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    Sounds good...although I already own a JPN AES so masses of red blood being hosed at the screen 'Shogun Assasin' style, is already a reality for me 8)

    I've yet to see these massive bouncing breasts that everyone goes on about in certain games...what games on the AES feature such delightful 'assets'

    I've heard that there is a button combo you can do on the joystick that brings up some sort of this true or complete crap?


      I've yet to see these massive bouncing breasts that everyone goes on about in certain games...what games on the AES feature such delightful 'assets'
      Mai in king of fighters, she's also in some Fatal Fury games but i dont think she's as bouncy.

      God knows why its so overhyped 2bh.

      Edit just found this on

      Last edited by Pij; 06-10-2004, 07:37.


        Originally posted by mickyboy
        Sounds good...although I already own a JPN AES so masses of red blood being hosed at the screen 'Shogun Assasin' style, is already a reality for me 8)

        I've yet to see these massive bouncing breasts that everyone goes on about in certain games...what games on the AES feature such delightful 'assets'
        Sure I covered your questions on these things before, dude

        Anyway, the blood/bouncy thing is more about the blood than the bouncy, and more about the censorship than the blood, when it comes down to it. No-one wants to be censored like a child would be, especially over something so unthreatening as Mai's bouncy boobs (every girl I've ever seen play the game has picked Mai straight away...what does that tell you? Certainly not that it's disgusting and degrading and needs censorship) and the odd squirt of claret.

        A debug BIOS (Basic Input Output System - think of it like the framework of a building. Without it, nothing would work) chip sits over the original BIOS and allows access to things like number of credits, difficulty settings (where they don't already exist) - basically, the functions you'd get as an arcade operator (this BIOS-fiddling is available from the off with MVS).

        The only real reason to own one as an AES owner is to choose the territory of a game - useful for getting the blood and boobies back. The best thing I found using mine is that you can have simultaneous 2player on Viewpoint instead of turn-by-turn (an MVS feature removed from the AES release).

        No real point to getting one now you have a Jpn AES, unless A) you're a completist and B) like modding machines, like I do

        Any more questions, feel free!

        I've heard that there is a button combo you can do on the joystick that brings up some sort of this true or complete crap?
        Yes, there's both a joystick/button test and the memory card manager available with button presses. Read Chris Mullin's invaluable FAQ and also Ralph Barbagallo's. Ralph's explains the memory card screen and the joystick test screen.
        Last edited by Treble; 08-10-2004, 11:47.


          My girlie luvs Mai, but hates that I like Mai too.




            When I first got my AES, I was totally in awe of everything about it. From the size of the machine to the size of the controller, from the size of the cartridges to the eye popping arcade quality of the games.

            It's safe to say, I had finally found my ultimate games console.

            And just when I thought things couldn't get any better...I picked up a copy of King of Fighters 98

            What a product!!!

            I know it sounds abit poncey but even before I played the game I knew I had something special. I do love that chunky snap lock design of the case, it makes the already good, older cases look total crap in comparision.

            The game itself is excellent, way beyond what I was expecting. I love the way the backgrounds scroll smoothly behind the fighters. It kind of gives you a 3D effect within a 2D game. The sound is terrific, really good sampled speech and attack noises.

            I've already got KoF '94 ( which I love ) and in KoF '98 it's clear where all those extra MB have gone. As I played it, totally full screen with all the blood and stereo sound, my jaw dropped onto the floor...again 8)

            Now I have seen a higher spec game in action, I can only imagine what the top Metal Slug looks like during play...better do some extra shifts at the graveyard and start saving

            Thanks for those links Treble however the first one, the Chris Mullins one doesn't seem to work, is it out of date?

            Anyway, back to KoF '98, I've got some serious arse kicking to do...yay!!!

            BTW the art for the cover of KoF '98 is cracking me up. Who at SNK decided that the cover art for this ultra violent, blood fest should feature the characters having a laugh and a glass of Pimms around the pool.

            It looks like a scene from a really bad porn movie from the early 90's...except, obvisously, there should be some girls there too, haaaaa haaaa
            Last edited by mickyboy; 11-10-2004, 23:38.


              I love inappropriate 2D fighter art: Japanese SF Zero 3 is my fav:

              looks like a toontown school reunion...


                I'm not sure what's just happened?

                I feel like someone has drugged my Horlicks, I feel all spaced out and trippy.

                I've just played Sengoku for the first time and to say it was a bizaare experience is an under statement.

                What the Hell was all that about then?

                Controlling some geezer who looks like Michael Jackson in Thriller and getting sucked up into the sky even now and again and battling some really obscure ( and VERY colourful ) enemies was very enjoyable.

                THEN...I turned into a dog ( eh? ) and then, later on I kicked some ass whilst running on a load stampeding horses. Now, that's original!!!

                I understand alot of people hate this game, I can see the graphics are abit ****ty and the music is, well...non existent. I know the gameplay, WILL get tiresome very quickly but for the hour I was playing it, I really enjoyed it.

                Am I the only one who thinks this game is quite good?

                Not great, not even good but quite good and for the price I paid ( ?17 BRAND NEW ) I feel it was fun to play and I'll definately be going back for more.

