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Zelda O.O.T. N64 or GameCube?

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    Zelda O.O.T. N64 or GameCube?

    Just started playing Ocarina of Time again and am playing it on the N64. Despite it's muddy look, I'm finding it really enjoyable and have gotten much further than when I started playing it on the cube.

    What does everyone prefer, the original or the Cube version?

    The original, just for the controls. And because it's not got them "pauses" between looking at the item screens.

    The GC one is purely a novelty tbh, you can't beat the original. I don't think it looks that much worse either.


      The original purely for the better control.


        Yeah the controls are better (Stupid GC Z button is what lets it down) plus if you've played it tons on the N64 the Pauses get really annoying. Still fantastic either way though!


          Yeah... N64 version, the controls are far superior.


            In places, the increased resolution of the GameCube release can make the game look worse - relatively low-polygon characters and some scrappy textures become more obvious. It wasn't designed to be seen in that high a res, and it shows (unlike GC Majora's Mask).

            That said, the Water Temple looks bloody gorgeous on it. But yeah, the N64 original is the one to go for, for the reasons given above.


              You wanna try this on the Ique - trying to work out where to take stuff to when the clues are in Chinese is pretty hard

              I can't stand the cube version, it looks awful in sharp res. Although the improved framerate does help reduce the eye pain...



                Playing the cube version feels like playing a ROM the most of times.


                  Aye, its a bit "disconnected" on whole although still well worth playing. I kinda wish you could reconfigure the buttons 'cos I kept reaching for N64 buttons layouts >_<

                  Master quest is defo. worth playing though, many a head scratching moment with that one!


                    I prefer the N64 version, but I'm still glad they bought it out for Cube. I wonder whether the Majora's Mask port in that Zelda Collection is any good, as I never got to finish it on the N64.


                      Originally posted by IcePak
                      I wonder whether the Majora's Mask port in that Zelda Collection is any good, as I never got to finish it on the N64.
                      Its worse than the OOT emulation. It has much more apparant pauses when moving between areas of Clock Town and the sound glitches. It also suffers from some crash bugs but I have never experienced any.

                      I sold my copies of the N64 Zeldas because the GC versions are nice and I cannot see myself hauling the system out any time soon but as is the case with most emulated titles, you are always better to play it on the original host system.

