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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Then...

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    looking to server transfer today but i dont think its up yet =/


      I think you will be good in a hour when the maint finishes Although like everything else I expect it to be congested.


        Fix your FFXIV Lag.

        PingZapper speeds up you online games, live streams, and network traffic

        Works a treat, you can use it free for 1hr then you have to reset or $4 for 30 days use. It's given me what feels like twice the amount of time to dodge out of the way of things and I'm no longer being hit even when I'm out of the area.

        Titan HM is a perfect test for it. Even if you only use it for the 1hr trial, just select the server that is closest to your game server and away you go. (New York or New York 2 for me). You will see a massive improvement even with the game just loading up.

        If anyone does sign up split the referrals between you all as it gives you and the referrer 30days extra free.

        My Referral name - tickle


          Put 15 hours into this and as much as I like the world, the game has no substance at all. It's just boring quests with the occasional big battle that feels like autopilot. Progression is dog slow, presumably to keep people paying the monthly fee.


            Originally posted by nakamura View Post
            Put 15 hours into this and as much as I like the world, the game has no substance at all. It's just boring quests with the occasional big battle that feels like autopilot. Progression is dog slow, presumably to keep people paying the monthly fee.
            I don't really feel like its that bad, but the game does lack interesting content and only really gets more interesting once you reach level 50. Not sure I would have stuck with it again if I had come to it new from the start of V2. If you do like mmo's though its worth sticking with.

            On the other hand after level 40 the story is awesome, the hard Primal battles are awesome and Coil is really good its just a shame you can only do it once a week once completed. I also like crafting but only as a break as after a while it becomes boring.

            Plenty of new content coming rumoured December though so that will be great ^^


              i transferred to excalibur the other week but havent logged in yet lol, sooner or later i might get the urge to have a go but find it so boring at the moment =/


                For me it picked up from 40+ in the main story, then Hard Mode Primals which are really the first major challenge. I just found the main story had alot of regular type filler quests which when doing on an already lvl 50 job was a bit annoying.

                Once you get to the more challenging parts it does pick up quite a bit.

                Managed to get a win on Titan today so just some Tome farming left for Relic, died in the last phase which I still haven't fully got the hang of yet, I know what to do but its very hectic and find something always KO's me.
                Last edited by mikewl; 03-11-2013, 18:10.


                  Wedge what's your current Relic/Darklight status? Want to start running a coil group next week.


                    Relic Bow
                    DL Body/legs/hands/feet the rest is mostly lvl 60 stuff.


                      Turn 1

                      Turn 2


                        Finally hit 50 last night on brd and cleared Cape Westwind. Anyone free this evening to help me wrap up the msq?


                          Few Coil tips of the top of my head -

                          Cap ACC this is really important for BRDs for silence, can make the difference between winning or not in turn 2.
                          HP is king for all. But saying that tanks will get flattened if they don't have at least DL.
                          iLVL70 Craft rings, neck, earrings - worth saving for over DL and Allagan as you will need to add VIT to them to have 4000 + HP for turn 5.
                          Always have food on at all times.
                          Last edited by djtickle; 11-11-2013, 10:07.


                            Ok, think I'm ready for turn 1.

                            Going to check my gear shortly and see if there is anywhere I can meld some ACC.


                              Like Dj says, BRD is probably the most important job for Turn 1 and 2, you can not afford to miss those High Voltage Silence. It's really hard to recover from it they go off, not impossible, but you don't want to try. It probably also has the most work to do. Later turns become more about high DPS output.We're at a full group for tomorrow night anyway, and will have Mumble available.


                                Good luck. Once you get the hang of it 1-4 can be cleared in under a hour. My group goes PLDx2, BLMx2, BRDx2, WHM and SCH. Seems to be the best setup.

