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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Literally as I get home from work yesterday Moot asks if I want to join the merit party he was putting together (he’d just bought Dusk Gloves to go along with his Swift Belt and wanted to test out his Haste gear). Hadn’t merited in a while but was keen to also give my Swift Belt it’s first proper work out.

    Luckily we got the Jade Spelunker (sp?) camp with a strong PT (WHM, RDM, BLU, MNK, MNK, NIN). Made myself about 20k limit points getting myself up to 4 merits so I know have the final (level 4) critical hit rate modification. Was thinking of going for STR modifications next but not sure if I have the heart to merit such a high amount (3>6>9>9>9) so may finish off the Others category with Enemy Critical Hit Rate Down level 2 and Spell Interuption Rate Down level 2.

    One thing was I did notice was the loss of accuracy switching from a Life Belt to Swift Belt. Think I’ll need to give some serious consideration to obtained a Peacock Charm but some other alternatives would be obtaining Diabolos Earring and Pahluwan Seraweels (20k Mamool Ja Assault item).

    Edit - thinking about this some more, this problem could get worse once I obtain a Rajas Ring as that will repleace a Sniper's Ring. I guess the DEX+5 equates to approximately Acc+2.5 but still losing small bits of accuracy all over my gear is going to hurt eventually. I think if I want to be really serioues I need some major upgrades including a Haubergeon+1, 1 Sniper's+1 and a PCC.
    Last edited by C'; 28-02-2007, 08:50.


      Accuracy really shouldn't be much of an issue for you. I'd wager you have more than me and I have no problems - your haste/DW bonuses would more or less negate any slight loss.


        Also if you merit your katanas you wont miss as much. You wont miss the Acc once you get either byakko hidate or osode.


          Well there?s the argument that attacking more often in a shorter space of time is useless if you miss a greater % of hits. I don?t know if you?ve merited at the Jade Spelunker camp Dara, but I believe they are some of the highest merit mobs available. When soloing and battling EM-VT accuracy isn?t an issue but at this camp, you?re talking high-VT or IT.

          At the moment, when meriting and building TP I only have accuracy+28 (Chivalrous Chain, Haubergeon, Sniper?s Ring x2 and Swift Belt) along with Sole Sushi+1.

          I do actually have 8/8 katana merits Kerushi which is a further 16 skill (which if what I am led to believe is true, equates to another +16 accuracy). Maybe I was having an unlucky evening. I guess the fact I don?t use a parser means I can?t actually be certain what my accuracy is. Perhaps I just notice the misses more last night as it was my first time dropping Life Belt for Swift.

          Also, just on a side note. I?d never use a Kirin?s Osode over my Haubergeon XD

          I?d snap the hand off someone offering me Byakko?s Haidate though.


            Hi guys,

            Just wanted to drop by and say hello. Haven't been online as much as I'd hoped the last few weeks for several reasons. First, my laptop is getting so unreliable its unreal - I'll be placing an order for some kit so I can build a new box in a few weeks time then hopefully logging on will be easier (and not involve wrapping up warm and opening the windows).

            Also, the new job was busy to start with (although going well) and the last few weeks I've been running around like a mad thing preparing for ... *drumroll* ... a trip to Japan! It's only taken me 2.5 years to get around to it!!

            Am flying out on Sunday. Right now am wondering about the merits of picking up a PS3 while I'm out there .... even with VAT it still looks cheaper than getting a UK one. That's just an ill considered whim, though, really.

            When I get back I'll start on tweaking and uploading the photographs (am hoping to get loads of those) and I'll let you guys know when they're online.

            Take care!



              {All Right!} {Swift Belt} {Mine} ^_^

              Thanks to Rare, Rabs, Rush, Ruju, Root and lolDj (lets see if we can get you your belt before they turn off the servers)


                Best hurry up Tsing. We're quickly running out of reasons to go in there

                Actually that's a lie based on Dj's horrid luck


                  I still need that rdm sub too don't forget - I think we'll be there a while yet.


                    That's my main need from there the RDM subby, though a swift belt and THF sub would finish me with subligars etc for some time ^^


                      Well we camped outside the Mithra room last night which gave easy access to I think 4 Fomor Red Mage which seems to be the best option. Fomor Thief would be located in greatest quantity in the Elvaan room I think which would involve a trip past a Terrotatour so I’d recommend camping one or the other rather than trying to travel between the 2. Certainly I think we got Moot’s RDM subligar in less than 8 kills (and the drop came literally a minute after our THF disconnected) so it’s not an awful drop rate.

                      Also, if anyone needs Balor popping I have maxed out fomor hate from last night so can there’s 1 free pop available to anyone.


                        >.> rare my love do you have to ask about the balor popping?


                          I'm good with that, I have a codex and a need for a belt and a subligar. Weekend will probably be best for me next...

                          Would be ace to get RDM subby that gives me all my gear bar my AF till Shamans Cloak.

                          Lol I think Kerushi should get it first dibs mind!


                            I think Dj deserves it TBH, 0/5 now XD

                            On a subligar related note, Bridgitt or whatever her name is can apparently ask you to wear a lvl 60 piece of armor for your sub - who's betting that'll be me getting the screwing?


                              Don’t you have 2 jobs over lvl60 anyway? You don’t have to speak with her on the job you want the JSE for. You can only activate the quest by speaking with her whilst wearing a piece of artefact armour anyway. I want to trade in my RNG subligar next and spoke with Bygrid this morning as NIN and got the quest activated for a second time (this time she wants me to wear Banded Mail and Raptor Trousers).

                              Make sure you speak with her as one of your higher jobs so the 2 items she asks you to wear are equippable by your job over level 60.


                                Ill be at there again gettin a codex again....... rare if i can borrow ur hate that would be great.

