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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    If you think they are unimpressive drop rates you wanna check out Salvage for 35 peices and these you even have to pay 1500 assault points just to get in the bloody area


      Ok so given the usual luc of Tsing I was somewhat stunned to pick up:

      Wyrmal Abjuration: Body

      Crimson Mail = {Mine}!

      Picked up Aegishjalmar, zenith Pumps and Hrotti as well.


        Saturday fun!


          So that's how it's going to be eh Dj?



            LOL awsome!

            Good day yesterday picked up new WS booties for my nin.

            and then with Rare, Fission and Eleine went to Castle Oz [s] and picked up a 2 triggers for these. First ones dropped which put me 1/3, 2nd ones didnt which were for fission.

            Thanks again rare.

            Pretty chuffed as also if Zmitts never turn up i can use these on blm too.


              Yep, Castle Oztroja [S] was an experience if nothing else. Quite a horrible climb actually. Good job we had the THF to aggro then Hide after the wipe behind the door otherwise the whole thing could have been a big bust. Can’t complain about another level of parrying skill though. 243/269 now.

              Finally levelled my RNG a little more getting it to 45 (literally one fight away from dinging 46). Velocity Shot is a really nice improvement.

              Best part of the weekend was trying NIN/DRK for the first time and I can’t believe I was so resistant to levelling it to start with. Clearly far superior to NIN/WAR in terms of enmity generation on stuff I can’t hit for meaningful damage. I probably need a little more enmity+ equip to balance hate more meaningfully with other LS tanks (Hudoo notably) but it’s reinvigorated my desire to tank stuff again.

              That Seiryu dropped a pair of Seiryu’s Kote for me was just icing really

              Just need Suzaku's shoes next then it's all down to Kirin.
              Last edited by C'; 07-04-2008, 09:10.


                Loc Earring from Limbus is a nice earring to use for nin/drk tanking too btw


                  One step at a time. Most of my gil goes on RNG stuff now (saving for that Eurytos Bow mainly) so not really willing to drop 500k on the coins I'd need for Locquacious. >.<


                    Bollocks! Looks like I missed an EBow for 1.9m this morning. That would have have even left me with a decent chunk of change left over.


                      Linked to World of Warcraft but could have a residual effect on helping out FFXI if anything comes of it (which it probably won't anyway).



                        Right, I'm not very ****ing happy - log on this evening, 4 people in AaD and apparently there's talk of merging with Midgard (nothing against the shell of course). What has gotten me, is that with this proposed merge, I'll most likely have another entire LS worth of people blocking my Kirin's Osode. I originally rejoined AaD as that's where the majority of my friends ended up, but now they've either jumped ship or have been forced out and the merge is seemingly the only way to make up numbers.

                        What with the now almost working exclusively in Sky, I've been thinking about switching shells too as I never get any interest in BCNMs/KSNMs/ENMs or other pop NMs, but all the time I've devoted to AaD will have been for nothing near enough. It's just another reason why I'm so useless at the game, all this gear that you see people walking around with, it doesn't just drop from the sky into your lap, you have to earn it and most of the time that involves large amounts of time given up spent with other people who end up with the goods before you, and once it comes to your turn "Ooops sorry, we don't have the numbers". While this is the case with 9 out of 10 MMOs I'm sorely tempted to just pack the whole thing in - I'm not sure I have it in me to wait another 6 months to a year just for the same ****ing process to repeat itself.


                          I gave up on Aad after that Kirin fight, just not interested if theres not fair game going on, luckly in the 2 1/2 years i spent in sky i got everything i currently need bar the wlegs but then i'm working on salvage alot right now to get a piece of kit that blows them out the water, and with any luck a 35 feet piece will drop tomorrow. also i never noticed how much free time i have not doing Sky trigs and sunday events... it quite strange for the 1st time in years not to have my sunday evening taken up by Kirin and Co.

                          As for endgame stuff now, i can't be arsed with SoU is chock full of epeentards, hardcore campers and Aad is dead. Also gear doesn't make the man, only a very few pieces make noticeable difference in ffxi(compared to merits) and thanks to limbus, salvage and nyzul you could get on par gear.


                            I think after near enough 4 years in this game I've come to the realisation that outside of storyline missions, there's really nothing that I bring myself to really give a toss about too much as it just never happens - Like I frequently say, Dynamis bores me stupid, I never have any gil for Limbus (yeah, 60k a week for two runs how pathetic is that?) don't have the patience for farming as anything worth a scrap is heaving with other players, same with NM camping - I'm back at the "log in for 5 minutes, getting pissed off then disappearing again phase" again and it REALLY doesn't help when it's generally been a really **** past few days for me.

                            On a slightly unrelated note, I have over 400 Beastmen seals that I've not touched since last year - anyone like to help me get rid of them?


                              The issue of 2 sky shells merging is an interesting one as it must be a logistical nightmare in terms of points and the "pecking order" on drops.

                              EDIT - did have some other stuff that I put in here but decided to remove as I don't wish to cause any trouble.
                              Last edited by C'; 08-04-2008, 22:50.


                                The only fair way to do that would be to allow everyone who has enough points for the item to lot, but then it would probably be unfair for those who have like 300 points and might never win a lot.

                                I suppose a Genbu's shield and a Z.Legs abjuration isn't bad going for my time with AaD (I did alot worse when I was in the shell the first time around), but if I ever have the 600k for the cursed slacks I ain't spending it on them lol.

                                I suppose it's just sod's law and my paranoia/general bad luck that prevents me from joining end game shells. You spend months watching all the other people infront of you get all the good ****, and once it comes round to your turn - oops, the shell's dead or the game's been turned off or something as equally ****ed up...

