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Japanese MD games. Help!

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    Japanese MD games. Help!

    What is the English translation for these two games.

    Cheers in advance.

    The 1st one is easy. Magical Flying Hat Turbo Adventure.

    No idea about the other game.


      Right one : Maoh renjishi

      Flying Hat Adventure is cheap & great.
      Last edited by Baseley09; 05-12-2004, 13:40.


        It's some Kabuki fighting game.


          The second one is Kabuki Warrior. I can't remember it's original Japanese name though. It's a strange side scrolling beat'em up with naff graphics but still quite fun.



            The Taito game sells for silly money in Japan, most shops having it for at least Y8000.... >_< Although personally I wouldn't pay more then a tenner for it...


              Originally posted by MD
              The Taito game sells for silly money in Japan, most shops having it for at least Y8000.... >_< Although personally I wouldn't pay more then a tenner for it...
              It's a bit crap isn't it. Thats why they are going on ebay tonight.


                Back in the day we used to have an absolute pile of that Kabuki game instock.

                Maybe thats why they are quite expensive in Japan? I bet we had a fair percentage of all the copies ever made sitting under the counter

                No idea what happened to them in the end though...i wish i did.


                  Magical Flying Hat Turbo Adventure is one of my all time fave MD games. It's fun, colourful, sounds great and is totally bonkers to boot.

                  It's loosely based on the Master System classic Psycho Fox. It was released in the West as Decapattack (with different graphics and music).


                    Magical Flying Hat Turbo Adventure has more drug references in it than the whole rave scene! Just visiting the shop and buy one of those brightly colour pills of that weird looking old fella was an experience. You didn't know if the screen was going to start shaking or the little fella would suddenly be able to run faster than Sonic. Drug fuelled Japanese madness.


                      I liked the pill that turned you into a massive mecha gorilla with a huge cannon on his back.


                        Psycho Fox was fabulous, I played that game to death. Bird Fly was too cool

