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Final Fantasy XIV Then...

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    Originally posted by elaniel View Post
    I'm thinking of returning (although Im a much lower level than all of you are probably).

    Is it just interface changes that have been sorted now, or is there some new content?
    There's a ton of changes. When you press a button something happens now
    Wouldn't worry about lower level, you can hit 20 in a couple of hours. 1-10 in about 20minutes. When leve sharing, your leve isn't used up if someone else selects it either.


      I may update and come online later today to check it out. I think I'm level 20 anyway.

      So you actually gain experience now? Holy ****-sticks. That may be a reason to play now!

      Is it still a free period?


        XP is messed up at the moment, its decent when doing leves and an improvement from before but regular party grinding is way off balance, I did some grinding in Mistbeard Cove and Coerthas last night and no matter how hard the mobs you fight your stuff with 50-130xp per mob, hope they improve this soon.


          Updated my client yesterday but not been on yet to try it out, due to moving my house around ready for kinect and NFS. (Damm you wedge and some of your fast times!)

          Ill hopfully log on tonight and check it out!


            Adding to my last post, it came to my attention last night that exp partys at lvl 20+ are not restricted to the starting zones, there are actually plenty of spots to level in Coerthas, originally I just assumed that zone would be for later but it seems its viable now.

            It at least opens things up somewhat and although xp is borked it was nice travering and battling in a difference area last night.


              I gave the YG Updater software a go last night, its basically a bit of software that you run in the background which updates the YG site with server information such as Bazaars, once you access your retainer it grabs all the information and sends it live to so people can see what you have for sale, helping you sell your items.

              Here's my retainers (Faf) page

              I think its pretty cool and its easy to do, although it may be against the rules I think its something sorely missing from the actual game itself and until SE get the search features in place i'll be continuing to use it.


                Is that legit? Unless it's reading from local memory, any idea how it works?

                Speaking of apps, there's a psuedo Windower developed by Aikar (FFXI Windower), it's nothing fancy but redraws the window in the OS to create a proper full-screen effect. Since all it does is redraw the window it's completely undetectable. All you need to do is enable windowed mode and select your desired resolution (1920x1080 for example), then open the app before you load the game. You could even pop it in your windows startup folder so you don't need to open it every time.


                  I'll have to check out that Windower.

                  As for the YG Updater it says it only parses incoming data so it shouldn't pose a problem, although if you link your account to YG they can pretty much tell who uses it, still I need something to help me sell stuff as shifting items is painfully slow right now.


                    I don't know what the problem with addons and extensions is. Game breaking ones, yeah of course... but they should build around that.


                      I've just tested the Windower but its it messes up the framerate really bad, even on the title screen its very stuttery


                        Notorious Monster


                          I guess others noticed too.
                          Q.Was the movement speed of PCs slowed down in the version update? My Lalafell seems more sluggish and slothful, a mere shadow of his former, sprightly self.

                          A.The movement speed of PCs has not been adjusted in the slightest. What has changed, however, is the angle of the game camera. Though this minor alteration may give the false perception of slower movement, we assure players that this is not the case.


                            Anyone up for leves tonight, non shared = lots of leves and decent xp.

                            We tried to do some last night but the mix of confusion from JP players and Maint meant we didn't really get going, also can add in some behest too and we could net a nice chunk of xp.


                              Quick question for all you tech savvys. How does the game fare on minimum specs? I'm hoping for a new rig for Christmas but my parent's budget isn't extensive. Came across this one and thought it should be able to handle this to an extent. I'm not expecting miracles of course as it looks like a fairly basic entry level gaming setup, given the price. At least it has plenty of upgrade potential!


                                Hey Daragon, I play on a Macbook Pro - which has:
                                4GB RAM
                                2.4Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
                                Nvidia 320M with 256MB VRAM

                                You should be fine with specs that dwarf mine!

