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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Then...

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    Interested to see what the best solo class will end up as - loved soling on RDM before they killed the game with Abysea. Duoing Rapido with Fission used to be fun as well, farmed up so much stuff with the two of us.


      So long Beta Phase 2. You gave me faith that I will enjoy the final release of A Realm Reborn.

      Will miss Handsoff Thepanda but phase 3 will see the glorious return Daisuke Oshiro, Rare Mihgero, Repp Penney (V1) and Tonco Haemon (V1).


        I played a little more the last two weekends and also had a lot of fun. Looking forward to finding out how I left things from v1 and playing ARR.


          I had a good blast on FFXIV last night and a brief spell this morning, I have to say I'm optimistic having played. Feels a very nice game, the controls felt a touch clunky but that maybe because I was still getting used to them. Looking forward to the real deal and I think Tsing will be reborn - was playing as Tsingtao Seraph.


            Now maybe time for abit more FFXI, quite a few back with Adoulin - saw Tox, Rep and Tobal on the other day.


              Looks like next phase won't be until June.


                Remember back in October when we said "bet the game will back online in January"...


                  lol, yup.


                    I said July.... Tox Musashi might be back when game re released....


                      Jobs will be back for phase 3 it seems.

                      Awesome BRD AF will be back!


                        Bunch of new info shamelessly stolen from Reddit

                        ・Official service start is during summer (Sale during when it's hot (weather))
                        ・Post 5/20 we will have information on sale date & CE details + pre-order starts
                        ・If you pre-order you can get early access
                        ・All legacy players will get early access
                        ・TV CM is being worked on, CM will be different from Japan/US
                        ・Aside from promo CM they are working on different stuff, planning to release info on that around June
                        ・New trailer around 3rd week of May (preparing several / showing Odin as well)
                        ・There is 6-7 in-game item in the CE edition (Such as FF1's main characters "Light Warriors" head gear)
                        ・For "Light Warrior" gear they are working on not only the head, but full gear
                        ・Beta test phase 3 is for early June
                        ・580,000 people is already (in/applied?) Beta test
                        ・UI will change in phase 3 (Will be faster/number of available options is probably #1 in the world (lots of config options))
                        ・Opening is implemented from phase 3 (voice included)
                        ・2nd Benchmark is going to release in between phase 3 and 4
                        ・PS3 versions optimization progressed and the quality got higher
                        ・Per YoshiP regarding PS4 version - we'll (probably) have it
                        ・PC version: High resolution texture will be looked into after DX11 is addressed
                        ・After launch, they are planning to ask different music composers to create music.
                        ・2-3 new BGM by Mizuta Noashi is planned for launch
                        ・Already asked Nobuo Uematsu for new music ?
                        ・Planning to sell OST, will have it in CE version as well
                        ・BLM's magic damage increases by casting in a row
                        ・The live demo video of Arcanist will be released around E3
                        ・Can go to Eureka (FF3's dungeon)
                        ・Will have 2 retainers (Within same world it's possible to share between characters)
                        ・Planning to implement a super retainer (temp name) which has more features
                        ・Difficulty to obtain Dark Light gear will be eased, will be something lower than primal gear
                        ・Need Relic to go Crystal Tower
                        ・Crystal Tower gear is higher than Relic, Bahamut gear is higher than this
                        ・With later added content it's possible to upgrade relic
                        ・FATE level sync is switched on manually through task list
                        ・There is no difference in convenience between starting nations
                        ・Swim suit will be redistributed, confirmed.
                        ・Shiva coming after Ramuh and Leviathan
                        ・Barber will be implemented through patch right after launch
                        ・Weather forecast NPC or Fat Chocobo coming after launch
                        ・Planning for in-game library (temp-name) (can read lore information and such)
                        ・Birthday even will be looked into later
                        ・Subligar (FF11's leg gear) will be looked into for release
                        ・In scenario staff there may be staff SE fan's know
                        ・SE's new CEO Matsuda is planned to appear around next letter LIVE
                        ・YoshiP's birthday May 1st, turning 40.
                        ・YoshiP: His favorite character from FF series is Cloud and Sephiroth
                        ・YoshiP: Has played over 4 digit numbers, done all the G rank solo, talked to Tsujimoto, might have something in future for colaboration.


                          A new CE hmm? Wonder how valuable it will make the CE from the original release. Must be quite collectable by now.


                            Some good stuff, HD textures hopefully will make it, was slightly disappointing how much they reduced character detail.


                              August 27th Dat Collector's Edition


                                hmm I was tempted to jump in at the ps3 version, but ps4 version on the way and with the way the xbox1 is going might be the way to go for me... I have no interest in updating my PC again unless it can't handle the future of HD codec's.

