’t do much last night but I really enjoyed being online. Some of the LS chat was totally irreverent but I was literally laughing out loud for most of the evening. Was fun

          Me and Moot made an attempt at Uninvited Guests in Cape Riverne. Massively disappointing as the mammet didn’t pose much of a challenge at all. In fact, the journey through Riverne Site #B01 was much more concerning as we had to do it without gear (no space for my uncapped and lvl50 stuff in inventory) so the slightest bit of aggro would have been costly. EXP scroll for me, Oversized Fang (trash) for Moot. Definitely something to keep trying though. EXP scrolls are handy for keeping EXP capped in case of random deaths I find myself experiencing. I imagine the fight could be a lot more exciting with a few more people involved.

          Also, got anima sorted for Apa and Moot for our hopeful Promyvion-Vahzl attempt on Saturday (fingers crossed).

          Oh and congrats to Davi on BLM AF2.


            Really keen to do uninvited guests it being the source of the ellusive assault breastplate.


              Cheers Rare. Eventhough high lvl help makes some stuff easy it's still no laughing matter when you're running through a set of mobs when sneak/invis wears off - or if you both get totally lost. lol.

              I'll be on with another one tonight, either WHM AF3 if Maria and Tickle are up for it or the BLM AF3 NM in Taroimaroi(sp) Canal against a sludge NM. Should be fun but I reckon I'll need 2/3 high lvls for that.

              It's totally impossible to keep going up the lvls with BLM+WHM now until I can afford some spells/gear. I'll be changing to BST + THF outside of CoP and the AF quests.
              Last edited by dataDave; 07-02-2007, 08:50.


                Are you levelling those jobs from 1 Davi are do they already have some levels on them? I?m seriously (I mean it this time) considering levelling RNG at least up to 37 (for NIN sub purposes) so if you want a levelling partner I?d be game.

                I know I?ve said I want to level other jobs before and done nothing but I really want to go for this. My plan is to work through my Storage/Mogsafe these next couple of evenings (finish off stacks, sell stuff etc) to make some room to store my NIN gear then hit up RNG.



                  Yep. I'm lvl1 BST (which I would level when no one is around) and lvl2 THF. WAR(10) for DRK(21) sub. SMN(4) and RDM(1) could be handy if we need healing support... plus the fact that I horde all my gear means lvls 1-40 should be relatively cheap.

                  I hear you with mog storage. I'm making a new mule though which means I'll be on my third character >< I just can't make a lifeless mule. lol. I could make a RDM Mithra... RDM AF looks **** on everything else.

                  I could even unlock NIN for THF sub. D:
                  Last edited by dataDave; 07-02-2007, 09:43.


                    umm SMN will be a great sub for WHM, RDM is a better sub for BLMs i hear. Congratulations on the AFs. Watching that vid made me wish 2 things ... 1 that i was there for the action, 2 i wish darwok and tali came back!
                    Last edited by Kerushi; 07-02-2007, 10:17.


                      Tali said he was coming back, just taking a break. We got talking about Darwock though (iirc, I was drunk >< ). He's probably knee-deep in work and Japanese poontang to be arsed with t3h g1lZ anymore. And tbh I don't blame him.


                        Are there any lv 60+ clothcrafters in Rargh? I need a Wool Doublet crafted for a quest, and there are never any at the AH.


                          Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                          RDM AF looks **** on everything else.
                          pah! You're talking cr@p Fallows! Check out the fine Hume RDM in this shot...

                          Was nice to chat on Live the other night, and we did talk about Darwock! (I think!!! I too had had a few beers)

                          Thanks for posting that video Hic, it bought back some very fond memories. Makes me wish I was going to be playing tonight


                            Originally posted by Bevan View Post
                            Are there any lv 60+ clothcrafters in Rargh? I need a Wool Doublet crafted for a quest, and there are never any at the AH.
                            I know Meric was but he's gone now. I also need a high lvl clothcrafter for a pair of Moccasins. ; ;


                              AaD have a 60+ cloth craft ill find out for you bev and get it sorted for ya


                                Originally posted by djtickle View Post
                                AaD have a 60+ cloth craft ill find out for you bev and get it sorted for ya
                                After a week of camping the AH, I finally got what I needed. Thanks for offering to help Dj.

