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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I'd have to agree with DJ, Rare simply said he was frustrated at not getting anywhere. The point is to get somewhere you have to play how the game is played now not in 2006. Parties at level 35 - 70 just don;t exist you either level sync, Abyssea or solo no other real options. The gear for the levels is done in the blink of an eye and with signet changes average gear is fine. Mob xp for eaxmple in the jungle with bands we made over 1k per kill getting ready for Aby on MNK, instead of months use you'll get 2 days from mid range gear. Cool to shoot for it but not worth putting the game on hold for, the voyager for example is essnetially now storage -1.

    The game is much more casual now, for 3 years I was SoU camping alsorts and we killed almost every HNM in the game (everyithng but AV and PW I think). Now gearing is simple most of the stuff I camped for years is now 2nd tier gear and AF3 rules. Don't get me wrong still takes a modicum of effort and skill but its not the game it was. Solo skill is still good to have and I've done a lot but why make it hard. Back in the day I soloed sky gods I'm not going to do that now!

    The BCs do still run and you can make big gil easily now from them but gil is used for so little now, think I have about 3 million sat on me about the same as when I came back.


      I just want to feel like I'm a part of something again, I had a blast going through CoP in our static for that very reason.

      I don't want to feel like I'm in the background contributing nothing, just because people who've been playing for longer are that much more effective than I am. Ok, I was never the greatest at the game, and the one thing that sticks out in my mind (other than this Promyvion thing I can't recall) was that Alexander fight not long before I stopped playing, and tbh that was one of the reasons I did stop. I explained my reasons at the time for my performance so I would rather not go back there again.

      Hopefully returning to proper PC gaming for the the first time in about a decade will help me improve though and keep me more focused than I ever was playing on the 360 version, which I was never that comfortable with.
      Last edited by Daragon; 24-05-2011, 15:54.


        Waiting for Galka's sux...


          Dinner > FFxi

          Anyway this is not about lambasting rare, this is trying to get him change is outdated ways which is making for a ****ty game experiance, coming here or moaning in game about stuff that in the grand scheme of things doesn't matter because the game as moved on so much in the last 2 years in way point out above.


            As a point in case my 54 NIN when I made the last post is now 57 and this party is lame.


              Left this thread for a few days. Took on board what Tobal and Dj posted over the weekend whilst I mulled over what I will do come 1st June (still not made my mind up) and spent a few days leveling WAR and DNC as well as other little bits and bobs related to them (/jobemotes and AF1 quests etc.) Actually had a bit of fun keeping mostly myself to myself and leveling my NPC. However I actually feel the need to post to defend myself because people are miscontruing some of the things I've posted or downright making things up.

              Firstly, you all seem so damn sure that I'm whining about '****ty useless low level gear' when in actuality the frustrations about crap droprates were actually related to the following items:

              Yes these are "only level 80" pieces of equipment but all of them remain relevant at level 90 so I honestly didn't see the harm in trying to get them whilst I was paused at level 80. I've lost track of how many times we killed the tree for Iga Erimaki with nothing at all to show for it and it completely boiled over on Friday evening when 3 Ruminator kills where I thought we did everything right (blue !! procs and all that rubbish) and still got nothing to show for it. That was weeks worth of waiting all down the pan with nothing to show for it in a couple of hours.

              I wasn't the one who brought up the Ogygos's Bracelets in this thread. In fact, I've never even mentioned those at any point to either Dj or Tobal so I don't even know how they got wind that I was killing the NM for them. Was just something I did on my own time when Rep was busy/offline and didn't want to "play" the game so just semi-afked whilst watching football, playing PSP etc. I'll admit I brought up Voyager Sallet but that wasn't an "zOMG why won't sallet drop!! QQ". That post in question even says straight afterwards

              (neither big things I wanted either)
              It was a response to Dj's "just bad luck post" (which I concede was probably an attempt to keep me motivated and try again) pointing out that even items which supposedly have good droprates in general I had some "bad luck" with and was more a public wondering about whether I am destined to continue to have "bad luck". Because if so I'm not sure if I can be bothered. What if this continues for the stuff that does matter? Again, one of the reasons I came back was reading reports elsewhere that S-E had improved things and you don't have to spend weeks getting gear any more. Drop rates were supposedly "much better now" but in my mind going 0/10+ on something (Iga Erimaki) is not a good droprate at all. Perhaps what they really meant was that it's improved because NMs repop much more regularly now?

              I had more I wanted to say but decided against it for now. Hoping to get DNC to 42 before watching the football.


                Cool man, if you're after the Bullwhip just ask I need cards from ovni and some more stones. Was trioing the other day on it, the belt is an awful drop rate, probably need blue procs on it and TH for any real shout. Think it was about 1/10 on Bullwhip and same for Auger's Jessaran.

                Bullwhip is handy I have to say, still use on the jobs that can't equip twilight.

                You need to jump on the LS as well always things to pick up
                Last edited by Tsingtao; 24-05-2011, 18:05.


                  My last post on this topic, i put up these counterpoints because your situation has been caused by yourself and not the game, instead of giving the impression in your posts that it this isn't the case which putting off others from coming back.

                  I'll point this out between your attitude with this game being stuck in 2008 and the new game FF11 has become that somehow you can not find.

                  Rep returned to the game in the same month as you. He joined tickle,tsing and i(and others) in our little LS, in that time he leveled his 75 jobs to 90 then after getting bored of waiting around for you to actually do something other than moan got help from tickle and i to beat a boss get a lunar and from there he's not looked back and within a month has beaten Abyssea's 15 Bosses+Shinryu, gained alot of important atma and abyssite buffs, leveled a thf 90 from nothing and equip'd it with kickass AF3 and other assorted abyssea drops, and is like Tickle and I building an empy weapon, i think as of tonight he got to 25/50 item for stage one Club after starting at the weekend..

                  and what have you done? Sat on your hands, waiting for others to kill monsters for you in hope for a couple of item drops with known low % droprates that are inthe grand schemes of things mean little, i state now when it comes to abyssea and now voidwatch where the current game is, its ATMA and ABYSSITE that make the difference not the equipment (outside Empy weapons), how can you possibly get any satistation being useless mp sponge in every fight those NM's are involved in all because you won't let go of this epeen for best equip at all stages, 11 has left that world behind and for the better.. and you know that bullwhip belt is complete **** for your ninja, inthe time you've wasted getting others to kill Onvi for you could have leveled to 90, got atma, killed bosses and had some *gasp* fun and gotten this which freedrop is about every Shinryu fight i've been to.
                  Last edited by Tobal; 25-05-2011, 00:23.


                    What's Atma? There's an Atma Weapon on FFVI.



                        Atma is singularly the most important thing in the game now, along with Abysite. Gear buffs what you have from Atma now no the other way round, for example from Abyssite I have +75 to ever stat and a base HP of around 2.5k for most melee jobs and 2k for mages (PLD and MNK both top 3k).

                        With atma on I generally have over +100 STR and +100 DEX before I start layer gear on for melee and likewise for MND and INT on mages. MP pool on WHM for example is around 2.3k. Not mention the fun of autorefresh at +10 or above per tick without gear or spells.


                          In other news NIN now 67, a day of skill up ahead but going to need to get some AF3 for it to stop me looking like a dork.

                          There's a few AF3+1's I need to farm up really top of the list are:

                          NIN Body
                          MNK Body 3/10
                          THF Body 4/10

                          And a whole load of +2 items are needed!

                          In gear I need to get an Alfard kill for a Widowmaker and find some decent NIN katana from somewhere.


                            This is also my last post about the current saga as its dragging no now for no reason...

                            All the items you mentioned rare are a notorious bad drop rate. I went 1/28 on the Iga neck it took days of constant camping was painfull, but theres the other side to it were I went 1/1 on bullwhip.

                            The point im trying to push is I did both of these solo @lvl 90 with only TH Atma. I think you would enjoy things far more the way they are now if you were level 90. Grab a few atmas RR,GH,VV and go solo stuff on your nin, your far better at nin than me so you would have no problems what so ever. Id say sooner rather than later as Atma shouts are starting to die down now, but on the other side of things as we get higher lvl the lower the men it takes for us to go in and do it.

                            Also i recommend you come in the LS, we are not a event LS now (for the moment, waitin on info on voidwatch) just a social. People always offering seals, AF+2 Items, Atmas out for free.

                            Me and tobal are dropin stones needed for Nin AF+2 legs and Jewels for Hands i think that you could gladly have, plus you would get boss clear for Mis Coast.

                            Anyways in other news just 14 items left to finish GKT stage 2 and I still not finished the bloody NMs to finish stage 1 lol. Its been great SE adding 3 ??? for NM pops but they really need to look at Reps NM and Pop NMs that are needed as these are in much more need of an update than anything else on this system.

                            @Tsing - The Katana from sobek is awesome, and is 100% drops. This NM is always up as its for S2 Katana so I bet you could turn up at the pop and get one for free.

                            Other I recommend is the one Rares having probems getting from the VNM T2 in La Theine but droprate sux. Defo needs Blue !! and TH.

                            Theres always the EVA Trial Katana or if you just want summit to be a part time Nin id recommend Ichi-an of the AH They only 30k each or 300k for the +1.

                            Also for AF3 for nin Feet are awesome if you can picup the +2 they give a extra shadow to Utsu Ichi and Ni.
                            Last edited by djtickle; 25-05-2011, 09:27.


                              O.O I need those feet, and I'd say all my jobs are part time now I just paly what's needed.

                              The T2 in La Theine is a good target I need the Abyssite upgrade for the T3 there as well to go get my Atma from it. I'll look into Sobek I think it drops stones of ardor now ad I only need 1 to upgrade either PLD or BRD body to +2. Could go take MNK at blunt o'clock for the La theine mob, seems like the best plan and set some regen atma?

                              Going to ahve a good look at wat I want to do and maybe if we all pool together we could go Rargh! some stuff.


                                Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                                Rep returned to the game in the same month as you. He joined tickle,tsing and i(and others) in our little LS, in that time he leveled his 75 jobs to 90 then after getting bored of waiting around for you to actually do something other than moan got help from tickle and i to beat a boss get a lunar and from there he's not looked back and within a month has beaten Abyssea's 15 Bosses+Shinryu, gained alot of important atma and abyssite buffs, leveled a thf 90 from nothing and equip'd it with kickass AF3 and other assorted abyssea drops, and is like Tickle and I building an empy weapon, i think as of tonight he got to 25/50 item for stage one Club after starting at the weekend.. .
                                This isn't accurate

                                I returned with 2 boss clears (Pieste, Worm) and 2 Lunars. I was however missing 90% of the Atma I have now. Saying that It got me thinking how hard **** was in Abyssea at 80 before Superpowers and found some good examples.

                                Fistule which I'm doing now for Emp Club can be soloed im under 10mins, back then it was a bitch to kill and took us at least half an hour.

                                Kukulkan was extremely nasty and possibly the hardest NM I've ever had to fight, this thing was seriously no joke when Abyssea was lauched. With Atma at 90 I think it takes 3 people max.

                                Also this piece does exist

                                THF has been planned for a long time, I had a ton of gear for endgame and about the only thing I was missing was Sicorro which I'd camped afew times. I reluctantly let those Trotter boots drop the Dara too. It was level 40 when I came back and all it needed was exp and evasion skilling up.

                                Drop rates on Neck pieces are ****, I went 1/13 on BLM Neck from Bakka with about 5 of those proc'd and 3 axe drops. Just got to hang in there. WHM cape was about 9 kills.

                                As for PiC besides the Rargh crew and one nameless person everyone has their head so far up their own arse they're only interested in helping themselves. I helped people non-stop for a week or so and whenever I needed help with anything there was just silence

