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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I'm really struggling to fathom how people having multiple 75 jobs influences my choice of merits


      your missing alot of activity endgame by just being ninja, just by playing a different job be it support or dd can freshen the game and provide you with a choice when going events and often can be the deciding factor with small groups if you can even start something, i can't fathom 4/5 years of just ninja so finish that RNG off.


        I agree, you should at least level one mage job and one support job to go with your Tank and DD, just to experience the different ways of playing.

        Bard, Scholar and to an extent Corsair all add an element of strategy to the way you play, rather than just pointing and pressing a button. It's the same with all mage jobs too albeit not as extreme.


          Homam Hands mine, and with that bed time!


            Originally posted by Tobal View Post
            ...can freshen the game and provide you with a choice when going events and often can be the deciding factor with small groups if you can even start something...
            Aye, I loved being able to maintain exp parties for as long as I wanted thanks to having both a healing and a damage job going at the exact same levels. The healer would piss off so I'd simply turn to WHM and get another DD. Things became more complicated once refresh was needed though. Finding decent RDM was hard for me I remember.

            I'd planned to do the same with THF + NIN + RDM + WAR as they are all at 20. lol.

            There's always so much to do with so many jobs all over the place. Inventory issues become an arse though.


              RDM her at level 70 after 2 years messing about & taking a couple of breaks from the game. But I am putting off the inevitable Maat fight, I am capping my magics, I have some crafting levelled to make my own foods & potions, 86 cooking & 60 alchemy.

              I plan to make a macro set for the fight but I remember many years ago trying to do the Mini trials with all the right gear but under the pressure I kinda went all silly & failed miserably.


                Anyone interested in taking part in Nyzul Isle. The new weapons have piqued my interest and looking for something different to do.

                Rep and myself have actually been looking at setting something up for a couple of weeks but the Balrahn's Arms announcement pushed us on. At the moment we have 4 people involved. Myself (NIN), Rep (WHM), Mosley (WHM SMN RNG RDM) and another (RDM DRK SCH).

                I am going to check if Apa is interested as well, and Moot has (begrdugingly I think) agreed to fill in a 6th spot if needed so we have potentially 1-2 places open for interest.

                I think we would be looking at two runs, twice a week (so allow 90 minutes per time) leaving people with free tags to continue to work towards Captain rank throughout the week. Day/time of runs will be agreed dependent on availability of those who take part.

                Discholder also to be agreed.
                Last edited by C'; 07-05-2008, 09:17.


                  I could be interested but you seem pretty heavily maged up, not done Nyzul for a while but have been running with NIN/WAR 3 x WAR/NIN BRD/WHM + RDM/DRK.

                  Not overly fussed about the disk but I deally I'm after and RDM & PLD sword + the usual Askar set.


                    I'd be game for this, unless I'm specifically required for some runs with playitcool.

                    The weapons certainly seem alot more accessible than the Dynamis relics, which is possibly one of the biggest reasons SE implemented them.


                      If you need Sam, Monk, Cor to fill in the 6th occasionally. I have Captain rank so have 2 tags most of the time, with 3 being spent on assualt points for salvage.


                        Cheers for the responses. I’ve not been ignoring but I’ve been unable to speak with Rep about what we feel we need as I’m not sure how to setup these, but hopefully can speak with him (and Apa) soon.

                        In a related note, Rep has suggested I got the AU storyline missions tied up as the Ulthalam’s Ring would be very handy for this. It is something that I’d like to have done but since Moot stopped playing kind of lost my impetus to carry on with it. Me and Apa were fortunate to get involved with a Gessho clear a couple of weeks back so that is done so only the final 2 missions remaining.

                        Don’t worry I’m not asking for help (yet ) but more advice. My understanding is that firstly we have an Assault style dungeon crawl involving 3 fights that isn’t too bad and that NIN is actually quite good for, followed by the final battle which NIN is VERY bad for.

                        I’m thinking I may have to go for HP/Physical Damage -% build but anyone who has seen this battle in action think I’ve even got a chance at this?


                          I wouldnt say a Good nin is bad for it at all, just its easier with a pld. How I did it when we did it was we got a pld/nin to tank it from range. So he just stood back and spammed all his hate moves to keep hate. Therefore the main heal can stand even further back and not get hit by the AoE from him. Jobs with shadows help and -% Physical will help alot also. But if u take in all elemental tools and spam JAs and Voke you shouldnt have any problems. Tanking at range if you can keep hate makes this fight 100's times easier.

                          Tank, Whm, Rdm, Blm + 2 DD id say would be ideal. Whm would look after the tanks and stay back why rdm enfeebs, refreshes and looks after the DD. Ive forgot how we took on the Blu mage before the main mob thou, i remember summit tricky about him.
                          Last edited by djtickle; 08-05-2008, 10:12.


                            Ok, tanking from range sounds interesting but I'd have to say wouldn't NIN/DRK be preferable for that? I'm sure the enmity generation would be greater than relying on Provoke and ninjutsu? Then again, this is just assuming I'm fighting Alexander from range. THere's this BLU beforehand that may need NIN/WAR.

                            Sounds like I need to treat it like tanking a sky god more than a "DD tanking" method that I've used for most missions prior. I think I can get My HP up to around 1500 in my tanking gear with Carbonara. Is there any Citadal Buster type moves I need to worry about that can wipe me in a single hit?
                            Last edited by C'; 08-05-2008, 10:59.


                              Originally posted by C' View Post
                              Cheers for the responses. I?ve not been ignoring but I?ve been unable to speak with Rep about what we feel we need as I?m not sure how to setup these, but hopefully can speak with him (and Apa) soon.
                              Sorry mate, forgot to mention i have exams this week. I'll be on most of today and tonight though.

                              As for megaboss, i seem to remember

                              Divine Judgement

                              doing well over 1k and wiping shadows. Does have draw in but works as standard, unlike Proto-Ultima.
                              Last edited by Rep; 08-05-2008, 11:15.


                                I think the only real attack you need to watch for is

                                Divine Judgement

                                (I've spoiler tagged it for the benefit of people who've yet to get far enough into the expansion to know who the final encounter will be against - the move name has been used in previous FF games by the same character. It's his 2h however and it's highly doubtful that you'll avoid a wipe from it. He does a few attacks which wipe shadows (the names of which I can't remember) but you'll most likely encounter them during your first encounter (don't expect to win first time).

                                Possibly the only real advantage players have over this particular boss fight is that it can't move however, so unless it's the 2h most players can rest hp/mp easily without worrying about aggro.

