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Final Fantasy XIV Then...

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    I think it's just a case of needing experience .

    I'm actually reminded of the first time I did Darkhold with Wedge (I don't mean this as a criticism of him as he's been incredibly helpful since I started playing, and more using as an example of how things that seem to make perfect sense to those who cleared events multiple times can be baffling to newbs).

    We got to the Darkhold Slave area and he said (a little bit of paraphrasing, but not much):

    ghosts go up, go down, then go up when they go down
    Now I've done that fight multiple times I know EXACTLY what it means but at the time it was just


      Ifrit is one you just have to stick out, keep doing it and doing it until you become familiar with it, saying that its the main reason I leveled THM as even though I could do it on Lancer its just a bit more challenging down the stretch, as a melee dps its not easy to finish on your feet when it gets hectic, because the whm's need to focus on the Tank so much towards the end I started to just run to a safe spot at the rear of the arena if I saw myself low on HP, just gave myself some time to heal up and then went back at him. I can show you a really good spot that will let you regain full health without having to worry about anything bar the occasional crack, also not sure if you have stoneskin and protect but if you do going as Lancer can help with self buffs.

      Last night a LS friend was needing a whm for United we Stand, so offered to go, expecting it to be more practice than getting a win but somehow sailed through it first try. I believe the Strategy we used can work with the jobs we all have.

      Me and Repp as WHM, Kerushi as WAR, Rare as MNK, Apa as BRD and Moot as BLM. then get 1 more WAR and a MNK or DRG.

      WAR'S alternate kiting and taking down closest generator, BRD support buff while center generator is down and dps center when up, Melee primary focus on adds, when adds are all down they can help on center, basically take out all adds asap and take as long as needed to grind down the center, it took us 15-20 minutes but it never got so hectic that we had any problems, its all about keeping adds down, this strategy as a WHM I barely went below 50% MP and maybe took one or two hits the entire fight and no one died, I was basically stood in one spot the whole time in the middle, aoe regen and throwing the odd stoneskin and cure on the kiter as he came round to my side of arena.

      So first thing we need to do is finish the AF quests so Kerushi is fully geared, I think the idea was for people to come on about 8pm tonight.

      Also tried the final quest last night but went 0/4 but came very close, anyway wont say anymore about that one as you can see it firsthand but its an awesome battle that we should all do.
      Last edited by mikewl; 31-07-2012, 14:03.


        With V2.0 around the corner my interest in this has spiked again.

        Whats the deal with spec for it? As every screen I see seems much nicer looking than what it does now.

        Can anyone recommend a graphics card that will run this well to awesome? Im building a new rig over the next couple of months so might come back with V2.


          Originally posted by djtickle View Post
          With V2.0 around the corner my interest in this has spiked again.

          Whats the deal with spec for it? As every screen I see seems much nicer looking than what it does now.

          Can anyone recommend a graphics card that will run this well to awesome? Im building a new rig over the next couple of months so might come back with V2.
          My old rig used to run it fine, although I'd get the odd drop in fps when certain weather effects came on, other than that there is one area with giant tree's that brought it to its knees but overall it was really fine on my 1st gen I5 with a 460 1GB and 4GB RAM.

          My new rig, I7 3rd Gen with a 670 2GB and 16gb RAM is overkill for it, the game on average with highest settings uses about 700-800MB of video memory, so you could go with a decent 1GB card and run it fine, any quad core CPU would probably be fine too and 4GB+ RAM and I'd say your good to go.


            DJ if you decide to come back on soon would be the time if you want some of the 1.0 exclusive stuff, Goobue mounts and Grand Company storyline will be gone come 2.0 and its really worth seeing it all before 2.0. the cutscenes towards the end are really good.


              Goobue mounts are already gone I think, and it doesn't matter what you build, it won't run version 1.0 for ****


                Originally posted by djtickle View Post
                With V2.0 around the corner my interest in this has spiked again.

                Whats the deal with spec for it? As every screen I see seems much nicer looking than what it does now.
                I feel the same way DJ. With all the new information i've been eyeing up the box on the shelf...


                  You guys should rejoin, the group is gradually getting bigger again, less we have to shout for pickup the better.


                    Would be nice to have more of the old group back, I'm sure with the busier ls there will be people who can help out on things.


                      Yeah but if you want to see the pre-Dalamund content you need to do it quick as it will be gone once 2.0 hits.


                        Some Linkshell success with primal weapon drops (click for bigger pics):

                        I really like Feast of Fools fight.
                        Last edited by C'; 01-08-2012, 22:01.


                          Yesterday's Moogle runs were worth it in the end, but really that fight showed that just because you have incredible gear it doesn't mean much if you don't concentrate.

                          Seriously was not impressed with the tank, last Saturday I thought me and Rare were gonna be in for some bad runs when I checked our tank and he had pretty weak gear but completely owned the fight and I had the best runs I've ever had on it.

                          Still we've made good progress lately, we should get working on the Storyline again soon.


                            Congratulations guys! aparantly you can still get the gubbue mount if you still want to come back before 2.0 dj.

                            Moot still in need of getting pld to 50? if he wants im happy to help him get his level.
                            Last edited by Kerushi; 02-08-2012, 14:38. Reason: forgot to add something


                              Yesterday sucked, fail on everything.

                              3 failed moogle runs, which brings me to a question, if you have one tank what is the point in the Mnk's and Drg's running in circles if they have hate, because they are just alternating hate between them, it got to the point where nearly everyone was running in circles and I couldn't aoe buff at all, I can understand the running in circles strategy if you have a second tank but not with one tank.

                              Then 1 run at final storyline in nearly 2 hours while people afk, failed the one attempt when we had it down to about 5% HP and ran out of time, going to need to make sure everyone is geared well for it as its a drawn out fight and you need time to spare towards the end.


                                I'm gonna be on for about 6pm tonight and I'm going to dive right in and start putting event parties together for Primals, also if we have enough people on I think we should do some Dungeon runs as some warm ups, start with Darkhold then go for a Cutters Cry regular clear.

