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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    • Premium seating for the performance in the Stalls, Section K
    • Meet with composer Nobuo Uematsu and conductor Arnie Roth
    • Special concert programme book
    • Autograph session and photo opportunity

    The 'premium' seats don't seem so premium when you look at the seating plan.
    As you say Daragon, it's £100 to meet Uematsu (who cares about Arnie Roth!?), get a 'book' (which is probably a leaflet - or the standard programme) and have something signed, and take a photo.

    If it's anything like any other signing the photo will be a chance for you to take a photo of him - not like some cool of photo of the two of you or anything..

    When I first read about this the first thing I thought was 'oooh cool, a book!!' - not 'oooh meet Uematsu!' - which pretty much told me it wasn't worth £100.

    I'll buy a programme on the night obviously.


      It Is a lot of money, but It depends how much you want it. How many people here have downloaded Uematsu's work without paying for it? Out of all 125 FF albums I own, Distant Worlds is easily one of the most listened too. As a huge fan and supporter of projects like this, cost isn't really an issue.

      Just look up meet and greet ticket prices for some of that manufactured pop **** out there.


        I reckon the meet and greet should have been held elsewhere. The price appears to have been set by the hall and given the prestige behind the venue, it would have most likely been out of budget for the majority of the fan base. I'd be more than happy with paying a fair price for it, maybe we should have had the ability to buy both separately so you could choose a lesser seat for the concert to bring the cost down as opposed to having the one premium ticket.

        Like I say, it was 50 dollars AU which works out at about 30 quid for the sydney show, far more appropriate imo.


          Distant Wipes


            So who else from the forum is active on bismark because ive barely found any of you, still sat in mog house thumb twiddling


              Still toying with the idea of returning, but being SO far behind now I doubt it would be to my benefit to do so.


                Finally completed WotG missions, Last 2 fights are enjoyable and the final boss is best they've made, turned into a bit of a anti-melee fight though, great art design. Ending itself

                felt abit of a let down, kinder wanted more filled in. We know that original Shadow Lord was an all conquering MFer but how did get become so weakened that the losers from bastok could take him out! its never explained what Atlana did to help make this happen and never really got see the begining of the end for the relic users.. the war must been still on after the WoTG events if Nolliare(sam relic) is still alive during the wedding(and not clapping )

                And im guessing if Lil ever shows up inthe story again it won't be the one we know , im still hoping for massive all singing all dancing mega ending feature every Allied npc from all the story vs the last big bad.


                  Tobal whats your ingame name so i can contact you, im starting to get transfer remorse ugh cant believe i gave up my largo name for this change to nout
                  Last edited by Largo; 19-12-2010, 04:19.


                    Seriously man you need to install the expansions, you're sat around at 75 and not suprisingly you can't get stuff done. Get the 15 levels sorted and you can then also get into end game LSes none of which are going to touch you without Abyssea.

                    If you'd done that and come with us Friday you'd have got a zone boss kill, 2 x Atma and some other odds and ends. On top of that they ran Dynamis Windurst on a low man clear Saturday though obviously I was down the pub. Tonight is Einherjar probably a tier 2 chamber.

                    I tend not to play much at weekends as I'm out most nights and to be honest it's Christmas at the moment so I was out Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday this week with mates.


                      Im more interested in promethia and 75 stuff right now such as rank10 and divine might, but i will pick up the expansions


                        Tobal in game, but as tsing says you need abyssea as itd where the game is right now thats providing the recent surge in fun, as it such a change to the way the game was played for the last 7 years.


                          Even 4 years ago, you'd have needed to shout for a good 5 hours on a weekend to get a group for DM. It doesn't matter which server you're on, you'll struggle to complete the goals you set. Rank 10 you could probably solo at the new level cap, (Bastok 9-2 was possible at 75). The level restrictions on CoP were lifted recently, because there's simply no focus on it anymore, as your finding out.


                            Yeah all of windy I duoed at 75 on PLD with a RDM so should be an easy solo at 90.


                              yeah i have abyssea now

                              but some things still need a PT, this is classic FFXI tbh, once people get their **** done nobody gives a crap anymore,

                              another example is im doing this rank quest atm, and yeah i can solo the mobs, but all have to be dead before i can activate this door, which of course is the hard part, i cant kill them fast enough before number 1 respawns, so yeah a duo is needed - thats the fun as well, going adventuring
                              Last edited by Largo; 19-12-2010, 19:11.


                                Which mission is that one?

