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Wow! R@R3 Saturn titles

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    Wow! R@R3 Saturn titles

    So as Radiant Silvergun can be picked up for around 60 pounds nowdays, even Shinrei Jusatsushi Taromaru (if you can find it) will sell for just over the 100 pound mark. So what Saturn titles are the most desirable in Japan?

    Delisoba Deluxe - Game based on Courier Crisis but was a given away freebie. It was meant to be the 'Rarest' saturn game, but like most Rare games, one turns up then everyone finds one. Currently retailing for around Y65,000 in at least 3 shops (about 330 pounds, someone was trying to sell this on the forums for 1000 pounds, for that money you could have flown to Japan, stayed in a reasonable price hotel, bought the game, flown back and still have change... probably could have slept with a hooker too or at least picked someone up in a club with a semi hefty bar tab and would have more fun then playing this game and still have change..)

    Hein Waltz - Seems to be a home designing product and has a catalogue number GS-9121, in most Saturn lists this won't exist as the item never made it to a commercial release. Retailing for around Y100,000 (about 505 pounds) although have seen one shop selling it for over Y130,000 (about 665 pounds)

    Useful Home : Oregon And Basic - I don't even want to think what this game is, can't even tell from the screenshots at the back... although could be another home design product. Has a catalouge number too GS-9083 (this does appear on most Saturn lists). Retailing again for around Y100,000 (about 505 pounds), this seems rarer as I've only ever seen it in one shop.... ^_^;

    Any photos to prove I'm not talking nuts.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by MD; 24-08-2004, 01:06.

    Originally posted by MD
    Delisoba Deluxe - .... Currently retailing for around Y65,000 in at least 3 shops (about 330 pounds, someone was trying to sell this on the forums for 1000 pounds, for that money you could have flown to Japan, stayed in a reasonable price hotel, bought the game, flown back and still have change... probably could have slept with a hooker too or at least picked someone up in a club with a semi hefty bar tab and would have more fun then playing this game and still have change..)

    Thanks for an interesting post


      Delisoba Deluxe - Game based on Courier Crisis but was a given away freebie.

      How on earth is delisoba deluxe based on courier crisis, did you just make that up to look clever or do you have some facts to back that up?
      I can't see any resemblance whatsoever, they look and play completely different and are made by different companies.

      Anyway, not sure if you realise but those 3 "rare" games have been heavily discounted in japan steadily over a period of time.
      Sure you can get them for that price now in trader, but it wasn't the case when the economy was better, to me it seems to be more of a buyers market than it used to be.
      For all you know the guy selling delisoba for 1k bought it before the massive price drops and before most people even knew about it.

      BTW, isn't GS-9083 called eyeful home?


        Nice one MD, shows you that some people obviously try to rip people off


          Thats not always the case. I go to Akiba 3 to 4 times a week and that delisoba has only recently dropped in price. It was at around 150,000 yen a few weeks back. Plus, some stores around that area sell that game for around the 145,000 yen mark.


            nice post would love to see some more examples of r@r3 titles on other consoles


              XE-1 : Was going on what I was told by people in this very forum, not played either so wouldn't have know... Your right it's called Useful Eye : Oregon and Basic, not sure what happened there...

              Venom743 : When I was here last in er April Delisoba was going for around Y70,000-Y80,000. So I can't see why it would have double in price and then dropped heavily after that, unless you saw the copy in Super Potato, who lets face it aren't exactly the cheapest people when it comes to R@re games. Seen it twice for around 65,000 Yen in two stores too... Anyway we should meet up one day, have a sake, discuss the virtues of the pricing in Akihabara.

              Ince : I'll find some rare games and post pics of them, will try and find the rare Famicom game that goes for Y200,000+

              Elec Boo : Just think that the market for rare games has fallen a lot, one of the reasons why I am missing a lot of the common rare games (ie the ones that are a lot of money but I always see), just waiting for them to go down in price.
              Last edited by MD; 25-08-2004, 14:16.


                I paid about ?1150 for Delisoba and Toramaru at the time so I'd hardly say I was deliberately trying to rip someone off.

                I new no one was going to buy it anyway, just thought it was worth a try.

                We don't all get to be as fan fekking tastic as the mighty MD and go to Japan every 2 weeks to check out the prices. Still, nice to see he is spouting off about a game he doesn't know anything about for a change


                  Every 2 weeks, ah if only.

                  £1150? Ouch, I feel the pain that your wallet took. Although I wouldn't spend more then £100 on a game unless I knew I was very unlikely to find another copy ever. Still you have the games now and your happy with them, I feel sorry for the guy that spend £300 on the Dural CG disc and that can be picked up for about £10 or less.

                  Yes sadly I can't know about the hundred thousand games ever made, although I'm sure you or someone reply to a thread with this game in it that mentioned courier crisis somewhere, either on this forum or another.


                    Out of curiosity you've mentioned the rarest saturn games, the rarest DC games, but whatis the rarest snes and N64 game?



                      I'll take some picture of rare SFC games, but the really rare ones don't appear in shops or they do as display pieces mainly things like gold games given away as prizes.

                      Not seem a rare N64 that was in a display cabinet but they do exist, I'll look at DC...


                        How about that Virtual Boy game based on the various Pipedream games. Only ever seen 1 copy on ebay in excess of ?500.



                          The 2 games are completely different MD.
                          It's like comparing crazy taxi to outrun, courier crisis is a free roaming game while delisoba is an a-b game.
                          Delisoba completed my cave ss/ps1+2 collection so I don't care how much it has devalued over the past 18 months or so tbh.
                          It is very surprising to see how much I could have saved if I had waited a bit longer.

                          I'm not ashamed to say I paid about 800 for it when it was reduced the beginning of the year, that excludes any money I paid to send a wire transfer/ems shipping/customs duty as it was insured....Probably ended up being closer to 900 squid.

                          Depending on the condition of Big Al's, I would have happily paid a grand for a nice one last year.
                          I don't think Big Al is trying to rip anyone off with his price tag, with games like these you either bite the bullet and pay through the nose or play the never ending waiting game for things to come down in price.

                          Unfortunately the 3 not for sale SS games have done an enron, ever since april those games have devalued almost a quarter in some shops going by what you have written, if you go back a bit further you will know how much the 3 have devalued in just a year.
                          You don't mention what condition those 3 games are in though, even if there is a minute sign of damage it affects the selling price considerably.
                          Are you sure traders copy is in nice condition for 65,000 yen?
                          Last edited by XE-1; 26-08-2004, 20:31.


                            Hmm not really any rare N64 games unless you count beta carts. Echo delta & Doubutsu banchou (aka animal leader/cubivour) are pretty rare,

                            As for commercial released games go its hard to guess as it depends where you live in japan. Some games are harder to find some areas than others. Puyo puyon fever is quite a hard title to find.


                              XE-1 : Ah okay, I'm going to blame faulty second hand information then. Was it really done by Cave? O_o

                              Yeah I know that the price of this game was high, but that's the thing about collecting is knowing when to buy the games, but I think as a whole since the Ebay hype of a few years ago prices have dropped like a stone and it's sometimes the case that you can buy games on Ebay cheaper then you can in Japan. ^_^; As a case in point, Eliminate Down on the Megadrive, I remember a friend saying it was like Y40,000 a few years ago, dropped to about Y20,000 last year (and was still selling for over $150 on Ebay) down to around Y9800 which is what I paid for my copy. But it is the waiting game, but I can't think of many titles that have held their price that well in the last 2 years, I think Space Invaders on Virtual Boy (still goes for Y100,000 or so) being one of the few...

                              Still what matters is that your happy.

                              Yes the Trader version was in very nice condition, not ultra mint but mint enough that most collectors would happily bank the 500 quid... So you up for buying Hein Waltz then?

                              Importaku - Puyo Puyonnn Party really that uncommon? Ah sod it I'll buy an N64 today, damn you Nintendo.

