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Famicom Collectors

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    Famicom Collectors

    Are there any Famicom collectors hiding in here? I don't have a great deal of Famicom games about 35 oddish... most are racing games with a mix of Golf, platform, puzzle, mahjong, fighters and shooters.

    Favourites include...

    Gradius - Nice arcade conversion
    Family Racing '91 - Nice overhead racing game.
    Fighting Golf - Golf game by SNK
    Family Boxing - Also know as Ring King. Nice boxing game with moustaced blokes, sadly doesn't have the fighter known as Brown pants...
    Tiger Heli - See Gradius
    Klax - As good as the Japanese Megadrive version.
    Great Deal - Columns like Puzzle game with cards.
    Highway Star - Nice racing game released by Squaresoft...
    Super Mario Brother - Do you need a reason?
    Urusei Yatsura - Nice platformer based on the manga.

    Bubbling under F1 Race, Excitebike, Namcot Golf, F1 Hero, Pole to win

    Milk & Nutz is my fave.

    Unfortunately only "Famicom" game i have is Super 42 in 1. Havn't got a machine atm, should pick up a PikaOne or similar if I can be arsed.


      I only have Metal Gear at the moment. The next game I'm after is Duck Tales and course I still need to spend money on a AV Famicom to play them


        You rang?

        (did I mention features this article in the links section?)

        Good games? I always liked:
        Sweet Home (unofficial pre-quel to Biohazard and genuinely excellent/chilling)
        metal gear (and the USA exclusive Snakres Revenge)
        Huang-Di (China only)
        Kinnikuman (loved this wrestling game)

        Quite a few nice Disc System only games too.
        Too many to list overall.

        Wonderful little system, the first that utilised speech recognition (if you can call it that) and a modem. Plus you could program your own games for it with FamiBAS.

        It was also the birth place for many great franchises.

        tbh, part of the reason I love it so, is the massive bootleg market that surrounds it, with vast amounts of bizzarre bootleg-only titles available.

        Nothing like browsing the Russian black market when its only 5 degrees C while wearing a bear fur coat and haggling over Famicom bootleg games and jars of baluga caviare. (both of which the smokey looking merchant probably got off the back of a truck). Or crossing vast distances on the African continent to visit markets where the locals sell native artwork alongside Chinese/Hong Kong immigrants eager to sell you the latest piece of freshly copied software. (sometimes including USA exclusives games that were copied onto Famicom carts... or sometimes something even rarer)

        Expect detailed info on this to appear sometime soon.


          that's the best post I've ever read. Serious!

          *applause of a hearty nature*


            I've been thinking of picking up famicom after winning (what i thought was an actual famicom) a famicom MD holder in a Ufo Catcher machine the other night.

            I just want to buy back some of the games i had when i was a kid. Games like...

            Donkey Kong
            Punch Out
            Duck Hunt
            Castlevania 1 & 2
            Mario Bros
            Mario 2 (yup i know i can't get this on famicom)
            Mario bros 3
            excite bike

            Does anyone know if any of these are particualy rare now? (MD japanese prices ****teru no?)and can i get all the above (Bar Mario 2) on Japanese format, Also anyone have any personal recommendations on gems to pick up.

            Last edited by tokyochojin; 08-12-2004, 06:51.


              Well Mario 2 on the NES is funnily enough called Mario USA on the Famicom...

              Donkey Kong, Duck Hunt and Punch Out boxed and complete will cost you about Y6000 to Y10000 if you can find it. Although with Duck hunt finding a compatable gun will be the most fun with teh black colt like gun costing a small fortune, you can however rewire a Zapper gun quite easily...

              Turtles is Gekikame Ninja Den (let you work out the meaning...)
              Probotector is just Contra

              Castlevania II - Simons Quest is Dracula II which only exists on Famicom Disc System but you can get the first and 3rd game on cartridge. Akumajo Dracula & Akumajo Densetsu. Look out for the cutesy Akumajo Special Boku Dracula Kun which is part of the Akumajo Dracula world (of sorts....).

              Most of these games boxed and complete will start from Y2000 and go upwards.. Contra being around Y5000 when I saw it. You can however just buy them unboxed and then they will start from about Y200 and go upwards.


                Great so Mario 2 is available on the famicom, great stuff.

                As for the boxes, yeah its pretty rare to find anything mint on the famicom as the cases nintendo made were ****e tbh.
                I'm a gamer not a collector so i don't mind just having a cart, and yeah i guess i can re-wire the gun, its pretty easy to find a zapper and junk pad so.....

                Shame about Simons Quest as its my fave Castlevania game.

                Gekikame Ninja Den, something daft like 'Legend of Mutant Ninja Turtles' i guess

                Cheers MD, apprecciated.

                Btw; is "Mario USA" particualy rare?
                Last edited by tokyochojin; 08-12-2004, 06:46.


                  No saw it many a time for around Y3000 boxed and complete.

                  It's worth shopping around for FC games as prices can vary a lot...


                    Why don't you look for the original that Mario USA was based on when they changed it for the US market?
                    Doki Doki Panic wasn't it called?
                    Same gameplay, but the sprites dont look like the mario ones. Interesting piece of nostalgia there.

                    As for the Disk based SMB2, its on cart if you know where to look.


                      Are there any Famicom collectors hiding in here?

                      Oh definately. I'm a brand based collector myself. Anything labelled with Nintendo, Namcot or Taito and I'm after it. I especially like the original text-based HVC carts.


                        Sorry to necro-bump an old thread, but... Well, is anyone still collecting these? I'm looking at buying one myself and would like to pick someone's brains on pricing, accessories etc etc.


                          I love the Famicom

                          Here are my games (apologies for the picture quality)

                          I'm currently looking for a MIB Famicom Robot and Gyromite set.


                            Yahoo Japan is your friend mate,. If you need help on that just let me know.



                              Nice collection there Lord of Swede, especially since I see Contra in there

                              I was just wondering how much I ought to be looking to pay for a machine, and how much boxed games usually go for (assuming they're not rare or otherwise exceptional)? I've got my eye on a couple of things on fleabay but I'm not going to go buying the first ones I see if they turn out to be overpriced.

                              Specific titles I'm definately interested in are Contra, Super C, Famicom Wars and River City Ransom (which iirc is quite rare but I may be getting confused with the PC Engine ver.). Other than that, loads of old Konami games, all the obvious Mega Man and Mario etc. and any curios I can find.
                              Last edited by MattyD; 12-04-2008, 11:46.

