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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Nice one mate



      hurray was an excellent fight, needed alot of preperation and meds and he only went down in like the last 2 minutes we had. was up for e.body and h.body (shadow coat) but no luck
      Last edited by Adam; 14-04-2008, 01:15.


        Now that's impressive think its been downed a couple of times on Seraph but not often by any means. Can I have your Dalmy please

        Wating on an m body and a body, think it'll be a long old time though yet!


          OMG, it's always been a dream of mine to be like you, rare or moot

          /sarcasm off



            Originally posted by Adam View Post

            hurray was an excellent fight, needed alot of preperation and meds and he only went down in like the last 2 minutes we had. was up for e.body and h.body (shadow coat) but no luck
            Wow you did that with 7 people?


              Picked up Aegishjalmr and Aquarian Abjuration: Feet today from a free faf.

              Which pretty much puts me in line for lvlin pld now after blm which is 66 atm as at 75 id be a pretty pimp pld with gear i have now.
              Last edited by djtickle; 15-04-2008, 12:37.


                Originally posted by djtickle View Post
                Wow you did that with 7 people?
                Take a closer look

                Good job, i've always wanted to try that fight. Got Blm to 53, really enjoying the jump from 50/51. Solo exp in Gustav Tunnel is just sick


                  Originally posted by MegaMan X View Post
                  Take a closer look
                  I still only see 7 people + 1 person in LS chat whos not in ally? I dont get it, meh im dumb.


                    Awsome week this week really. As some of you know ive joined a new LS that seems to do just about everything Sky, Sea, Limbus, HNM, KSNMs, Assault the lot.

                    Finished of my Ares body this week so look pretty ace now. Along with that Saturday we did Salvage and x2 Byakko and 1 Suzy. Sunday we did Salavge, Sea (JoFx2), Sky (Genbu and Dio), and finished off with KSNM but no speed belts out of 2 runs. We been doing KA too but not yet managed to get one.

                    We got another Genbu set, so hopfully i will finally get Zmitts soon. Also we gonna spam kirins soon so hopfully Wlegs too which finishes me off in sky.


                      Which shell u in now? They looking for more members?


                        PlayItCool is what they called, it was just my salvage LS but over last 3 weeks we been doin all that other stuff to. Its really a fallout of SoU members that dont agree with the way Tigue loot whores stuff and gives "certain" items to his friends when others have worked far harder for it. Few members you may know apart from me are off course Tobal, Missbehaving, Gyphen, Berem, Djinn, Toxicforce.

                        Djinn and Siboney are pretty much LS leaders so just drop one of them a /tell when ur online. We dont really have a ldr we all pretty much deside what we wanna do its very chilled out and laid back but we get alot done. The main aim of teh LS is to make gil and pimp everyone out, but be warned tehy will prob want you blm 100% of the time.

                        We have now taken a few JP members too which soon will make us 24 hours as the ones we have atm speak very good english. On a side note, nobody has been recruited from /sh everyone has been hand picked and offered the chance or come via a friend which makes a massive difference when doing things. Nobody gets lost, hardly any death. Most people are very skilled which puts me as a serious noob of the shell but its fun takin on the harder stuff too.

                        Another note is, if people have pretty much picked up gear they want and are only those very "special" peices left to get now maybe a good time to join us as we are still new at doing everything else but salvage. Theres always a up side to joining a shell from the beginning.
                        Last edited by djtickle; 21-04-2008, 13:04.


                          That sounds like an idea shell for me to be a part of - one that does a little bit of everything. Joined SOU over the weekend, had a go at King Behemoth which was good fun but we missed a claim on Aspi. I don't see myself staying in it tho as it doesn't feel like I fit in enough and the shell has lost quite a few members as you say.

                          Sounds like it'll be my best chance at using up the 4 complete stacks of B.Seals I've had for the better part of a year now too lol.


                            Came home today to something I forgotten I had pre-ordered:

                            Wings of the Goddess OST

                            Released a lot later than the previous expansion's OSTs were so I'm assuming it contains all the music that will be used. Zilart, CoP and AU OSTs all had tracks from later updates missing.

                            What's interesting is that the CD also contains 3 "-bonus tracks-" which I've not listened to yet (ripping the CD to MP3 so I can listen to it whilst playing FFXI in a sec - how very postmodern) but judging from the titles are music from ToAU that were missed from the AU OST and not included on the Bonus Tracks CD for the Premium Box as presumably they weren't ready for that release either.

                            They are:

                            Iron Collossus (final BC theme?)
                            Ragnorok (maybe Einherjar/Odin theme?)
                            An Invisible Crown (ending CS?)

                            Rep never shuts up about the awesomeness of the AU final battle BC theme so will give Iron Collosus a listen.


                              Originally posted by C' View Post
                              Rep never shuts up about the awesomeness of the AU final battle BC theme so will give Iron Collosus a listen.
                              It's not just the music, it's the whole BC Will always remain my favourite, was the first "new" part of the game i experienced. Having gone in about an hour after the update. I wasn't aware Einerjar/Odin had it's own theme? Then again it's something i've never done (but always wanted too).

                              Been away from FF about a week now, been snowed under a pile of work. Logged in this afternoon and finally managed to get a coloured Chocobo (black). Want to try and finish remaining assualts and level Sch. Neither of which seem to happening, considering lately whether the game is even worth my time anymore...

