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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I'm sure people on this evening know this, plus Apa's /lsmes mentions to too (SELECTAAAA!!~) but myself, Apa, Moot and Mosley along with AaD members Wynth and Gael cleared the first Airship Battle.

    Anyone who's been past this before will realise what an achievement this is and it felt extra special as we set the current server record. For anyone not there yet, all I can say is you have what I can safely say is one of the greatest BC battles that I have experienced in this game so far. I thought Ouryu was a good fight but this was completely something else.

    In a way, I'm kind of sad we're past it. We've been building up to this for months (including a massive period where we were stuck at chapter 4 for 9 months due to lack of mage support) and now it's gone . I would, without hesitation, gladly go again should anyone on the LS need help. It was that much fun of a battle.

    I really hope the next expansion takes a leaf out of CoP's book when it comes to structure and battles. It is far and away the best mission line. I don't want it to end...

    Was a good day all round though. ENM75 victory with Tobal and Mosley netted us a Maneater drop and as I was zoning ino Ru'Lude Gardens, I saw a shout for someone wanting a Fomor Codex which I had to sell getting me another 115k. Airship supplies more than covered by that little windfall
    Last edited by C'; 06-04-2007, 23:15.


      Congrats on the clear Rare, how many attempts? Just one? Be honest now

      All the hype surrounding airship however and it being the most difficult BC to clear, I've come to believe is due simply to people who are part of bad groups, they fail so many times and the word spreads. I found the majority of the expansion disappointingly easy and once you've cleared the first airship, the remaining missions are sadly quite piss (although myself and Dj's static wiped more times on the pot BC than the airship one, go figure)


        Congratulation indeed Rare, Apa, Moot and Mosley! I totally agree with you Rare regarding the quality, challenge and structure of the CoP missions.

        While the airship may be the defining battle on the mission structure I very much enjoyed both the experience and battles of the remaining story line.


          Originally posted by Daragon View Post
          Congrats on the clear Rare, how many attempts? Just one? Be honest now
          Technically, I guess we are 1/2.

          First run we messed up on our Mammet strategy, and got a bit confused as to who should be targeting which and decided to abandon the attempt and suicided. Second go, the Mammets still were quite hectic but once past that it was pretty smooth sailing (not easy, but less chaotic). Considering the amount of healing meds I took in with me, I came out with the majority of them which is testament to the mage support I had (and my M4d n1Nj4 sK1lLzz!!! I guess )

          Of all the parts I expected us to struggle on, the lolMammets was not it XD

          Daragon does have a point in that difficulty in missions is directly parallel, to the quality of your party and I think we are lucky on the LS to have players who not only know their ass from their elbow when it comes to playing their job of choice, but also willing to put in the necessary preparation. The fact we had 6 members all willing to go farming in Pso'Xja for all 3 coloured chips is testament to that.


            Omg Dara Dont Mention Teh Pots!


              We'd have probably cleared it first time if half of our party weren't idiots.

              I'm sure Rare's group will have absolutely no problems (with the fight at least), Black mages are the way to go with it


                Yay! 1/1 on Ouryu with random shout party. Some of the members used to be in RarghLS apparently. No dry run - just straight in...

                3x BLM, 3x Freeze MB, Mistmelt, ES+SleepII, 3x Freeze, Mistmelt, ES+SleepII, 3x Freeze ftw.


                  gratz man


                    So, is there anything agreed to be taking place tonight? Seems a number of things have been mentioned. Fingers crossed my wireless network card will behave itself (had to reseat it last night but didn’t try this until gone 11pm. I gave up trying to reconnect after about 20 minutes).

                    Seems there is a few things possible. Subligar farming in Sacrarium, ToAU Mission The Black Coffin and Assaults.

                    Have to say, out of the three, Assault is what I’m most interested in, especially if we can attempt Escort Professor. Not really got a need for any subligars at this time and passed The Black Coffin a while ago. If either of those go ahead, I guess I’m back into sea for organ farming


                      Think we will try to do all 3, Subligar farming I could use help for if you are free Rare.

                      Ship BC for ToAU get's us more past so we can do Pirate Ship BC's.

                      Assault should be cool ToAU should take 30 mins if we're ready for it.


                        Doing The Black Coffin @ 9.30pm, I believe that involves me, Tsing, Apa, Xand, Dara and DJ?. Tsing had mentioned doing Subligars before then. I'd suggested Assaults for either Thursday or Friday but could do after The Black Coffin also if time permits.


                          Yeah - let's do the sub farming!! I think I can enter Sacrarium now.

                          I'm taking a break from levelling my mains now and falling back to RDM first so we can get back to static goodness after Rare's Sea novelty has worn off... ;p ...And then THF so I can make some money.
                          Last edited by dataDave; 11-04-2007, 09:04.


                            What we need is TH for subligars, with that we should get things osrted quite quickly.


                              Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                              Yeah - let's do the sub farming!! I think I can enter Sacrarium now.

                              I'm taking a break from levelling my mains now and falling back to RDM first so we can get back to static goodness after Rare's Sea novelty has worn off... ;p ...And then THF so I can make some money.
                              Have u done Ouryu davi?


                                Yep, I saw the shout in AU Whitegate and couldn't resist... read up a few posts....

                                Seemed like a nice way to end the CoP sesh that's been going on all week, actually going one step further and doing something I needed myself with some different ppl. I believe Theanu will be coming with us on our static run though for BLM pwn. I imagine things will be slightly tougher with only 2 BLM instead of three.

                                Here're some pictures from the marathon CoP sesh last week...

                                AF hands

                                After Ouryu, with ex Rargh members


                                Promyvion-Dem run up...

                                Promyvion-Dem last boss
                                Last edited by dataDave; 11-04-2007, 16:26.

