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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Then...

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    Is it really that much of an issue? Looking forward to server coming back up.


      Originally posted by Rep View Post
      Is it really that much of an issue? Looking forward to server coming back up.
      I'd say not, its not that far now until they are 100% up.


        More because they haven't tested half the stuff coming/content/large parties and that invites problems, and problems early on tends to mean backlash and less than happy people, which would be a shame if it marred the launch. So yes, it does matter


          Hell it can't be any worse than the original launch


            Originally posted by djtickle View Post
            Level 20 Cap for Phase 4 and Early access. (Arcanist will be available)
            Can you source where you've seen that the level cap for Early Access is 20. I can see where they've said it applies for Phase 4 but not early access.


              Originally posted by C' View Post
              Can you source where you've seen that the level cap for Early Access is 20. I can see where they've said it applies for Phase 4 but not early access.
              # 08/08/2013 8th Producer Letter Live Translation # # Note: I’ll try my best to translate once again. # Live translations are much much harder than regular translations so I apologize in advance for any stuff I may miss during the live broadcast. For new people, I’m not a professional transla...

              f; ok beta 4 related
              f; in phase 4 please let us now the level cap and other that will be restricted
              y; cap is at 20 in phase 4, reason why is this is more of a demo version
              y; everyone played in other phases so it should be good
              y; we have contents up till lv20 in phase 4 also
              y; but at same time everything is in there just as the official version so it will have full voice and everything
              f; so you’ll be able to play just as if it’s official version
              y; yes
              y; not much will be different from open beta’s beginning and early access

              From that last line I assumed that the level cap would stay the same. It was a rough translation though so guess we will find out soon enough.


                I'm pretty sure they confirmed that there is no Level Cap in Early Access - Yoshi-p stated that there is no downtime between Early Access and Live so removing a Level Cap would be problematic. Also they said that Phase 4 is now intended as a "Demo Version" so really we will just be Beta Testing 30+ content during early access/launch.


                  Will they be updating the current client or will it be a new one?

                  Question is for both PS3 and PC versions.


                    Originally posted by shaffy_oppa View Post
                    Will they be updating the current client or will it be a new one?

                    Question is for both PS3 and PC versions.
                    New Client its available now! Won't update until the 20th though.


                      Originally posted by djtickle View Post
                      New Client its available now! Won't update until the 20th though.
                      So is there a new client for the PS3 to download now? Run the old beta to get it?


                        The new client for PS3 isn't available yet. Just the PC download. For both versions, you need a new client so you can uninstall the phase 3 software whichever version you have. It can't be updated to the final version.

                        Anyone know if the start dates for phase 4 that were announced last week were based on JPN time (i.e. the start date of the 16th will actually be around 10am on Thursday for us due to the time difference)?

                        This is partly just hoping on my part. Will be away from Friday to Monday this weekend so likely going to miss Phase 4.

                        Last edited by C'; 12-08-2013, 07:02.


                          Hope so! SE don't seem to be wanting to let us in on any information at the moment! The beta forum is filled with people complaining that 1 day isn't enough time for everyone to download Phase 4 of the game.

                          No info for PS3 people either yet, hopefully we will see some info today / tomorrow.


                            Just received my P4 PS3 Beta key, not tried to download yet. Wonder if Rare's timescales will be right, might be able to start DL Tomorrow!


                              The download works now. I've just been given a code by a friend and downloading it on my missus PSN as I type.

                              Just got to create a new SE management account for her now so she can start again as she was using a different PSN account and an NA code when she played phase 3.

                              Now I've got to wait for my code from SE too!


                                Hehe just got the XIV theme on my ps3 and I love it! All the sounds and everything are there haha really well done.

