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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by talizker View Post
    A fair point Dara for sure and i'd be happier with someone like Tsing, Tob or you leading our social shell - you have all shown long term commitment which is ideal. As long as its sorted i'm happy!

    Wedge, whats your characters name now dude? Also where are you at level / mission wise etc?
    My character name is Azarenka, still only lvl 50something at the moment.

    I've not done that much with missions, only the beginning parts of WotG and nothing with these new expansions that have been released.


      Originally posted by mikewl View Post
      My character name is Azarenka, still only lvl 50something at the moment.

      I've not done that much with missions, only the beginning parts of WotG and nothing with these new expansions that have been released.
      Not too far behind me then - the entire Crystalline Proph questline can be cleared in a day (well, by a 75 job at any rate)


        when i'm done with salvage i'll go grab a linkshell.

        As far as WOTG mission everyone should just solo everything you can, which is pretty much everything bar 1(maybe 2) NM and the BCNM fights, which we can get together for.


          OK... we need a name... doens't have be "somethingRarghsomething", but best we got so far is



            Originally posted by Tobal View Post
            OK... we need a name... doens't have be "somethingRarghsomething", but best we got so far is

            I quite like the first two.



              Bottom one sounds like the best to me.


                Well its done, surprisingly rarghsaga was already taken...

                so RarghEffect... is the name find me to get a pearl.


                  I think TheRarghEffect would look better, but it's done now


                    Originally posted by Daragon View Post
                    Would you be interested in a run at all btw rare?
                    I can give you a hand with it as long as you can find a WHM? Doesn't even need to be a level 60 WHM. Just a level 39 WHM (or 50 SCH) to have Stona duties then you could have a RDM healing/hasting me and cast the initial Silence.


                      Nice one, a lower level whm would be alot easier to find, plus I could do the rdm thing.

                      Or, if Tsing wants to come along I could do whm (not got any gear for it only snag, although would I need much?)


                        Someone on Killing Ifrit reported getting this as an augmented item from one of their keys:

                        That's pretty much the best Ranged Attack earring in the entire game. Do want!

                        Are people interested in possibly repeating the Qu'Bia BCNM on a regular basis? Getting the glows and the BC is relatively easy and some of the augments can be pretty awesome.


                          yes! I need the Mab earring.


                            Yeah i will np.

                            Also WoTG are you guys up for getting to the end of were we are at the moment? I did try to do some last night but people just aint interested in doing it. I shouted most of the night for the Sandy one and got 1 reply. We did try and Trio the BC (Behe) but it got to much for us at 50%.

                            Off course im willing to go back some if i need to, I just like being up to date. I started the bastok ones last night which are just CS then a Fight, and will do the same for Windy, unlike the Sandy ones were it involves a NM fight and then a BC.


                              I'm game for the BC some more, II got a nice RNG ring +4AGI +2STR, nothing else though.

                              for Wings I'm on the jeuno BC fight and have completed sandy up to there, for windy I'm on the assault / BC before jeuno and not started bastok yet.


                                Ooooh, I'm down

