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Retrovision Gaming Event

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    Retrovision Gaming Event

    Greetz All... sorry to blast in and anounce this and I really hope I'm not breaking amy forum protocal, please advise me if I am. It is not my intention to offend any rules.
    With some help from and the guys there they thought it would be totally worthy of letting you all know about the next event!

    Other than this event which is going to feature some lovely atari machines Shuming from will be around with Nick Harlow from Jagfest. retrovision is now in it's 5th incarnation and is also now massively a part of ... the site thats is hopefully going to keep this scene alive. We are involved with Chris Abbott from Back in Time for this project as retro music is as important as gaming.

    As far as this site is concerned any advise or suggestions you would like to make would be great. These forums are great and I've been lurking for some time... I was a member some time ago but lost my login... bum!

    Anyway, Retro rocks! and so does this place


    Greetz All... sorry to blast in and anounce this and I really hope I'm not breaking amy forum protocal, please advise me if I am. It is not my intention to offend any rules.
    You probably are. If you have been 'lurking' around for some time you should really have asked the site owner or a mod. Suppose you could ask for retrospective permission.

    Anyway the forum rules are here:


      Sure, I'm sorry, my only defence is that this is not for personal gain, more the gain of the scene. I appoligise for any error on my part and totally respect the views here.


        I'm sure it'll be OK.

        However, the design of that website is a crime against humanity, and eyesight in general.


          Originally posted by Tom Salter
          I'm sure it'll be OK.

          However, the design of that website is a crime against humanity, and eyesight in general.
          well, it is retro 80's .... Actually, it has proved very useful... if nothing else it does what it says on the tin. Retro Gamer are doing an article on it. And for me it makes a wonderful change from the design on parts of the Thames Valley Police site... all very dull but imformative I'm told.


            I'm only kidding, it looks very good in a retro way

            There's far worse in the wide open seas of the Internet anyway ;p


              ... cool ... it is different but aimed if you see what I mean... hell, just load 10000 colours into a canon and fire them at the screen... hey presto :-)


                some additions to the special guest list... It's a very warm welcome to Chris Abbott, Jon Hare and Marcel Donne! SIDsters unite! Wonderful news! Looking forward to it myself :-)
                Last edited by Retrovision; 30-09-2004, 22:15.


                  Nice advert even if it does have the normal stuff on it...

                  Some guy playing an old arcade machine? Check
                  Some women, probably at the pub down the road? Check
                  Some stall with games on it? Check
                  Some new game so retro isn't the main focus? Check
                  Some guys sitting in a chair stoned to a game? Check
                  Some really bag fonts? Check
                  Website that looks like it was attacked by someone using an Amiga? Check
                  Some special guests that have been to many a retro show? Check

                  Is there a retro event that Chris Abbott doesn't go to? ^_^

                  Anyway good luck with the show, I won't be able to go as I already have commitments in Chicago, probably beating some American gamer over the head with the importance of the Spectrum over the Apple ][.


                    Thanks for the good luck... the show is growing by the minute... it's a Back In Time reunion too now... fab!



                      How good is the line up looking! Jeff Minter, Chris Abbott, Marcel Donne, Jon Hare, Mark Knight and the ever wonderful Mr Ben Daglish! + the side show, the *other* suprise guests, Retro noise and gaming from, STteam, RetroPassion, ConsolePassion, Boz n Kenz Back In Time, Games Exchange + RetroVision itself! ... :-) + a great bar! top prizes in the raffle and of course a giant with a green head! :-)

                      4 days of Retro Gaming ... Saturday Night Concert! is going to be one hell of a ride!



                        and can be ordered direct from OR Slight change but basically the same idea, just added a red fire button and a mono RV logo underneath. Still cool! even if I say so myself....

