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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    spend most of my time on AaD now cos rargh been mostly empty recently might want to speak to Dj or tsing see if there allow you to be social in AaD.


      So what's this new expansion like then? Any good or a load of wack?


        I only got WotG on Monday so I've not really touched any off it to be honest so I can't really say.
        I've been on for the last three nights seems to be a bit dead, Jeuno doesn't seem as busy as I remember. I was looking forward to getting back into FFXI and I feel a bit let down by it at the moment.


          I just can’t get motivated to play sadly. I was on a couple of weekends back after installing WotG and took part in a merit party that I enjoyed then on Sunday took some time looking around the [S] zones of the expansion. It was nice to be on and chatting with Dj and Rep but since then I’ve not been overly fussed about logging back in.

          What I did see of the expansion is that there doesn’t seem to be an awful lot to do in it at this time. All I did on my day there was hunt around for the Cavernous Maws to be able to warp back and to between time periods.


            Shame Rare was good havin a chat with ya. There is quite alot to do, just that its only really come to show the last week. There are lots of Campaign Ops to do, some being every easy some I beleive are 3 Man BCs but not had chance to see them yet. You build up tags kinda like Assault, not sure how many u can have but when i checked in the other day i had 5 to use.


              Originally posted by C' View Post
              It was nice to be on and chatting with Dj and Rep but since then I’ve not been overly fussed about logging back in.
              I think that has something to do with talking to Dj + Rep.... Now all you have to do is install WoW for 100% Fallows Action Plan.

              lol jk ofc. ;p

              WoW is tearing me apart. My guild want to raid which means multiple-party (ranging from 10-man to 40-man) dungeon runs that take a series of nights for a clear, as well as long quest lines of 'Attunement' before you can even get in to these places, and tbh I can't be arsed as I'm more concerned about getting into a capable arena team once I finish my 'tier1' (for lack of a better description) PvP gear off. This is leading to a lot of our healers getting invites from more seasoned guilds which is pissing me off but I'm not doing anything to fix the situation. meh. Unfortunately, unlike 90% of the people that play WoW I have a job I need to attend for 38hrs a week and there simply isn't enough time for me to raid for 50-60hrs and then PvP for 50+hrs too.

              These people in their 30's that still live at home with no job or anything really piss me off. If I stopped working I'd be homeless.
              Last edited by dataDave; 06-12-2007, 12:01.


                Answer is simple come bk to FFXI


                  WoTG is an expansion that you would be able to enjoy it more doing with friends!

                  Listen to the beautiful music that flows over your speakers as you explore the new areas. Take your time to study the gorgeous flowers and the changes that they made in each area. Some are subtle and some are more obvious. The areas in the past are unspoiled and filled with forts and garrisons! The pixies fluttering in some areas give you the much needed Raise that you need.

                  Windy is soooooooo gorgeous and Rolanberry fields is too! All the long swaying yellow and purple flowers! SO many colours!

                  I love the past, it gets tiring walking from zone to zone, but when you do it with friends, you can kinda just enjoy it.

                  Anyway, that's my take on it.

                  On a side note, Christmas is coming and Kerushi hung out the mistletoe! *blush*


                    hahahaha awsome wynth

                    I dont mind all the runing about in my speedy boots ^^


                      Originally posted by Wynth View Post
                      WoTG is an expansion that you would be able to enjoy it more doing with friends!

                      Listen to the beautiful music that flows over your speakers as you explore the new areas. Take your time to study the gorgeous flowers and the changes that they made in each area. Some are subtle and some are more obvious. The areas in the past are unspoiled and filled with forts and garrisons! The pixies fluttering in some areas give you the much needed Raise that you need.

                      Windy is soooooooo gorgeous and Rolanberry fields is too! All the long swaying yellow and purple flowers! SO many colours!

                      I love the past, it gets tiring walking from zone to zone, but when you do it with friends, you can kinda just enjoy it.

                      Anyway, that's my take on it.

                      On a side note, Christmas is coming and Kerushi hung out the mistletoe! *blush*

                      Please don't get me started on those bastards First time I've ever had to run from a Too Weak mob. It seems fighting against them as a black mage (or perhaps any mage at all) has an adverse effect on casting time by increasing it several times over (or is that just an effect that the past has on you?).

                      Either way, it got to the point where I had no mp left for some reason, maybe because I engaged it with 100mp at the time - who is to say? The important thing to worry about is the fact that they're evil, cure 3 spamming little whores and I certainly won't be going near them again lol.
                      Last edited by Daragon; 07-12-2007, 09:29. Reason: added a word


                        Think it's time I added my 2 gil on the subject of the "past". So far, after just the one day of exploring the areas, I found a good few of them to be quite empty and almost depressingly so. Obviously that's because there's no-one using them yet and given the fact that some of the areas are home to very high level mobs, there are no noobs running around spamming shout text and I missed that from the "present" areas. As Wynth correctly states, I would imagine the experience is alot more fun if you actually shared it with someone. Running through countless zones with nothing but persuing beastmen for company really isn't fun. I'm also a bit pissed off at the fact that currently my only way to return to the past is locked behind gate 3 in Garlaige Citadel as I didn't realise I had to activate the maws in the past as well

                        On the plus side, some of the new zones really are nice (well the only original one I visited who's name I forget, between Pashow and Gustaberg certainly was). The music is nice too (The Gustaberg track sounds ALOT more cheery than the original and I love the new title screen march).

                        Once SE get off their arses and open up the "locked" zones I'm sure it will become more inhabited, although that said we're STILL waiting for them to open the new ward in Aht Urhgan so I'm not expecting anything this side of 09 at the least.


                          It depends on how you use the areas dara, all the zones are basically Besieged+Assualt maps combined with about 6-8 different events going on all the time(Campaign Ops + campaign) so they have be able to run smoothly so i don't think they'll ever act like maps that have gone before in Zm,CoP and Toau. WoTG basiclly a mission+Beseiged+assualt package, adventuring it best left for quests as it quite dangerous out there.


                            Reading some nasty stories this morning of widespread amounts of accounts being hacked. Not checked mine in 2 weeks but gonna give it a quick check out once I get home and change the password.

                            Anyone know anything about this? Anyone we know been a victim?

                            It's odd but I think I would be more worried about my FFXI account being hacked than something like my credit card security being compromised.. If something fraudulent payments hit my CC, I am incredibly likely to get the money back very easily, whereas if my FFXI account goes, it's gone and I wouldn't get it back.
                            Last edited by C'; 10-12-2007, 11:34.


                              Originally posted by Wynth View Post
                              WoTG is an expansion that you would be able to enjoy it more doing with friends!
                              Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                              It depends on how you use the areas dara, all the zones are basically Besieged+Assualt maps combined with about 6-8 different events going on all the time(Campaign Ops + campaign) so they have be able to run smoothly so i don't think they'll ever act like maps that have gone before in Zm,CoP and Toau. WoTG basiclly a mission+Beseiged+assualt package, adventuring it best left for quests as it quite dangerous out there.

                              Quotes like these put me off even more sadly.

                              If you need a crew of people to be able to do anything in the expansion then I really don't see me getting anywhere with it. As has been mentioned, the LS is pretty much dead ( was pretty much the case last time I was on) so whilst I'd have been good for this a couple of years ago, times have changed and a lot of the friends I'd have enjoyed doing things like this with have either quit or moved on.


                                I've had enough of not just WoW or MMOs but online gaming in general. Everyone's out for 'easymode' and I don't fit into that bracket sorry. My general gaming attitude has isolated me to the point of not being able to do anything with anyone anymore. Major lump-in-throat times at the moment, as is always the case when turning your back on a save-file with thousands of hours on it. CBA with taking pride in a character and then discarding it down the line anymore so I'm simply never going to start anymore MMOs again as I'm totally incompatible with the way everyone else plays - I'm just sorry it took around 5,000 hours to finally work that out.
                                Last edited by dataDave; 10-12-2007, 14:25.

