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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by Tsingtao View Post
    Slowly moving through crafting at the moment, last week went smithing 46 -> 55 and goldsmithing 51 -> 53 + picked up the key item sheeting. Next target is smithing 60, goldsmithing 54 and the +1 goldsmithing glasses.
    I presume you did Darksteel Ingots up to Smithing 52? Can I ask what level you started those at?

    I got Smithing to 47 last night doing Mythril Picks but wasn't sure whether to just move onto Darksteel now with support or bridge the synth for another level with something less risky.


      I started darksteel at 45 I think, I skipped any bridging synths and just went for it. Below 50 skill ups are common enough not to care about bridging, from Ingots did sheets then sheets to Gauntlets now 1 level of Kyofu then Nodowa.

      Smithing 57 and Goldsmith 54 now ^^


        Originally posted by Kerushi View Post
        Crazy Moogle's are gonna have us running about like nuttas more than normal!!!!

        New server rocking still


          You still owe me a swift belt >.>


            Another solo Limbus success. Netted me 9 coins so grabbed myself a Boxer's mantle and got 3 left over towards the next 75 coin earring (so at current rate I have about a month to decide which I want before I need to choose).

            My Evasion build gear now gives me the following

            That's with 4 Evasion merits and Parrying 9 levels off cap. I'm sort of happy with that but it could be better. Need these off an NM in Beaudeux [S]


              Originally posted by C' View Post
              My Evasion build gear now gives me the following

              That's with 4 Evasion merits and Parrying 9 levels off cap.
              Make that 8 levels off cap. Gained another skill level on parrying whilst in The Boyahda Tree yesterday. Seemed to have really sped through the parrying levels recently. Hopefully not long to go until it's all blue and lovely


                With returning to the game this week, thought it might be time to get some missions done and catch up. I'm currently upto the first BCNM for :ACP is people are interested in doing it, or if need.


                  I'll do that again. Will need to grab another BC trigger so I can get another augmented earring (c'mon STR+2 augment).


                    I might help.


                      Just sorting out the new WHM spells, they're a little strange and perhaps too time consuming for their own good?

                      A.Solace/Cure: Every second counts, in high pressure situations the time it takes for the JA to activate just for a 20sec SS bonus could mean things going tits up.

                      A.Solace/Sacrifice and then A.Mis/Esuna: This is really time consuming and is going to need some practice to get right. For esstentially something i can already do. (Although on Soulflayers i imagine is teh sex.)

                      I'm guessing i need to take some damage to really get the most out of Cura, which seems abit hard considering i have well trained hate control. It's all very confusing and more complicated then it should have been.


                        I presume the fact that Solace/Misery have a 2 hour duration indicates you're not supposed to be trying to activate the job ability then Cure but instead keep it active as a general rule and receive the benefits automatically.

                        At least that's how I think it's supposed to work work.


                          Yeah, that's how i see it too. Why the need for 2 JA and not just have the one though? If i want the full range (Bar spell MDB+5 etc) im going to be constantly switching between the 2, like a SCH.


                            I've not seen them make any real difference at fights, I would say mind if you tanks can die in the space of time it takes you to turn on a JA you might want some new tanks.


                              Wondering Seraph while looking for coffers and such I have found that Places like eldieme necropolis, Beudeaux and Garlage are deserted! normally there would be a few people there farming or camping. Its spooky ... where have all the adventurers gone!


                                Someone needs to shoot this arsehole for undercutting so much. It's reasons like this i log in and then promptly back out again.


