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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    You don't lose anything when you move servers, however from past experiences I will tell you that it's not really a good idea unless you REALLY dislike your current server.

    The economy will be fresh and unstable for a long time. Don't do it.


      I realise this is going off topic from FFXI (and server migration) but I found this site a while ago:

      Explore video game art galleries featuring character concept art and illustrations from official artists. Over 76,000 game artworks from 1,800+ titles.

      There's a comic that is funny to read, where someone is interviewing various game characters (including FF), and there is an interesting range of multimedia stuff too.


        YES! finally i have the kotes after months of waiting through failed camping and unrealistic gil making adventures, i finally snagged Deggi for the 2nd time in a week a but this time i got the Ochiudo's Kote, on the way back to jeuno with a whacking great grin on my face, i got a party, which got me lvl 51 and a new G.K to use(been using the AF1 for 9 levels now).

        Great day. Now for that 2nd Snipers ring, only 350k odd to go....


          Thanks for the help last night Rarehero [and others]. Only my second night but I started to appreciate the size of the game. Did the first mission and the first quest before realising that more leveling up is needed before any further progress can be made here - Dangruf Wadi is not really a place to go at Lvl 4 (without a map...).

          Can't wait to get back on later tonight


            Talizker, have you hit level 6 yet? There's a quest in Bastok you can only do if you are level 5 or under... I was going to be helping my newbie friend try to get a party together for this at the weekend (you need 5 people I think).. just if you're interested! But I know the desire to soar through the levels is quite hard to resist!


              Originally posted by Darwock
              Talizker, have you hit level 6 yet? There's a quest in Bastok you can only do if you are level 5 or under... I was going to be helping my newbie friend try to get a party together for this at the weekend (you need 5 people I think).. just if you're interested! But I know the desire to soar through the levels is quite hard to resist!
              Still just under Level 5 so should be fine for the quest - in fact i'm looking forward to getting involved in a party already . Need to get back to Bastok and will get up to Level 5 tonight. When do you want to go? Being a family man it will likely have to be evening - i'm generally on 9-9.30 through to the early hours.


                That's the problem, my pal can't make it until the weekend :-(

                I don't want to hold you back if you want to press on, don't stress about it as you will also have a good opportunity to do it when you start levelling your subjob.

                If I make it on tonight (doubtful unfortunately) and you're around I'll try and help you out with it anyway. Otherwise.. stay tuned for scheduling information, lol.


                  Originally posted by Darwock
                  That's the problem, my pal can't make it until the weekend :-(

                  I don't want to hold you back if you want to press on, don't stress about it as you will also have a good opportunity to do it when you start levelling your subjob.

                  If I make it on tonight (doubtful unfortunately) and you're around I'll try and help you out with it anyway. Otherwise.. stay tuned for scheduling information, lol.
                  When at the weekend is he on - during the day or in the evening?


                    It'll be the evening - footie matches to go to during the day apparently. Dunno, some people's priorities are all screwed up!


                      That should work out fine. I have plenty to do for a night or two without getting to Level 6 so look out for me on Saturday evening


                        Quoting Halfpint from the Allakhazam forum thread:

                        Allakhazam is a cesspit rife with underhanded, bitchy, arrogant newbies who gain some sort of sadistic pleasure from moaning and complaining to people across the internet
                        Couldn't agree more I've been playing FFXI since March this year (i'm on Titan server btw), and although I do use that site for info every so often i've not bothered registering to be able to post on the forum. It became obvious to me almost straight away that the vast majority (not all) of the people on there are whining children or arrogant know-it-alls, and i've got better things to do with my time than hold a discussion over the internet with them. There also seems to be a strange obsession with karma there which i've personally not seen before on other forums, which just results in more bitching and whining (wtfzor y u rate me down!!??!!).

                        Not the sort of forum community I want to be part of needless to say Anyway, hello to all in this thread - i've been reading it for a while, just not registered to post here until recently.


                          I've just read the rest of that allakazham thread myself... oh dear!

                          Sorry you got so much grief for attempting to help me out Halfpint!



                            I am going to be off FFXI for a while.

                            I will probably be back on when my CoP arrives.


                              Can you spot the up and coming gilsellers in this pic? Look closely


                                The only reason these people exist is cos there's other people out there sad enough to buy from them... I guess it's the closest you can get to cheating with this game. It's pretty silly anyway.

