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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Wyvernpoacher Drachlox : fought this NM when i was 67 cuz i wanted to switch to cross bow having used bow from level one. so i went to gustav to check the spawn area of this gob. wen i went there, there was a PT of 60s leveling there from gobs around, the NM is up during this time. i was watching the NM do its business. i sat there doing nothing at all. then a level 75 BLM came and attempted to kill it, subsequently the BLM died lol. the XP PT having seen the NM only has 60% HP after the BLM battle, took it but they couldnt handle it either, so they escaped. i stayed away from the gob seeing that it has 40% HP left. i didnt took it as it thought i might die too. so i waited again until the gob recovers its hp, then some high level JPs came in to kill the gob. they were at level 70s RDM, SAM and THF. they pulled the gob but they had to take care of links from another gob and a crab. once they killed all the links, the RDM and SAM rested while the THF kept claiming the NM. when they were ready, they took the gob head on, SAM used its two hour and blasted the NM with 3 WS while THF used its dancing edge. the RDM kept on nuking and healing. first i thought they would win, then the SAM fell, then the RDM fell too, while THF kept fighting it until the gob only had 5% HP. then the gob managed to kill the THF and the they lost claim. i watched them throughout this battle, and once they lost claim, i took the gob. shadowbind and barrage was the only thing needed to kill it with just 5% HP. to my surprise, the gob drop the Othinus bow. unsuprisingly though, the JPs was so pissed at me...but i didnt care...i got the bow...they would have done the same thing.


      Anyone wanna party tonight, lvl 50 or lvl 25-26ish

      I can Bard at 50 or be WHM at 26

      Or if anyone needs to do Genkai or anything let me know and I can help out.

      Oh and I got over 40 Beastmen Seals for the BCNM.


        i can do lvl 26(War/mnk) or the genkai for the chunk of bomb ash about 7.30ish.


          Originally posted by Tobal
          i can do lvl 26(War/mnk) or the genkai for the chunk of bomb ash about 7.30ish.
          I think Mihki needs the papy, maybe sometime around 7.30 we could get his papy and your bomb coal.


            Ok np papy, though my connection was off when i got home just so it could go off again at any moment so if im not on by 7.30 and it passes 8, i won't on

            here goes another 1-2hr call to gaytl.


              Here is the link to the Bard AF2 NM


                I have looked into my next AF Armour - Maybe we should all list what we need, its likely that some of us will need the same things.

                Coffer Keys

                Bard - Castle Zvahl (lvl 60 Armour) and Crawlers Nest (lvl 54 Armour) Castle Oztroja (lvl 56 Armour)


                Need to fight an NM (lvl 58 Armour)
                Last edited by mikewl; 26-08-2004, 00:30.


                  Wow! some cool stuff has been happening. Excellent stuff from Rare and Aegen.

                  Rare did you get a medieval collar for that quest? I remember reading up on the Collar quest because I needed it for my PLD. Ended up buying one in the end because it involved fighting two NMs and the collar is only 8k. Might have been that one, I'm not sure.

                  Finally got my papy last night. What and adventure it was. Started off from Sandy, headed to Eldieme Necropolis, all the way through Ranguemont pass and the Glacier to get there. We decided to do Wedge's AF2 quest first (see above) we killed the ghosts in the room first. Who, thank god, did not link. Wedge spawned the three skeletons and, luckily, we killed the right one first (so that all three died at the same time).

                  As we headed back towards our intended lich campsite we ran into a... little trouble, 8 people died. Luckily Roboto was around to help, he raised mahl and the two of them tractored us from deep inside the necropolis to a safe raise location. We decided on helping roboto getting his papy (afterall, he did one of the nicest, most selfless things I've seen anyone do in this game)

                  We got his papy in about 30-40 minutes, then only my one was left to get. At 23:50 we deided to get another 4 spawns of the lichs, as none had dropped anything after the first papy drop. We kill the last four (no drops) and decided on one last lich to end it all in a 2-hour fest. We slaughter it, and it drops!!

                  Completed Genkai last night.

                  Many thanks to all who participated!


                    Yep, Medieval Collar was the reward. I've kept hold of it for when I decide to level my PLD.


                      HOLY ****ING CRAP!!!11!!1!!!1one

                      Rarehero abandons his NIN heritage to take up the path of the SMN


                        Holy ****, all those dragoon will be crying more so, if the summoners get HIM!!!


                          HAH! I knew Bahamut would be in CoP. Everyone was like "naaaaaah" but I was like "yeaaaah" and I'm right.
                          This is the greatest moment of... well... this particular minute.


                            Tobal, do you wanna get your Bomb Coal this evening and maybe get the Teleport key for that Snow place we went through to eldiemme.


                              Originally posted by Tobal
                              Holy ****, all those dragoon will be crying more so, if the summoners get HIM!!!
                              DragoonX summons Wyvern.

                              DragoonX: "MUAHAHAHA!!!! Look at my mighty dragon. Watch how he adds an extra hit and marvel at its mighty breath attacks"

                              SummonerY: "You call that a dragon? That's not a dragon...

                              SummonerY summons Bahamut.

                              SummonerY: "...THAT'S a dragon!!!!" 8)


                                Originally posted by mikewl
                                Tobal, do you wanna get your Bomb Coal this evening and maybe get the Teleport key for that Snow place we went through to eldiemme.
                                thats my mission plan for today should be on readying 7.30 ish depending on my connection when i get home.

